Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (2024)

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (1)

The 2015 – 2018 Technology Plan

Fostering Student Learning through

Digital and Collaborative Learning Environments

Prepared by Jo Ann Kraus Director of Technology and Library Media Services

Revised April 1, 2016

Our mission is to empower all students to be self-directed, lifelong learners, who willingly contribute to their community and lead passionate, purposeful lives.

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ARLINGTON CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION ....................................................................... 3

DISTRICT LEVEL TEAM MEMBERS.............................................................................................................................................. 4

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4

DISTRICT STRATEGIC PLAN AND MISSION ............................................................................................................................ 6

ARLINGTON TECHNOLOGY PHILOSOPHY ............................................................................................................................ 7

TECHNOLOGY PLAN KEY COMPONENTS AND GOALS .................................................................................................. 8

COMPONENT A: Teaching and Learning Infrastructure ................................................................................................................ 9

Goal 1: Teachers and Staff use technology to communicate and support 21st Century learning ............................................. 9

Goal 2: Students use technology responsibly to communicate, collaborate, analyze, and create .............................................. 10

Goal 3: Staff development opportunities are available to support goals 1 and 2 ......................................................................... 11

Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative .................................................................................................................................................... 12

Innovative and Emerging Technologies .............................................................................................................................................. 14

Using Assistive Technology to Enhance Student Learning ............................................................................................................. 16

Internet Safety: Strategies for Instruction ........................................................................................................................................... 18

Internet Filtering ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Parental and Community Connections ................................................................................................................................................ 20

COMPONENT B: Technical Infrastructure ...................................................................................................................................... 22

Goal 1: Technology learning tools including hardware, software and network resources are accessible, current and equitable .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22

Goal 2: Technology support systems exist to address user needs and infrastructure maintenance .......................................... 23

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure- Managing Technology to Support our Learning Community ................................................. 24

Maintenance of Effort: Computer/Technology Replacement Cycles ............................................................................................ 25

Technology Purchase Projection Plan ................................................................................................................................................. 26

Technical and Network Support........................................................................................................................................................... 27

Managing and Documenting Technical Support ............................................................................................................................... 27

Technical Support Services’ Staff Structure ........................................................................................................................................ 27

Internal Technical Support Staff........................................................................................................................................................... 27

COMPONENT C: Administrative/Productivity Infrastructure ................................................................................................... 30

Goal 1: Administrative technology data systems and processes are integrated and efficient. .................................................... 30

Goal 2: Professional development activities are ongoing and varied to support administrative needs. ................................... 30

Administrative Computing .................................................................................................................................................................... 31

COMPONENT D: Funding Sources .................................................................................................................................................. 32

COMPONENT E: Programmatic Assessment ................................................................................................................................ 33

Technical Assessment ............................................................................................................................................................................ 33

Instructional Assessment ....................................................................................................................................................................... 33

CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 36

APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 37

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (3)

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Mrs. Kelly Lappan, President Mr. Steven Rossi, Vice President

Mrs. Christine Baxter Mr. Peter Bodnar Mrs. Jennifer Eraca Mrs. Kerri Fasulo Mrs. Pauline Herr

Mr. Charles McLeod Mr. Edward McCormick

Central Administrative Office

Dr. Brendan Lyons, Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Philip Benante, Deputy Superintendent Mr. Kevin Sheldon, Assistant Superintendent for Business

Mrs. Donna Flynn-Brown, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services Mrs. Margaret Muenkel, Director of Personnel

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (4)

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Tom Bialek Arlington High School

Richard Carroll Arlington High School

Lisa Greco Arlington High School

Lucy Miller Arlington High School

Dawn Orlik Arlington High School

Laura Oliver Arthur S. May Elementary School

Christie Boydston Beekman Elementary School

Rachael Klein LaGrange Middle School

Michael Setaro LaGrange Middle School

Jayme Stofko LaGrange Middle School

Christine LaGuardia Noxon Road Elementary School

Kelly Murray Noxon Road Elementary School

Kristen Clerkin Overlook Primary School

Mindy Grey Overlook Primary School

Juanita Puchkoff Overlook Primary School

Jayne Pugnali Overlook Primary School

Dan Shornstein Titusville Intermediate School

Christine LeRoy Traver Road Primary School

Jim DeBonis Union Vale Middle School

Christine Miroff Union Vale Middle School

Lisa Roloson Union Vale Middle School

Pina Bruno Vail Farm Elementary School

Gina Coelho Vail Farm Elementary School

Claudine Khare Vail Farm Elementary School

Kerry Kraus Vail Farm Elementary School

Hilda Cioffi Joseph D’Aquanni West Road School

Joe Silva Central Administration Office

Danielle Pitcher Central Administration Office

Jeff Lampack Central Administration Office

Kelley Lewis Central Administration Office

Joe Pascarelli Central Administration Office

Melissa Erlebacher Central Administration Office

Dana Brown Central Administration Office

Dawn Galente Central Administration Office

Rob Carroll Central Administration Office

Vanessa Weeks Central Administration Office

Erika Fuller Central Administration Office

Brian Houlihan Community Member

Thomas Sherwood Student Member

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (5)

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his is the sixth revision of the Arlington Technology Plan. The revisions in this plan are part of a collaborative effort through the District Level Technology Team, Curriculum Team and the Building Level Technology Teams. Although the Technology Plan is a three year plan, it is a living document that is evaluated and adjusted on an annual basis.

The following guiding principles were developed in the first Technology Plan and will continue to serve as a foundation in the revision of this plan.

The Technology Program is a centrally directed and supported initiative under the leadership of the Director of Technology and Library Media Services.

All purchasing of equipment and software is related directly to the initiatives articulated in the Technology Plan. <Appendix K>.

To whatever extent possible, purchasing of equipment, software and materials will be through the Mid-Hudson Regional Information Center and/or Dutchess County BOCES using Installment Purchasing Agreements to minimize the impact on the annual budget. Purchases through these two organizations generate approximately 50% state aid for all equipment, software, furniture, materials and services. In addition, state aid is generated on the financing charges of the Installment Purchasing Agreements.

The purchase of equipment and software reflects the needs of the students and grade levels served.

There is equity and parity among all schools in the District as it relates to equipment and software.

Teachers are provided quality staff development activities from trained professionals.


Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (6)

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he following contains the mission, core values, strategies, strategic objectives and strategic objectives of the Arlington Central School District. The technology plan is written to be congruent with the District’s

strategic plan and mission. Mission: Our mission is to empower all students to be self-directed, lifelong learners, who willingly contribute to their community, and lead passionate, purposeful lives. Core Values We believe that:

All people have inherent value.

Lifelong learning is essential for growth.

A community thrives when all members embrace their interdependence with compassion and empathy.

Potential can only be attained through commitment, resilience, and high expectations.

All people can learn.

Change is essential for progress.

All people are responsible for their choices and actions. Strategies We will:

Develop systems that are clear and consistently applied across the organization that promote

Interdependence, efficiency, and trust in order to support and contribute to our strategic objectives and mission.

Develop trusting, collaborative, interdependent relationships and empower all employees to understand, support, and contribute to our strategic objectives and mission.

Strategic Objectives By 2018:

Each student will continually pursue new knowledge, deeper understanding, or skill in a topic of their interest.

Each student will continually and willingly contribute to their community.

Each student will demonstrate initiative, responsibility, and action toward Strategic Delimiters We will not:

Adopt any new program or service unless it is: o aligned with and contributes to our mission o accompanied by the resources needed for its effective implementation.

Allow past experience or tradition to prevent consideration of new ideas.


Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (7)

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n a cold wintery morning, a third grade class enters their classroom. Students and teacher actively prepare to embark on the learning discoveries of the day. Students sign in and prepare the lunch count

on the interactive whiteboard. Other students review their checklist to prepare for the English Language Arts learning block. One student turns on the computers and another obtains a few tablets to include in the listening center. Students are cognitively busy, on task, and ready to learn. Our technical infrastructure is working seamlessly in the background providing students and teachers with access and choices for connecting, collaborating and creating content with students, teachers and professionals throughout the world. As we build our technology plan, we envision that technology and access to information are accessible from anywhere at any time. Thus, encouraging and teaching our students and staff to use technology as a “tool” for life-long learning and personal development. In this sixth revision of the technology plan, we strive to continue the process of procuring cycles and software/hardware/ and infrastructure assessments to determine next steps in building a seamless and accessible network for all users. The technology plan focuses on the following essential questions: “How must we restructure our classroom learning environments to meet our strategic objectives?” and “How do we ensure

optimal use of tools and teaching strategies for learning?”

