Everyone Stops the Selfless Tortures - Chapter 75 - Helluva_Sus (2024)

Chapter Text

It took some time for Stolas to realize he had hinted Blitz that this wasn’t his first panic attack, but the imp hadn’t brought it up, so… Either he didn’t notice, or he didn’t care. Both were fine with the owl. He was still afraid Blitz’s help has been motivated mainly by practical aspects, but it had truly felt nice, to have someone beside him in those moments, despite the added rush of stress it first caused him.

Now, barely two days later, it was time to prepare for their second self-defense lesson! Even better, Octavia was still there until the start of next week because of her mother’s schedule, which was all better in Stolas’ eyes, and not just because it kept Stella away. Maybe he would be able to not see her at all this week? It went well until now, and he hadn’t even particularly tried hard to avoid her.

At least, the gear Blitz had suggested him to defend or train during the lessons had arrived, a bit later than expected but still in time, so Stolas wasn’t complaining.

It would be an evening without his daughter, but he wouldn’t be alone anyway thanks to the imp, so he didn’t mind too much. Plus, Via was going to some festival to see a concert with Loona, and it felt nice to see these two were getting along even more now. Stolas had even heard Via speak about Loona’s friends, saying they were nice and she’d see them again today.

To Stolas’ dismay, Via wasn’t mastering the portals without the grimoire yet enough to be able to take herself and Loona there, but the owl still made sure the both of them had a safe transportation there, since Blitz would be using the van to come to the palace later, after work. He could have used the crystal, but he seemed to prefer leaving it at the office and not use it for other purposes, and he refused Stolas’ offer to portal him. As for the girls, they had feared loosing the gem not so long ago and therefore didn’t want to risk it in a place full of people.

The prince had made sure to renew the spell on his daughter, and even placed one on Loona and the imp couple from IMP, just in case. With everything happening, it felt safer that way, until he could start his moves, but that would have to wait for next week.

But right now, he had some catch up to do on his work. Not that he could avoid all his tasks even with Via here, but he hadn’t been too busy these past few weeks and hoped it would remain that way, for he had a lot on his mind. Yet, there was still a bare minimum to be done, so he settled on it, asking for refreshments to his staff soon after he got started, to make sure he wouldn’t wander off if he was to go to the kitchen by himself. He… May have been a bit too easygoing this week, and it wasn’t a habit he should take, not when the next one was threateningly close by.

Still, once said bare minimum was done, he was quick to abandon his study to go to the room he had dedicated to their self-defense lessons. His staff was told to put the gear received there, but he hadn’t unpacked yet, and he had to admit, he wanted to do so before Blitz’s arrival, because as much as he loved to chat with his imp, he also knew he probably wouldn’t be as well physically for their next training, so better take some advance on the hiding blades in clothes part so they could focus on the other aspects Blitz had been interested about last time.

That was what he was planning anyway, smiling in light excitement, before he froze in the door frame, blinking as his eyes narrowed on an imp rummaging through the newly arrived boxes, an imp who definitely wasn’t from his staff nor was Blitz, but an imp he still immediately recognized nonetheless.

A tall snake hybrid, still with his cowboy hat and clothes, not even bothering to blend in.

“Finally Stolas, I was on the verge of asking him to fetch you!”

Stolas’ head quickly turned to spot Stella, sitting on a chair against the wall in a corner out of sight for newcomers. Well, that explained why Striker was here, not that he was very surprised since she was the one to hire him too last time they met.

But the fact that they were here, in this room of all places, put dread in Stolas’ stomach. Striker stopped his search to turn an evil grin to him, tail lashing as he stood up.

“Well well, we meet again feathers! What were ya hopin’ to achieve with these, uh?” He asked holding a thin blade, almost like a needle.

“That is what I was wondering indeed”, Stella snickered, standing up too to approach Stolas.

The owl had to use every trick he knew of to compose himself and not outright panic, because it didn’t take a genius to understand what was going on, and it was bad. He wasn’t sure how to interpret the imp’s presence instead of the three hellhounds, but he could only hope it was related to the unplanned aspect of Stella’s visit and not something else.