We envision that technology access to information is always available and effectively supported for the Arlington community:

To provide global access to information

To support the curricular needs for all learners, aligned with the Common Core, through innovative tools

To foster creativity and collaboration

To provide a medium for expression and communication

To collect, assess, and share performance information

To provide skills and proficiencies necessary for career and college readiness

To provide an environment of collaboration, respect and digital citizenship while maintaining an individual’s right to privacy

To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of administrative tasks

To cultivate parent and community connections.


Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (8)

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he revised technology plan focuses on three key component parts: Teaching and Learning, Technical, and Administrative infrastructures, and sets forth goals, actions, projected timelines, budgeting

sources and the method for evaluation. The updated plan also includes specific frameworks for new technology initiatives and provides reference documents for technology-related items.

Key Components of the ACSD Technology Plan

• Information Fluency Tools

• Instructional Hardware and Software

• Communication and Collaboration Tools

• Internet Safety /Digital Citizenship

• Data Management/Assessment

• Assistive Technology

• Professional Development

Teaching and Learning


• Connectivity and Bandwidth

• Technology Replacement Cycle

• Virtualization - (server and desktop)

• Wireless -Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD)

• Technical Staffing

• Accessibility

Technical Infrastructure

Finance/Transportation/Maintanence/Food Service/CAO

• Data Management

• Professional Development

Administrative Infrastructure


Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (9)

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COMPONENT A: Teaching and Learning Infrastructure

The Teaching and Learning Infrastructure is the cornerstone of the technology plan as it is centered in actualizing the mission of our district “to empower all students to be self-directed, lifelong learners, who willingly contribute to their community, and lead passionate, purposeful lives.” It specifically refers to the use of technology tools for students, staff and teachers. The integration of technology tools in the classroom is an ongoing process for teachers that requires continuous learning of new technologies, differentiating instruction, evaluation of data to assess students understanding, and sustained professional development. The process of educating teachers to successfully integrate technology into the instructional process requires thought and planning. Staff development programs must be carefully designed and creatively implemented, paying particular attention to students’ needs without losing sight of the instructional goals and intended outcomes of the curriculums involved. The process also entails coaching teachers in the classroom and facilitating peer training and support. Teaching and Learning Infrastructure Goals

Goal 1: Teachers and Staff use technology to communicate and support 21st Century learning

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (10)

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Goal 2: Students use technology responsibly to communicate, collaborate, analyze, and create

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (11)

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Goal 3: Staff development opportunities are available to support goals 1 and 2


Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (12)

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Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative

ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and staff to bring to school and utilize a variety of technology devices in the classroom that support 21st Century

learning. These devices can include smartphones, laptops, e-readers, tablets, etc.

Over the past three years, District Level Technology Team (DLTT) researched and discussed the pros and cons of instituting BYOD in the District. They learned that there are many advantages and also some challenges in moving forward. A mobile learning initiative is defined as an educational strategy for delivery of instruction. It enhances traditional practices of students using paper and pencil and invites students to use their own technology as part of instructional practice. In a BYOD environment, teachers adjust their instructional delivery and utilize Cloud and Web 2.0 tools to engage students in learning. The BYOD program emphasizes responsible use as part of its focus. The success of BYOD is dependent on the creation of new instructional delivery practices that make use of these tools.

The DLTT based most of its research on the “New Media Horizon Report” a seminal international study that focuses on new technologies for teaching, learning, and creative inquiry. Mobile Learning and Cloud computing have been identified as being the most pervasive technologies in the world. Mobile learning is growing everywhere, especially in the K-12 domain. In order to create a collaborative and accessible environment, the proper infrastructure must be in place for students and staff to effectively engage in a highly productive BYOD environment. At the same time, it is important to ensure equitable access in planning the BYOD framework, hence planning for the purchase of low cost Chromebooks as in-school loaner units for students and teachers.

Goals for Mobile Learning Pilot:

Establish a mobile learning infrastructure that enables teachers, staff and students to use their own devices for instruction and learning

Build a culture where students view their devices as learning tools

Build a collaborative team of teachers from different disciplines to share best instructional practices using Web 2.0 tools and Cloud services

Establish a consistent software platform

Provide professional development on the use of Google Applications


September 2015

Begin BYOD pilot initiative at Arlington High School and Middle Schools Actuate the AHS BYOD Teacher Collaboration Group The AHS BYOD Teacher Collaboration group will serve as a pilot group to initiate BYOD at Arlington High School. It will consist of 8-10 high school teachers who are interested in facilitating and integrating BYOD in their classrooms. This activity will be formalized and posted on “My Learning Plan” in order to coordinate collaboration efforts. AHS/Middle School BYOD Teacher Collaboration Goals:

To increase communications and sharing of mobile learning and BYOD integration best practices.

To learn, use and develop activities within the Google Apps Domain for instruction and collaborative work

To develop technology-enriched activities that align with the curriculum using the Google Apps Domain and Web 2.0 and 3.0 tools.

To provide feedback to BLTT and departments


Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (13)

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Discussion and Collaboration The AHS and Middle School BYOD Teacher Collaboration Group will meet for six sessions and participate in a Google Classroom environment sharing and discussing best practices and recommendations for learning activities using BYOD. December - March 2015

Formalize a BYOD Responsible Use Policy

Assess implementation status and determine next steps of plan based on feedback from the action team

Determine if middle school infrastructure process should begin in budget year 2015-16 September 2015 : Phase II

Begin full implementation of BYOD at Arlington High School

Develop high school/middle school BYOD Teacher Collaboration Group

Teachers will receive 1 teacher Chromebook and student Chromebook tub

Attend 6 sessions of professional development September 2016 : Phase II

Continue high school/middle school BYOD Teacher Collaboration with fifteen new members

o Teachers will receive 1 teacher Chromebook and student Chromebook tub o Attend 6 sessions of professional development

September 2017 : Phase II

Continue high school/middle school BYOD Teacher Collaboration with fifteen new members

o Teachers will receive 1 teacher Chromebook and student Chromebook tub o Attend 6 sessions of professional development

Financial Implications

Projection Plan for purchasing mobile resources for BYOD collaborative

Year Devices # of

Chromebooks Cost Funding


2015-16 15 Chromebook tubs and devices 90 27,150 IPA

2016-17 15 Chromebook tubs and devices 90 27,150 IPA

2017-18 15 Chromebook tubs and devices 90 27,150 IPA

Total 270 $,81,450 IPA

Bandwidth Costs: The bandwidth costs for the district will increase based on usage. The District is currently purchasing 200 Mbps of bandwidth access at $21,000 per year (this is purchased through BOCES and yields 62 percent state aid.)

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (14)

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Innovative and Emerging Technologies

onstant innovation and improvements in the world of technology create unique opportunities and challenges for public institutions, particularly schools. Dramatic shifts in computer software or

hardware can create serious financial problems for school districts that usually plan for technology acquisitions and deployments over a five-year cycle. How a district plans for technology and how it positions itself are key factors that will determine its flexibility to adapt to change. <Appendix G>. A successful technology program will make every effort to ensure that it understands both the short term and long term needs of its instructional staff. This is not as simple an endeavor as it would first appear. The instructional staff requires information regarding current research, new software, and improved and emerging technologies before it can make reasonable choices. Opportunities must be provided to share needs, possible solutions, pilot options, and assessments with the instructional staff directly involved with the use of instructional technology. To this end, the District has fostered the development of two types of Technology Teams that will provide the Director of Technology and Library Media Services current and accurate information on the existing technology initiatives and assist in the identification of new technology initiatives. The two teams are the Building Level Technology Team and the District Level Technology Team. The purpose of the Building Level Technology Team is to encourage an ongoing dialogue of teachers and administrators in each of the District’s schools with the Director of Technology and Library Media Services for the purpose of:

Assessing the progress of technology integration with the curriculum.