There was also a part of him actively muzzling his fighting instinct, that had been reinforced by his first self-defense lesson with Blitz and the closeness of the second. Stella was probably suspecting it, as she got her phone out to wave in his face as she stopped before him, showing once again Blitz in the meeting room, probably freshly returned from Earth given the blood on his and his employees’ clothes.

“You don’t want anything to happen to him, right? Not even that little warning shot we discussed? Then you’ll be obedient and honest, and if you’re convincing enough, you’ll be the only one to suffer the consequences, alright?”

There was a twitch in Stolas’ hands but he forced himself not to clench his fists as he nodded, trying to go for a blank expression again rather than a scared or pissed one despite the unexpectedness of the situation.

“You’ll need to do better than that”, the swan warned him with a threatening smile.

“Will do”, was all he could answer, trying to sound neutral here too.

She gauged him for a while with disdain before smiling slowly.

“A bit better! Now, answer the question: what is all this?”

“Defensive weapons”, he answered, not willing to explain everything with too much details.

“Against who?”

“Attackers. These aren’t meant for you or your lackeys if that is your worry, I have other ways if I wanted to dispose of nefarious intruders in my own house. I don’t need any weapon against hellhounds or imps and you’ll notice none of those are blessed.”

She hummed for a moment, thinking.

“That’s right, but it doesn’t mean it’s okay. One could easily get the wrong idea.”

“Gotta agree, looks like you want stuff to free yourself should you find yourself bound in blessed rope again”, Striker snickered.

“Well, that is indeed the idea”, Stolas forced himself to confirm, since it seemed like the spy app on his phone could probably read his texts with Blitz too, maybe even listen to what happened around it. If he wasn’t such a fool, he’d have been more careful knowing the risks brought by this app. Now was a bit late, but it was still good to know. He could only be glad he hadn’t said or texted anything more dangerous that his ex wife could have heard or read.

“And still, you’re telling me this isn’t to mess with my fun with you?” Stella insisted.

“It isn’t. Again, you’re predictable, if I didn’t want to comply, I would do so before being restrained. Plus, messing with your fun, as you say, would endanger Blitz, and the whole point of this is to keep him safe, isn’t it?”

It was the only moment he allowed a hint of threat in his own voice, a reminder that his pushover facade wouldn’t last if she ever did anything to said imp.

She shrugged, still smiling at him.

“I won’t find them on you then, next time I come by? That wouldn’t sent a very good message, understood?”

“Ma’am, you don’t want to throw these?” Striker asked, confused.

“No need, he’d be able to order others through the staff. Though, feel free to keep anything you’d like, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, right? But I’m not here for that! Since it seems the imp was the one to initiate this, let’s just say the punishment falls fully on you for not refusing. Now, let’s go, shall we?”

If that was all the questions she had, then it wasn’t as bad as Stolas had feared, especially if she didn’t intend to hurt Blitz. He worried she would make use of said warning shot, and he wasn’t sure he would have been able to stay put if she had, but she probably knew as much. Which meant, either she wouldn’t, or she would once he was powerless. He shouldn’t forget she probably had planned something special for him as a retaliation.

Whatever it was though, it was obvious Striker’s presence was one of last minute. Either that, or he really didn’t like working directly under a royal’s orders that way, with his employer present and being able to dictate his every move. He also didn’t seem to know how she usually operated, but was doing a decent job of following the flow.

Still, Stolas filled that in his mind. He couldn’t act up now, and wouldn’t, but the hybrid was an unknown factor, there was no telling what he would do or how he would react. The Goetia hadn’t forgotten what the tall imp did to him last time, which was a bad omen for what was about to come, but he couldn’t fight back yet again. He simply hoped Striker wouldn’t have another idea of more… Permanent injuries. He had done a good job at putting up a good facade for Octavia, he didn’t want for all of this to have been in vain, though at least she didn’t worry for as long as it lasted.