Determining staff development needs and how best to address those needs.

Reviewing and recommending new computer software to meet instructional needs using the District’s software selection procedure. <Appendix I>

Exploring new applications for existing and new computer technologies using the District’s Technology Innovation Process

Communicate and share information, staff development efforts and initiatives with the District Level Technology Planning Team.

Serve as a communication vehicle for disseminating information from the building level to the district level.

A Building Level Technology Team (BLTT) consists of the following individuals:

Building principal

A teacher representative from each grade level or department

The Library Media Specialist

The Building System Operator (Sysop)

Technology Integration Trainer

Director of Technology and Library Media Services Currently, all eleven schools in the Arlington Central School District have an operational Building Level Technology Team.


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District and Building Technology Team Relationship

Additional information regarding the assessment and accountability of both the Building Level and District Level Technology Teams is included in the section entitled Programmatic Assessment: Monitoring and Evaluation.

District Technology Team & External


Building Team

1 Representative

1 Representative

1 Representative


Director of Technology and Library Media Services

Deputy Superintendent

Building Team

Building Team

Building Team

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (16)

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Using Assistive Technology to Enhance Student Learning

he District is committed to providing support and resources for all students to be successful. In support of this commitment, assistive technology consultations and evaluations are provided to

students who are classified as having an education disability, and are receiving support via an Individualized Education Plan. Assistive technology encompasses an assistive technology device or assistive technology service. An assistive technology device is any item, piece of equipment or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability, while an assistive technology service is any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device. (Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-407).


To assess the needs of students with disabilities and determine whether technology might be needed to support learning in the classroom.

To utilize a research based framework for assessment

To develop and continually update a common set of technology tools to use in the assessment process

The Arlington Central School District utilizes several assistive technology specialists to provide supports and services to students who are identified as being possible candidates for assistive technology. The consultants utilize the SETT framework to determine which device or service might be needed. This framework considers the student who requires assessment; the environment in which the student will be working: the task that the student must accomplish and is not able to accomplish without assistive technology and; the tool which will best address the student’s skills and needs. This model supports using the least obtrusive and lowest-tech options available and scaffolding additional technology as needed. When assessing a student, the consultant begins with low-tech options, and increases technology support as warranted. For example, a student who cannot write with a standard pencil on a standard desktop may simply need a modified pencil grip or a desktop easel to improve writing legibility. Enlarged print may be helpful for a student with a visual impairment to be able to read along with his peers. There are many technology tools that are part of the District’s software and hardware collection that aid in the process of evaluating students for assistive technology needs. These include, but are not limited to: laptop computers, desktop computers, netbooks, ipads, Read and Write 10 software, accessibility features on computers, reading highlighters, pencil grips, specialized writing paper, keyboarding programs, word prediction software, test-to-speech software, highlighters, desktop easels, seat cushions, and read-aloud software. Process for Assistive Technology

For students requiring additional assistance beyond the standard technology available in the District, the assistive technology consultants provide software and hardware recommendations to meet student needs and promote learning in the classroom.

In order to determine the need for technology for a classified student, the following procedure has been established:


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1. Identify the student and specific difficulty

The student’s teacher or team will submit a request for an assistive technology consultation to the school psychologist.

The school psychologist will sign the consultation request, and submit it to the Committee on Special Education for review.

The CSE will convene, to give consent for the assistive technology consultation to take place.

A Prior Written Notice will be generated, and consent obtained by the parent, prior to initiating the assistive technology evaluation.

The assistive technology consultant will gather background information relevant to the consultation. The process will be collaboration with the consultant, and team members, including the parent.

Typically, the student and at least one team member is present for the consultation. Based on the consultation, a trial will occur, to determine efficacy of the recommendation.

To prevent unnecessary purchase of equipment which is not appropriate or accepted by the student, a trial period may be recommended for the student.

A trial may take 6-10 weeks to complete, depending on the tools tried and the student’s response to the recommended equipment.

A recommendation is then made to the Committee on Special Education, which may include: o additional consultations; o student training in universally available technology; o student trial with more elaborate technology; or o purchase of equipment for a student.

These recommendations must be submitted in writing to the CSE, and approved at a CSE meeting. A student may not receive any recommended equipment/software without parent consent and signature. 2. Assistive Technology Considerations

In order for equipment to be specifically ordered for a student, an assistive technology evaluation, including a trial, must take place.

Prior to the assessment, the student’s team must complete a pre-assessment form and submit the form to the assistive technology consultant.

The consultant will then complete the assistive technology evaluation.

Prior to ordering any equipment, a determination must be made that the technology is compatible with the network server, and can be supported by the technology department.

3. CSE Approval

Once it has been determined which technology is appropriate for the student, a request is submitted to CSE, to approve and order the requested equipment.

Goals for Assistive Technology

Utilize and update laptops or Netbooks with specialized software to evaluate assistive technology options;

Continue to explore various software applications and hardware available;

Collaborate with the Technology Department, to consider network compatibility,

Revise and update the procedures and forms utilized internally, for the use of these technologies inside and outside the District.

Consider providing assistive technology consultations and evaluations to Arlington students placed in day or residential facilities, including BOCES

Financial Impact: The funding of these tools and evaluations are provided under IDEA grants 611/619 under the special education department.

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (18)

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Internet Safety: Strategies for Instruction

The District in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, strives to create a safe learning environment for all students in accordance with the following:

Use of the Marshall 8E6 Internet Filtering system to block and filter Internet access for both minors and adults to visual depictions that are obscene and p*rnographic

Classroom supervision and monitoring of student online activities Monitoring of unauthorized access, including so-called “hacking”, and other unlawful activities by

minors online; Educating students about Personal Safety such as unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of

personal information

Elementary Level As part of our Elementary Library Media Program, students are instructed on the use of internet tools for researching and evaluating their findings. In order to provide students in grades 3-5 with specific awareness of Internet Safety, the Library Media Specialist incorporates the topic of personal information into scheduled instructional periods. Internet Safety is taught consistently as part of the K – 5 Library Program and posted on each library home page.

In grades K through 5 classrooms, teachers discuss and introduce specific Internet Safety skills as defined in the ACSD Technology Skills Crosswalk as part of technology and curriculum integration.

Middle School Level At the middle school level, students will further their knowledge of Internet Safety through specific curriculum courses: Home and Career Services (HACS), and Computer Education Grade 6. The topics covered in HACS include online solicitations, online harassment, and cyber bullying. The Grade 6 Computer Education class addresses social networking, websites, Chat, email, instant messaging, and personal information. The Library Media Specialist focus on specific topics such as information fluency and copyright High School Level Faculty discusses Internet Safety as technology is utilized in the classroom. By the time students reach grade 9, they should be able to demonstrate proficiency and mastery in such topics as deceptive online or unsolicited communication, illegal online activities, copyright laws, and intellectual properties. These topics will continue to be discussed through every day instruction. Internet Safety Awareness: The District website serves as a means for communicating information to students, staff, parents, and the community. There is a general section titled Internet Safety that includes links for Internet Safety resources and supplemental material for the entire Arlington community. A critical component of implementing strategies for educating about Internet Safety is professional development. As part of this plan, the District provides a myriad of opportunities for professional development courses covering Internet Safety topics, as well as subscriptions to i-Safe for all faculty members and administrators. The District has comprised an Internet resource guide. <Appendix P> and an Internet Safety Policy <Appendix Q>

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Internet Filtering

he growth and acceptance of the Internet and the World Wide Web is unparalleled, even in the world of computers and consumer electronics. Education, business, industry, law enforcement and people

of all walks of life in this country and around the world have embraced this technology. It has quickly established itself as a useful informational resource and in some instances a research tool. As with all tools, it can be used to good advantage, abused, and in some instances used in a manner harmful to students. For this reason, the District, through Dutchess County BOCES, employs iBoss, a filtering device deployed in accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). An Acceptable Use Agreement must be signed by all teachers and staff who use District resources to access the Web. <Appendix D and E> Internet Filters may inadvertently block websites that are deemed suitable for educational purposes. In order to provide professional staff with a mechanism to open a blocked educational site, the District has established a procedure whereby the teacher reports the blocked site to the principal (the teacher also provides a screenshot to indicate the category of the block site). The Principal evaluates the site using an issued Internet Filtering Bypass ID and password. (This ID is active on the current login and is to be used on administrative computers only.) If the Principal deems the site to be educationally sound, she will forward a request for unblocking to the Director of Technology and Library Media Services. If the Internet Filter fails to block an inappropriate site, the site is immediately reported by the principal or building SysOp to the Director of Technology and Library Services and is blocked immediately. Please refer to <Appendix N> to review Internet Filtering Procedures.


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Parental and Community Connections

he Arlington Central School District communicates with parents and community members using several technology-related resources including district, school, and teacher webpages; a mass notification service;

parent portal; social media; and scheduling software.

Arlington Central School District websites In August 2013, the district launched a new Arlington Central School District website ( and new school sites. We transferred the sites from TeacherWeb to Edline (part of Blackboard Engage) because after Edline purchased TeacherWeb in 2009 they stopped updating or supporting this product. Edline sites are fresh and contemporary, and they will allow for more interaction between teachers, parents, and students.

The District webmaster maintains the District website, while each school maintains their school sites. The District website includes information about student registration; Board of Education meetings, agendas, minutes, and advocacy activities; forms, policies, and procedures; community resources, a listing of all District schools, a calendar, and more. School sites also contain a calendar to publicize upcoming events, as well as links to school databases, the library media center, parent resources, and other school specific information. The Arlington High School website is the most elaborate school site. Each House Office maintains a class site to provide grade-level specific activities. In addition, there are extensive pages for the guidance department (including college and career resources), student clubs, and athletics. During the summer 2014, the District will create a mobile app for the District and for each school.

During the summer 2013 and throughout the 2013/14 school year, we offered training and support for teachers to move their class page(s) from TeacherWeb to Edline. This process will continue until January 2015 when the District will discontinue TeacherWeb. Approximately 550 teachers in the District maintain individual class webpages. These webpages contain information about the classroom-learning environment, thus communicating with parents about such topics as homework assignments and daily instructional lessons.

Beginning in 2015, parents will be able to login to Edline, creating a more personalized experience. Parents will see a listing of each of their children’s teachers from a single panel, and will have access to a combined calendar that lists classroom and school activities for each of their children in a single location. Parents and teachers will be able to email each other through the class webpages.

SchoolMessenger SchoolMessenger is a mass notification system that allows the District to quickly notify parents about school closings/delays and school emergencies. Principals also use SchoolMessenger to remind parents of upcoming events or deadlines. At the secondary level (middle school and high school), the system is used to inform parents about student absences and tardiness. Parents have the option of receiving notification via phone, email, and/or text messaging. During the fall 2014, the District will begin using SchoolMessenger’s Quick Tip service, allowing students and parents to submit anonymous tips regarding sensitive issues (e.g. bullying, vandalism, threats, etc. ) to school and district officials.

Parent SchoolTool Portal The SchoolTool Portal proves parents and students with secure online access to see:

emergency contacts

daily attendance

course schedules

progress reports

report card grades

grades 3 - 8 NYS assessment scores

NYS Regents Exam scores

Assignment grades (grades 6 - 12)


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Social Media Arlington maintains a District Facebook page ( to highlight events, updates, and good news. As of June 2014, the District had nearly 1,400 followers. We are currently exploring the benefits of establishing a Twitter account to further outreach to our parents and community. SchoolDude Scheduling Software Beginning in the 2014/15 school year, community organizations (e.g. scouts, town recreation leagues) will be able to submit facility requests online using SchoolDude scheduling software. They will be able to check for conflicts prior to submitting their requests. Online access will allow community volunteers to submit facility usage requests at any time during the day.

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COMPONENT B: Technical Infrastructure

his component of the technology plan involves supporting, developing, updating and maintaining the technical infrastructure to meet the needs of teaching and learning. All technology purchases must be

approved and processed through central office and vetted through our Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Leadership System (CIA.) Technical Infrastructure Goals

Goal 1: Technology learning tools including hardware, software and network resources are accessible, current and equitable


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Goal 2: Technology support systems exist to address user needs and infrastructure maintenance

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Virtual Desktop Infrastructure- Managing Technology to Support our Learning Community

Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) is a cloud computing interface housed in the Network Operating Center at Arlington High school. This interface provides full access to a virtual Windows computer

from any type of device. In the 2013-14 school year; the District installed the infrastructure (switching, blade servers and SANs) to begin the process of utilizing VDI in classrooms, computer labs and department offices at Arlington High School. The purpose of this installation was to create a framework to implement a robust VDI network to be utilized by staff and students internally and accessible to staff members and administrators externally. VDI poses several advantages to the District such as centralized management of workstations, applications and equipment throughout the District. In its first iteration, VDI will promote the extension and use of existing equipment by approximately 7 to 10 years. Furthermore, access for VDI will be available from any device or browser, thus enabling the District to purchase thin client devices (lower energy consumption and lower cost than physical workstations) or low cost units such as tablets or Chromebooks to serve as portals. Recommendations: During the next three years, it is recommended that the District move forward and continue the process to build the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure to improve efficiency, productivity and provide remote access to teachers. Goals:

To update the Network Operation Center to include a full-scaled Virtual Desktop environment for desktop computers at the high school, middle and elementary schools

To reduce energy costs by using zero client computers Timeline:

2014 - 2015 o Purchase additional 450 licenses and blade servers to extend the VDI infrastructure o Begin the process of deploying Virtual Desktop Endpoints for classrooms and labs at

Arlington High School. (using existing equipment) o Provide Horizon View Remote Access to high school and middle school teachers.

2015 - 2016 o Begin the process of creating Virtual Desktops for classrooms and labs at Union Vale

Middle, LaGrange Middle School and Vail Farm Elementary.

2016 - 2017 o Continue the process of virtualizing desktops at the elementary level and in LaGrange

Middle School classrooms through the maintenance of effort cycle

Financial Impact: The funding for this process will be addressed through the Maintenance of Effort Plan and the BOCES 519 CoSer. It is aligned with the annual Installment Purchase Agreement budget.


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Maintenance of Effort: Computer/Technology Replacement Cycles

rlington Central School District has invested heavily in computer technology. This includes desktop and laptop computers, mobile devices (iPads, Chromebooks, etc.,) keyboarding devices, interactive

whiteboard systems, printers (laser and ink jet), scanners, student response systems, digital cameras and projectors, and computer furniture. Our networks are powered by servers that are connected to a variety of devices for moving data internally to schools and externally through Wide Area Networks and the Internet. The value of our computer workstations alone exceeds three and one-half million dollars. Our maintenance of effort strategy for maintaining our technology inventory must continue as the inventory has become an ever-increasing component in the instructional process. Recommendation: Anticipate and budget for a reasonable turnover of equipment on an annual basis. This decision must factor the age and capability of the equipment, the system’s server and related software, especially if they adversely affect instructional needs. The speed at which technology is changing demands that we pay close attention to the entire technology instructional delivery system. For example, if an operating system, such as Windows, changes dramatically in a compressed period of time, we may be compelled to make significant expenditures in a compressed period of time. However, if we position what we purchase anticipating the shifts and changes in operating systems, networking software i.e. operating systems and instructional or managerial software, we should be able to mitigate the financial impact. Nonetheless, it is imperative that we expect an annual budget request to replace obsolete technology. <Appendix F>.


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Technology Purchase Projection Plan

Action Plan for Deployment The following chart contains the projected replacement cycle. It includes replacement of desktop machines classrooms, libraries, labs and offices. The new replacement model for desktop computers includes replacing desktops with virtual desktop clients in computer labs, virtual learning centers (VLC), libraries and selected classroom areas. Projected Computer/Device Replacement Cycle

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Technical and Network Support

Managing and Documenting Technical Support

The District manages and documents technical support for 11 school buildings, Central Office, Food Services, Maintenance, and Transportation through the use of a comprehensive tracking system called Technology Support Services Management System (TSSMS). Each building employs a SysOp that serves as a direct communicator and first level troubleshooting for Technology Support Services (TSS). The SysOp enters issues into TSSMS and the system tracks work orders and places them in a queue to be assigned to District Technical Support Personnel. The District maintains a Technology Support Services Policy Manual including inventory guidelines.