The changes were indeed quick to happen, for Striker didn’t lock the door behind him and barely waited for the owl to put his phone away before putting forcefully his arms behind his back to tie him up with blessed rope.

“Not a fan of handcuffs?” Stolas couldn’t help but ask, managing not to sound too snarky.

“Why, it would have suited your fancy tastes better? Sorry, I trust these more”, Striker smiled as he deliberately tied the knot as tight as he could, before patting the owl down to make sure he had no blades already hidden on him.

Stolas moved his fingers a bit, and internally winced at the numb feeling already spreading. By the time they were done, he was sure as hell not to be able to feel his hands at all.

His body harshly hit the floor before he could understand what had happened, and he was kicked to roll in the direction Stella has taken a sit.

“This view good enough for you ma’am?” Striker asked, seemingly too happy to have another occasion to torture the owl to ponder much about who was paying him.

“Perfect”, Stella purred. “Now, you have what I asked for I hope?”

“Of course. Wan’ me to start with that?”

“Oh yes!” She answered with a wide sick smile, but Stolas’ attention was instantly drawn somewhere else as Striker pulled out a blessed knife, which also seemed coated with something, but with a slightly different texture, though it also appeared to be some transparent gel or sticky liquid.

“You remember that, right?” Striker asked, playing with the knife as he knelt. “Don’t move.”


Everyone turned to who yelled that, and they couldn't believe who it was standing there. It was none other than Brandon Rogers, a popular entertainer online.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me!" Stella groaned, "Why is there a human in here?!"

"Better question is, why does he sound awfully familiar to Blitzo?" Stolas wondered.

"I'm Brandon Rogers, and I'm the voice actor of Blitzo from Helluva Boss," Brandon explained, "One good friend of mine showed me the Selfless fanfic, and after what I read, I am so f*ckING APPALLED! Stella, this birdie has been through enough sh*t as it is in the canon show. Why are you subjecting him to this?!"

Everyone was at loss of words of what Brandon just said. There were voice actors voicing them? And they were all part of some fanfiction?

"Wait, if Blitzo is being voiced by you, then who's voicing us?!" Striker asked.

"Well, Stolas, you're voiced by Bryce Pinkham. Stella, you're voiced by Georgina Leahy, who is ironically enough a very kind and respectful woman. And Striker, you got two voice actors. You were originally voiced by Norman Reedus in the Harvest Moon Festival episode, but now you are voiced by Edward Bosco."

"What the hell?! Why am I being voiced by Georgina?! I heard she's terrible!" Stella tried to claim, but in truth, she didn't knew who this woman is.

"Um, Brandon, can you please untie me from these ropes? I can't feel sh*t because Mr. I Hate Royalty Yet I Work For Them tied them too tightly!" Stolas exclaimed.

"Oh, boo hoo, prince!" Striker mocked before glaring at Brandon, "And you better not try and free him or else Blitzo is dead!"

"YEAH! TAKE THIS!" Stella yelled as she threw something at Brandon, causing him to turn to his grandpa character.

"Try me bitch!" Grandpa Brandon threatened as he threw the candy back at Stella.

"YOU KNOW WHAT?! I'VE HAD IT!!! WE'RE GONNA DESTORY HELLUVA BOSS AND MAKE THIS FANFIC CANON TO THE SERIES TO TRIGGER THE FANGIRLS OF STOLAS AND BLITZO!!!" Striker proclaimed as he began to try and find a way to stop the show. But Brandon was one step ahead of him. He turned into his Karen character and started to attack Striker with his purse.

"Don't you dare ruin the show! I'll sue you!" Karen Brandon yelled as he continued to attack Striker.

"BACK THE f*ck OFF!!!" Striker screamed as he tried to stab Brandon, but Brandon grabbed his arm and twisted it to a point where it broke, causing him to scream.


But before Stella could even grab her phone, Brandon knocked her down on the ground and held her down as he untied Stolas and restrained Stella with the very angelic rope.