Technical Support Services’ Staff Structure

The Technology Support Services (TSS) staff report directly to the Director of Technology and Library Media Services. Technicians are scheduled and managed through the Infrastructure Manager whose role is to provide oversight of network systems. The principal function of the technicians is to ensure the operational readiness of our computer networks and to maintain the equipment that is attached to the network. All school buildings connect directly to the Arlington High School and the Network Operation Center. In order to ensure a highly functioning network operation, a six-year replacement and deployment process plan is in place. The TSS Staff, as directed by the Director of Technology and Library Media Services, supports the Network Operation Center (NOC)at Arlington High School which is comprised of 62 virtualized servers, 3000 workstations district-wide, three Macintosh labs (Art Lab, Music, and Communication Class) at Arlington High school, and 17 servers located outside of the NOC in school buildings. The District also manages a virtualized desktop farm consisting of 500 virtual desktop computers. A chart depicting the schedule for school building updates and purchases is projected in Appendix <K>

Internal Technical Support Staff

1 FTE Infrastructure Manager 2 FTE Microcomputer Network Specialists

1 FTE Instructional Technology Specialist (High School Network Support)

DCBOCES Technical Staff

1.6 Shared BOCES Technicians (Infrastructure Specialist and Microcomputer Support Specialists

Total number of technical staff is 5.6

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Technology Support Services Assignments and Responsibilities

Assignment 1 Infrastructure Manager This is a high level technical and managerial position responsible for planning, organizing, managing, implementing and ensuring the stable operation of information technology (IT) infrastructure. The incumbent participates in the development of IT strategies that are aligned with District’s initiatives and designs and implements both short-term and long-term plans to ensure infrastructure capacity meets existing and future requirements. The position is also responsible for technical staff overseeing installation and maintenance of servers, workstations and related devices at all sites throughout the District. Work is performed under the direct supervision of the Director of Technology. Supervision is exercised over technical staff to ensure high standards of operability. Full time and stationed at the high school to oversee the day to day operations of the District infrastructure and network systems.

Assignment 2 Network Support Specialist This is a full time network level 2 position providing hardware, software and network support to all school buildings and administrative offices. This position is accountable for creating and updating workstation images throughout the District. Also, assists and leads computer and technology replacement projects. Assignment 3 Network Support Specialist- Level 1 This is a full time level 1 position providing hardware and software support district-wide. This position is also accountable for the technology and AV equipment inventory with the inventory and tagging of all items and ensuring that the inventory is kept up-to-date. Assignment 4 Instructional Network Support Specialist This is a full-time position at the High School providing day-to-day management of high school network activities and responding to issues related exclusively to the high school. In addition, monitors VMware View Desktops and oversees the OPALs system for librarians district-wide. Assignment 5 Coordinator of Computer Technology and Training Full-time position located at Central Office. Serves as the Exchange mail server administrator, manager of instructional and administrative software licensing, and provide staff development for clerical and administrative staff district-wide. The position also monitors and coordinates mobile devices. This position works closely with Director of Technology in planning for annual technology and software purchases. Assignment 6 BOCES Shared Technicians Two positions (1 full time district-wide and .6 at the high school) to provide level 1 and 2 network support to school buildings. Assignment 7 Technology Facilitator – Elementary Full-time position providing technology integration training for staff at the elementary level (K – 5) buildings. This position conducts formal and informal professional development.

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Assignment 8 Technology Facilitator – Secondary Full-time position providing technology integration training for staff at the secondary level: 3 Middle Schools and Arlington High School. This position conducts formal and informal professional development.

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COMPONENT C: Administrative/Productivity Infrastructure

This component of the technology plan involves supporting, developing, updating and maintaining administrative systems for productivity. Administrative/Productivity Infrastructure Goals Goal 1: Administrative technology data systems and processes are integrated and efficient.

Goal 2: Professional development activities are ongoing and varied to support administrative needs.

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Administrative Computing

Microsoft Exchange 2010 Server is a web-based email system utilized by all administrative personnel, secretaries, and teachers. The system serves as a communication vehicle for the entire district. VersaTrans is the database program that transportation uses to manage their bus routes. The transportation and maintenance departments upgraded to the Windows Network Environment, thereby improving the quality of transportation and maintenance programs and access to the WAN. Finance Manager is an online tool that has been established as the District’s Financial Management System. The District is moving with implementing an integrated system. My Learning Plan is an online tool that assists with the management of professional development activities. This powerful tool will provide the District with the appropriate tool to assist teachers with their professional development, thereby creating a learning community that provides feedback concerning professional growth. School Tool, a Mindex product, has been implemented as the District’s web-based Student Management System (SMS). The system is used for the tracking of student information, including attendance. NutriKids is an online tool that has been established as the District’s School lunch management system.

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District Budget Arlington Central School District’s Technology Program is supported entirely by local taxes and New York State Aid. In order to purchase technology, the district works with the local BOCES and develops Installment Purchase Agreements (IPA).

BOCES CoSers The BOCES CoSers have allowed the Arlington School District to participate in county wide technology purchases in the area of infrastructure, hardware, software, staff development, and telecommunications services. The following is a budget timeline for 2015 - 2016, 2016 – 2017, and 2017-18 based on an estimated annual increase of 2 percent.

*Services from BOCES include the following: Firewall, LAN/WAN support, Cisco Maintenance Agreements, Equipment Leases, Internet Filtering, Internet Access, High Speed Internet, Microcomputer Repair, Library Databases, Model School Technology Integration Training Days, and Contractual Tech Support.

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Monitoring and Evaluation

Technical Assessment The assessment of hardware, software, telecommunication services, and staff development efforts is a key element to determining the health of the Technology Program. The condition of all of our technological systems, related equipment and workstations are in constant assessment by the school district, by Dutchess County BOCES and by Computer System Integrators (CSI), a private company who provides Dutchess County BOCES and our district technical support for network systems. Our technical staff is in daily communication with CSI and Dutchess County BOCES relative to servers, routers, wiring closet issues and workstations. Both CSI and Dutchess County BOCES have remote access to our network so that all systems are being monitored and adjusted regularly. All servers are backed up on a daily basis to a Storage Area Network at Dutchess County BOCES using CommVault software. The integrity of the system is monitored by BOCES staff and Arlington Network Specialists. Remote access to all servers validates the success of each backup procedure. The Technology Program is vigilant regarding the maintenance, security and operational readiness of our computer networks and related systems.

Instructional Assessment

he District subscribes to an online staff development registration, approval, and interactive teaching and learning program called My Learning Plan: program serves as a tool for posting specific curriculum and technology-related courses. It is also an online database

that maintains records of staff development activities that teachers and administrators have completed. The purpose of this database is to help plan future training and staff development activities based on current and accurate information. Furthermore, an annual Technology Staff eSurvey <Appendix H> is used to identify teachers’ needs and staff development priorities.

Assessment of our instructional initiatives and staff development efforts are vigorous and on-going. Unlike the assessment of technology equipment, networks, routers and other devices, this instructional assessment deals with the teaching and learning process. A crucial component to our assessment activities is open and honest communication with the participants and users of technology. The Building Level and District Level Technology Teams are positioned to provide the open and honest communication necessary to gather the information needed to make valid judgments and adjustments as we work with teachers and staff at the building and district level.

Building Level Technology Teams The role of the Building Level Technology Team, as it relates to the monitoring and assessment of the program at the building is logical and reasonable. The committee, which includes the building principal and has representation from all grade levels in that building, is in an ideal position to assist in the identification and articulation of the building’s technological needs. In addition, the committee, which meets monthly, is well suited to determine to what degree the building’s needs are being met and to offer suggestions for improvement or alternative methods of addressing issues.

Topics of discussion would include, but not be limited to:

Staff development needs

Software review and recommendation

Grade level and program needs

Technological delivery systems

Tracking technology initiatives in the building

Articulating needs to the District Level Technology Team


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The Director of Technology and Library Media Services attends Building Level Technology Team meetings to assist the building in achieving its individual goals and to monitor implementation of the District’s technology initiatives. The Director communicates the efforts of the Building Level Teams to the District Level Team.