"NO!!! GET OFF OF ME!!!" Stella screamed, but Brandon ignored her.

"Now, let's see what this gel in the knife can do..." Brandon menacingly said.

"NO!!! DON'T!!!" Striker yelled as he charged at Brandon, but Stolas held him. Brandon then sank in one go in her thigh until the weapon’s guard blocked it’s plunge, earning a scream from Stella.

“That’s the sound I want to hear!” Brandon’s voice pleasantly cooed, but Stolas looked worried.

"Um, Brandon... I don't think you should-" Stolas was suddenly interrupted when Brandon removed the blade with a twist, and the high pitched shriek escaped Stella before she could process what was happening.

“Aaah, such nice sounds...” Brandon couldn’t help but tease.

"NO!!! STOP!!! I WAS SUPPOSE TO DO THAT TO STOLAS!!! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSE TO HURT STELLA!!! LEAVE HER ALONE!!! PLEASE!!! SHE DOESN'T DESERVE ANY OF THIS!!!" Striker begged as he cried, not wanting the swan princess to be hurt. But it was no use. All Striker could do was watch as Brandon continued to assault Stella with the blessed knife while tearing off her dress. Whatever product was on that blade, it was way too efficient. Stella’s poor mind was quickly put in a haze of pain as Brandon kept going, trying to get as much screams and sounds of pain as he could from the swan, slicing her right side, stabbing her right shoulder next, then her arm below, before applying pressure on each of the fresh wounds. He even went as far as breaking the bone beneath her thigh wound, surpassing all other pains before with the added feeling of the bone breaking and the tissues from the already present stab wound tearing up even more. Once his victim was too exhausted to yell, he kept going with a beating, until Stolas stopped him.

"Brandon, please! You've done enough! Stella's going to die from too much pain!" Stolas pleaded. Brandon thankfully stopped, but then forced Stella to open her mouth and spat in her mouth, making her swallow it.

"Torture's not so fun when you're on the other hand, huh bitch?" Brandon mocked, "Let this be the last time you try and hurt him. Not unless I'll do worse. Now f*ck off. Both of you."

Striker still wept as he gently and carefully carried the swan princess out of the room, both crying from the pain and hatred Brandon inflicted upon them. Despite his usual goofiness, when pissed, Brandon was a force not to be messed with. Once Stella and Striker were out of the room, Stolas let out a sigh.

"Brandon, I understand that Stella and her goons were doing to me was completely terrible and unacceptable, and I agree that it needed to be stopped," Stolas began, "But... what you did to her was just as wrong. You aren't any better than her or her goons doing this. I get you wanted to try an 'eye for an eye' type punishment, but I don't think that was right. These blessed knifes are enough to leave a demon in serious damage if they're not fatally killed. Worse of all, how will Octavia react to finding out her mother was assaulted and tortured in such a terrible way? She was already distressed enough to find out I was almost killed, and to find that her mother was subjected to similar torture?"

"Stolas, I understand what you are saying, but what I did to her, she did five times worst to you at best," Brandon reasoned, "I may be a fun and goofy guy, but I hate seeing those I love and care for be hurt, especially to this extent. You've been hurt for many lifetimes even without this torture nonsense. I'm sorry for hurting Stella like that, Stolas, but she needs to understand the pain she inflicts on others, and that it is not okay to do what she is doing. I hope this is the last time she tries to hurt you like this."

Stolas couldn't help but agree with what Brandon said. He presumed that something happened in his personal life that led to him doing what he did. Brandon then held Stolas's hand.

"Say, birdie, want me to f*ck your brains out to get your mind off today's madness from earlier?" Brandon offered.

"Depends. Are you as good in bed as your character?" Stolas flirted.

"How about we f*ck around and find out?" Brandon flirted back. And as Stolas lifted Brandon up to kiss him, he realized that Blitzo's voice actor was actually pretty cool.

Everyone Stops the Selfless Tortures - Chapter 75 - Helluva_Sus (2024)


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.