District Level Technology Team (DLTT) The role of the District Technology Planning Team differs from that of the Building Level Technology Teams in its scope of activities and programmatic perspective. This team works directly with the Director of Technology and Library Media Services to:

Monitor national, regional, and local initiatives and applications of technology to the instructional and administrative process.

Review current literature and information on new and emerging technologies that may have immediate or future application in the district.

Maintain a pulse on the District’s curriculum initiatives to determine appropriate technological applications.

Liaison with public libraries in the local area.

Liaison with non-public schools in the local area.

Monitor and review technology implementation and integration efforts at the building level.

Identify district-wide training and staff development needs and suggest programs to meet those needs.

Monitor the implementation of the District’s Technology Plan and make recommendations to the Director of Technology and Library Media Services Media Services on mid-course corrections or improvements.

Maintain a dialogue with the Arlington Community through the district’s website

The District provides a learning environment for grades K-12 that includes technology tools to assist with lesson planning, collaboration, and promotion of student engagement and learning. Through the use of technology tools, students demonstrate the mastery of listening, speaking, and writing skills. The process of assessing the impact of technology on student learning is multi-faceted and is done through several measures at the building level. The following are examples of such measures:

Student Engagement through the use of Interactive Technology (grades K-12)

Examples of student created Multimedia Presentations for all curriculum areas (grades 2 – 12)

Computer Assisted Design (grades 9-12)

Student Interviews (grades 3-12)


Atlas Rubicon Curriculum Mapping: includes assessment of student learning based on the use of technology tools

ACSD K -12 Technology Skills Crosswalk

Data Analysis of Math, ELA, and Science scores

Annual teacher evaluation should include evidence of Teacher’s use of technology integration, as well as student use of Technology to complete class assignments.

Grade 6 Computer Education Student Assessment Sixth grade students participate in a one semester computer education course. This course is designed to enhance students’ technology skills in order to assist them with their curricular studies. During this course, students learn about Information Literacy (How to research the Internet and identify legitimate sources),

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Internet Safety techniques, and technology skills (using programs such as Microsoft Office (WORD and Excel), and using multimedia programs such as Windows Movie Maker.. Data Analysis The Arlington Central School District Curriculum Directors for Mathematics, Science, and English Language Arts utilize existing technology to analyze and disseminate the results of the New York State Assessments for grades 3-8. The raw data is received by the coordinator electronically in the form of Excel spreadsheets through the Mid-Hudson Regional Information Center and the Director of Data Support Services. Using Excel, the coordinator analyzes the information to determine the questions and standards with which students struggled and those on which they performed well. This analysis is done for each grade level at each school. Once the data is analyzed, it is put into tables and charts using Excel and Microsoft Word. The information gleaned from the analysis is presented to principals and teachers through administrative meetings, faculty meetings, and grade level meetings in order to facilitate discussion on how best to adjust curriculum to meet student needs and improve student achievement. Using the Data Warehouse, the Curriculum Supervisors assist building leaders and teachers in finding differentiated methods to assist students with math skills. Annual Assessment of the Technology Plan The District Level Technology Team plays a major role in providing feedback and recommendations for technology planning in the District by meeting on a regularly scheduled basis and participating in the Arlington DLTT Online Community. The online community provides a mechanism where committee members have the opportunity to provide feedback based on research and building surveys. Through open forums, DLTT committee members have an opportunity to continually discuss their findings and suggestions. The Technology Plan is continually being assessed through the DLTT and BLTT level, thereby, providing feedback to the Director of Technology and Library Media Services so that adjustments are made to the plan. The Director of Technology will provide an annual report based on the progress and adjustments of the plan to the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education.

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he technology plan is a living document and serves as a guide for the implementation of technology throughout the Arlington Central School District. As noted in this plan, technology implementation is

executed in a systematic manner with input from students, teachers, administrators, and staff. Instructional goals serve as the driving force for technology acquisition and implementation planning. As we move forward with the implementation of the plan, it is necessary to assess the plan on an annual basis to ensure that the plan is meeting district goals and state/federal mandates.


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Appendix A: New York State Education Technology Plan Checklist

NCLB Legislation

FCC e-rate Discount

A . Goals and strategies, aligned with State and National standards, for using telecommunications and technology to improve teaching and learning


B. Strategies that are based in research and that integrate technology into curricula and instruction for purposes of improving student academic achievement and a timeline for this integration


C. Strategies for the delivery of specialized or rigorous courses and curricula through the use of technology, including distance learning technologies


D. Strategies to promote parental involvement and to increase communication with parents, including a description of how parents will be informed of the technology to be used with students


E. Strategies for developing the program, where applicable, in collaboration with adult literacy service providers and public libraries


F. Age appropriate Internet Safety curriculum and strategies for delivering ** NEW **


G. Strategies for providing ongoing, sustained professional development for teachers, principals, administrators and school library media personnel to ensure that staff know how to use the new technologies to improve education or library services


H. Strategies and supporting resources such as services, software, other electronically delivered learning materials and print resources that will be acquired to ensure successful and effective uses of technology


III. INFRASTRUCTURE, HARDWARE, TECHNICAL SUPPORT and SOFTWARE I. Strategies to identify the need for telecommunication services,

hardware, software and other services to improve education or library services, and strategies to determine interoperability among the components of technologies to be acquired


■ Inventory X X

J. Strategies to increase access to technology for all students and all teachers


K. Timeline and budget covering the acquisition, implementation, interoperability provisions, maintenance and professional development related to the use of technology to improve student academic achievement including support resources, such as services, software, print resources, and digital curricula


L. Strategies that will be employed to coordinate available state and local resources to implement activities and acquisitions prescribed in the technology plan


M. Strategies that the district will use to evaluate the extent to which activities are effective in integrating technology into curricula and instruction, increasing the ability of teachers to teach, and enabling students to reach State and National standards


N. Strategies are in place to develop and monitor district's policy's for faculty, staff and student use of the technologies including Acceptable Use Policy


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Appendix B: Curriculum and Technology Integration Strategies Technology and the Curriculum: As a result of staff development and curriculum revisions to include available technology, a series of student

learning activities should become evident. These include, but are not limited to:

Grades K-2 - In K-2, the primary use of computers is to support specific skills, (remedial and enrichment) and to teach the students general computer knowledge. Students will be using (or continue to use and improve upon):

1. Storyboarding and writing software to compose for a variety of purposes such as writing stories,

essays, poems, reports, etc.

2. Math software for enrichment, review, and reinforcement

3. Interactive white boards for educational programs related to various content areas 4. Headsets with microphones and speakers for recording student’s narratives. 5. Digital camera for pictures to accompany stories, poems, presentations 6. Computer technology to introduce basic skills and provide enrichment in the content areas Use

of Educational websites, such as BrainPop Jr. and One More Story to support curriculum goals. 7. Use of programs thstudent learning (i.e Go Math, Raz Kids, etc)

Grades 3-5 - Integrating technology in the classroom includes keyboarding, review and reinforcement, enrichment, word processors, doing research, supporting instruction in math, reading, language arts, science, and social studies, and promoting problem solving skills across disciplines. In these networked environments, the students also have access to various resources including the Internet. Students are or will be using:

1. Internet for research, information gathering, surveys, etc.

2. Use of programs that differentiate and individualize student learning (i.e Spelling City)

3. Word processors to write stories, essays, poems, reports, etc.

4. Math software for enrichment, review, and reinforcement

5. Various applications for developing and enhancing problem solving and higher order thinking

(For example: Inspiration and Kidspiration concept mapping software)

6. Multimedia software for presentations, student reports, etc.

7. Educational websites (i.e Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr.)

8. Video conferencing with other students, classrooms, and schools in the District and outside the


9. Digital Cameras and camcorders to develop Digital Storytelling, reports, and content

10. Interactive projection systems to focus full group and small group work information class-wide

(PowerPoint, Web 2.0 ToolsSites, SmartNotebook, and Senteo)

11. Mobile devices (laptops, tablets or Chromebooks to work independently

12. Google Apps for Education to for applications and access to student work from home or


Grades 6 – 12: By graduation, all students will have used computers and related technology tools to accomplish significant high performance, lifelong learning and work related goals. They will be able and motivated to select and use these tools appropriately to:

1. Be familiar with basic computer operations and navigate the operating environment (Internet,

Windows, etc.)

2. Troubleshoot minor problems and communicate them effectively

3. Prepare a variety of written communications using word processors and desktop publishing


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4. Prepare creative communication-based projects with words, images, and sounds using drawing,

painting, and multimedia tools to create and deliver a presentation using appropriate software

5. Gather data using computer-based sensors

6. Access information and gather data and information from local and remote databases and

information systems. Evaluate the quality and utility of data and information.

7. Develop inquiry, analysis, and synthesis skills

8. Engage in problem solving and structured exploration using modeling, simulation, spreadsheet,

and visualization tools

9. Process data and information to support decision-making

10. Use simulations and related tools to engage in systematic thinking, make connections, and

understand patterns in order to solve problems

11. Utilize information and software ethically and responsibly

12. Understand how, when, and why to document information

13. Use information systems and information responsibly and in conformity with ethical standards

14. Respect individual, school, and corporate privacy and integrity

15. Take part in specialized courses such as Project Lead the Way, Going Green, and Digital


16. Use of Moodle (Content Management System) to upload student work from home or school.

21st Century Skills - Technology Fluency and Information Literacy

According to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, schools need to create learning environments that enhance and promote critical thinking skills; teach students how to collaborate and share information; teach students how to analyze and solve problems; and teach students how to communicate effectively. Library Media Specialists and Information Literacy The K -12 Library Media Specialists (LMS) play a critical role in teaching students about information literacy. At the elementary, middle, and high school levels, the LMS teach age appropriate information literacy skills to develop and reinforce students’ critical thinking skills. The specific skills are noted in the Technology Skills Crosswalk. On-line Learning Opportunities for Teachers The virtual learning environment offers teachers an opportunity to learn and discuss technology integration methods; collaborate and communicate directly with colleagues; learn differentiation methods for enhancing student learning; and improve their communication skills. Several courses are offered each semester to educate the staff so that they can immediately use newly acquired skills: Internet Fluency; 21st Century Skills, and Internet Safety. During the next three years, the District plans to extend our technology-related on-line offerings by using the “train the trainer” approach and broadening the knowledge base through our Curriculum and Technology Framework.

Identifying Needs: Curriculum and technology specialists jointly assess the K-12 curricula on a frequent basis through the Curriculum and Technology Framework and the Understanding by Design Summer Institute. The focus is to:

Improve student performance

Meet the Common Core Learning Standards

Meet the NETS.S 2007 and NETS.T 2008

Identify student learning needs using the eSurvey and Arlington Central School District Technology Skills Crosswalk*

Foster independent learning

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* The Arlington Central School District Technology Skills Crosswalk, located in <Appendix U>, is a tool developed to assist teachers with determining when to introduce or reinforce specific technology skills. The Matrix provides information regarding when a skill should be introduced, reinforced, and mastered (lifelong learning).

Curriculum Integration and Software Selection: The continued integration of technology with the curriculum requires ongoing communication and interaction among the District’s curriculum leaders and Technology’s instructional staff. An updated process has been designed with the Technology and Curriculum Department to aid in the process of selecting software for the classroom*.

*Please review <Appendix I> for details about the software recommendation process.

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Appendix C: Technology Standards for Students (ISTE)

Students must be prepared to live and work in a highly technical society and possess the requisite skills to be

successful as a worker and citizen. The Arlington School District in alliance with the Dutchess County Consortium

support and adopt the latest technology standards as provided by the International Society for Technology and

Education (ISTE). The National Education Standards (NETS•S) were developed in 2007 and provide a new model

of expectations and outcomes for students. The focus is a shift from students learning about Technology tools to a

constructivist and inquiry based model of students acquiring essential technology skills to assist them with critical

thinking, problem solving communication and collaboration.

The ISTE NET•S is an essential tool for our teachers to use as part of integrating technology with the


National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS•S 2007)

The technology standards for students are divided into the following six broad categories. Standards within

each category are to be introduced, reinforced, and mastered by students. These categories provide a framework for

linking performance indicators found within the Profiles for Technology Literate Students to the standards.

1. Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes

using technology. Students: a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression. c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues. d. identify trends and forecast possibilities.

2. Communication and Collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a

distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students: a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital

environments and media. b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and

formats. c. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures. d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

3. Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students:

a. plan strategies to guide inquiry. b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources

and media. c. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific

tasks. d. process data and report results.

4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students:

a. identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation. b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. c. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions d. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions..

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5. Digital Citizenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students:

a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and

productivity. c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning. d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.

6. Technology Operations and Concepts

Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students: a. understand and use technology systems. b. select and use applications effectively and productively. c. troubleshoot systems and applications. d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.

© 2007 International Society for Technology in Education. ISTE® is a registered trademark of the International Society for Technology in Education.

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Appendix D: Faculty and Staff Acceptable Use Agreement


Faculty and Staff Acceptable Use Agreement

Regulation 5300-R3a

The purpose of this document is to outline the acceptable and responsible uses of the Arlington Central School District computer network and information systems. It does not attempt to define all possible legitimate uses or usage violations of these systems.

Professional Responsibilities, Staff Access, and Privileges

Staff members are encouraged to make use of District technology in order to enhance their educational and professional activities. Because the uses of these resources may vary due to individual work duties, access to particular technological resources may be restricted. User accounts are issued in order to provide required access.

It is the staff member's responsibility to insure that District technology assets are used solely to conduct school-related business, which is either of an educational or professional nature. Staff members shall not use any technology asset for personal business, non-educational uses, or any activity which is prohibited by law. Due to the wide availability of services and information on the network, some of which may be potentially offensive to certain groups of users, the individual staff member must be responsible for his/her actions in navigating and accessing networked technology.

Staff accounts and the use of District information technology are a privilege, not a right. Access may be suspended or revoked in the event of a breach of any of the provisions set forth in the District Policy and relevant Administrative Regulations. Additionally, violations may result in disciplinary action against the staff member consistent with the nature of the violation. Such actions may involve any applicable collective bargaining agreements, State and Federal laws and regulations, and referral to appropriate law enforcement officials if the violation is deemed illegal.

Any staff member who resigns, is terminated, or is laid off will have neither rights to nor access to the District's technology, including file and e-mail access.

The Acceptable Use Agreement includes, but is not limited to:

a. Security / Staff Accounts: Staff login accounts, e-mail accounts, and their passwords are issued to individuals only. No staff member will provide others with their access codes, passwords, or other access to District technology, nor expose the same to public view. Users may be held responsible for problems arising from the use of their accounts.

1. No user may access or attempt to access information on District technology assets without proper authorization and legitimate authentication.

2. No user may perform any action which has the effect of disrupting District business. 3. Staff members are responsible for insuring the security of any technology assets assigned to or created

by them. 4. While signed into the network, a staff member may not leave any workstation unattended or in an

unsecured state at any time.

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5. Staff members with access to student records may not share or release such records except as authorized by the District and/or State and Federal law.

6. Passwords should be changed immediately if it is suspected that they have been compromised, by contacting the Building SysOp or the Director of Technology.

b. District E-mail: E-mail is a tool for District business communications, and staff members have a responsibility to use the resource in an efficient, effective, ethical, and lawful manner. E-mail communications should follow the same standards expected in written business communications and public meetings.

1. All e-mail accounts maintained by the District or its agents are the sole property of the Arlington Central School District. The District retains the right to monitor any employee's e-mail account.

2. E-mail users must adhere to all copyright laws. The creation, distribution, transmission, access, or other use of any material in violation of Federal or State Law is prohibited.

3. The creation, distribution, transmission, or use of threatening, obscene, harassing, lewd, discriminatory, or offensive e-mails is prohibited. Additionally, the creation and/or exchange of advertisem*nt, chain letters, or other un-solicited mail are prohibited.

4. Registration to list servers and/or chat rooms is prohibited without prior authorization. 5. Reading or sending e-mail from another staff member's account is prohibited except under proper

delegate arrangements. 6. Altering or reproducing another staff member's e-mail or attachments is prohibited without

permission. 7. Staff members are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These

include, but are not limited to, being polite, not being abusive in messages to others; using appropriate language; and not swearing or using vulgarities.

8. Prior permission from building administrator or Director of Technology and Library Media Services is necessary for using district-wide and building-wide distribution lists.

9. Email accounts are archived for six years as part of the district email archiving policy.

c. Student Safety: All Student technology equipment use will be supervised by a responsible staff member. Students will not be left unattended at any time while using the technology equipment.

1. All staff members supervising students while using the technology equipment should be familiar with the applicable Student Policies in effect.

2. It is the responsibility of the supervising staff member to immediately report any misuse or vandalism of the equipment to the appropriate supervisory personnel.

3. The District blocks and filters District technology pursuant to the Children's Internet Protection Act.

d. File / Media Access and Copyright: Staff members must adhere to all copyright laws related to software, print, data, video, and attributions of authoring. The unauthorized copying, transfer, installation, or printing of copyrighted materials without appropriate permission is prohibited.

1. The creation, distribution, transmission, access, or use of any material in violation of Federal or State Law is prohibited.

2. The creation, distribution, transmission, access, or use of threatening, obscene, harassing, lewd, confidential, discriminatory, or offensive materials is prohibited.

3. The use of streaming audio, video, or other web and network media is limited to educational or professional use only, and is subject to the other regulations set forth in this document.

4. Staff members shall not vandalize, read, modify, edit, delete or otherwise engage in unauthorized use of another user's files.

e. Computer Equipment and Software: It is the staff member's responsibility to use the District's computer equipment and supplies in a judicious fashion and in accordance with District policies. Prohibited activities include excessive printing and/or

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unwarranted file storage, physical abuse, eating or drinking when using equipment, or any other potentially damaging activity.

1. Employees assigned technology equipment are responsible for its basic care and safety, including the reporting of any problems to the relevant supervisory staff member.

2. The relocation, installation, connection, or modification of any computer hardware, software, or other technology on the District's computer equipment or systems is prohibited. All requests for District related computer hardware or software installed or connected to District systems must first be directed to the Building SysOp and Building Principal.

The Board of Education considers access to its computer systems, including the Internet, to be a powerful and valuable educational and research tool. Computers, computer networks and computer-related technology in District classrooms and buildings shall be used solely for the purpose of advancing and promoting learning and teaching.

The use of school computers, software, network resources and/or the Internet for non-educational purposes such as for profit activity, personal business or illegal activity is prohibited.

The use of all district computer systems and the Internet is a privilege, not a right. The district's computer systems are district property to which users are permitted access.

The District shall have the right at any time to access, inspect and view any materials stored on its computers, computer networks and on peripheral devices of any sort. No employee shall have any expectation of privacy.

The Board of Education, through the Superintendent of Schools, or his designee, shall establish regulations governing the use and security of the district's computer systems. All users of the district's computer systems shall comply with this policy and those regulations. Failure to comply may result in suspension of access to the district's computer systems and/or other appropriate penalties.

Employees shall have no expectation of privacy in District electronic storage areas, including e-mail and all other items that have been placed on District computer systems.

Any staff member who is suspected of using District technology assets in a manner that would

violate this policy or any other District policy, rule and/or regulation or would violate any State or

Federal law or regulation, will be notified of the alleged violation and provided with an opportunity to

respond to and discuss the allegation in a manner consistent with the applicable collective

bargaining agreement. The District may, nonetheless, refer any activity that may be a violation of

law to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

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As a user of the Arlington Central School District's Technology Assets, I hereby acknowledge my

responsibilities to act in accordance with the stated Policies and Regulations governing Technology

Usage. I understand that if I am found to be in violation of any of the District Policies and Regulations

that my access to the Technology may be suspended or revoked; that I may be subject to District-

related disciplinary action and/or State and Federal law and regulation; and that, if I engage in

suspected illegal activities, I may be referred to appropriate law enforcement agencies.

I have read and understand the Arlington Central School District’s Faculty and Staff Acceptable

Use Agreement (Regulation 5300-R3a) and agree to abide by its provisions. Name Building

Signature Date

Position _________________________________________

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Appendix E: Student Acceptable Use Policy and Regulation 5300-R3b


Student Acceptable Use Policy and Regulation

Regulation 5300-R3b

The Board of Education considers access to its computer systems, including the Internet, to be a powerful and valuable educational and research tool. Computers, computer networks and computer-related technology in District classrooms and buildings shall be used solely for the purpose of advancing and promoting learning and teaching. The use of school computers, software, network resources and/or the Internet for non-educational purposes such as for profit activity, personal business or illegal activity is prohibited. The use of all district computer systems and the Internet is a privilege, not a right. The district's computer systems are district property to which users are permitted access. The District shall have the right at any time to access, inspect and view any materials stored on its computers, computer networks and on peripheral devices of any sort. No student shall have any expectation of privacy. The Board of Education, through the Superintendent of Schools, or his designee, establishes regulations governing the use and security of the district's computer systems. All users of the district's computer systems shall comply with this policy and those regulations. Failure to comply may result in suspension of access to the district's computer systems and/or other appropriate penalties.


1. Access to the Internet on the School District's computer network is provided solely for educational purposes and research. Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use may result in suspension or revocation of that privilege. 2. Each individual in whose name an access account is issued (an "Account Holder") shall be responsible at all

times for its proper use. All Account Holders will be issued a log-in name and password. 3. All Account Holders shall abide by the generally accepted standards of Internet etiquette. This includes

being polite and using only appropriate language. Abusive or obscene language, vulgarities and swear words are all inappropriate.

4. Each individual account holder shall abide by the requirements for technology use as indicated in the Code of Conduct, Policy 5300.

5. All account holders will not participate in social networking sites using School District equipment unless it is required as part of an educational program.

6. The School District shall hold students accountable for their actions as indicated in Policy 5300. The District has the right to investigate incidents associated with inappropriate behavior occurring on the Internet.


The following is a list of prohibited activity concerning use of the Internet by Account Holders. Violation of any of these prohibitions may result in discipline or other appropriate penalty, including suspension or revocation of an Account Holder's access to the Internet. 1. Using the Internet for commercial activity, including advertising. 2. Infringing on any copyrights or other intellectual property rights, including copying, installing, receiving, transmitting, or making available any copyrighted software on the district computer network.

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3. Using the Internet to receive, transmit, or make available to others obscene, offensive, or sexually explicit material. 4. Using the Internet to receive, transmit or make available to others messages that are racist, sexist, abusive, obscene, or harassing to others. 5. Using another Account Holder's account or password. 6. Attempting to read, delete, copy or modify the electronic mail (e-mail) of other Account Holders and deliberately interfering with the ability of other Account Holders to send and/or receive e-mail. 7. Forging or attempting to forge e-mail messages. 8. Engaging in vandalism. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy School District equipment or materials, data of another Account Holder or of any of the entities or other networks that are connected to the Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, creating and/or placing a computer virus, downloading keylogging programs, or using a proxy server to bypass the Internet Filtering system on the School District network. 9. Using the Internet to send anonymous messages or files. 10. Revealing the personal address, telephone number or other personal information of oneself or another person.

11. Using the Internet in a fashion inconsistent with directions from teachers and other staff and generally accepted Internet etiquette.

12. Downloading, installing, executing or activating software on the School District Network or District computers.

13. Attaching or using peripheral devices on School District Computers unless authorized by a teacher or educational program. This includes, but is not limited to, flash drives, thumb drives, external hard drives, and zoom drives.


The School District has the right to access, inspect and view any materials stored on its computers and computer networks and on peripheral devices of any sort.


1. All Account Holders using the School District's computer network and equipment comply with the rules set forth in this policy. Failure to comply with the policy may result in disciplinary action as well as suspension and/or revocation of access privileges.

2. Illegal activities are prohibited. Any information pertaining to or implicating illegal activity may be reported to the proper authorities. Transmission of any material in violation of any federal, state and/or local law or

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regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, materials protected by copyright, or threatening or obscene material. Account Holders must respect all intellectual and property rights laws.


1. The School District makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, for the access being provided. Further, the School District assumes no responsibility for the quality, availability, accuracy, nature or reliability of the material provided on the Internet. Account Holders use information at their own risk. 2. The School District will not be responsible for any damages suffered by any Account Holder resulting from use of the Internet. The School District is not responsible for unauthorized financial obligations resulting from use of the Internet. 3. The School District may use technical or manual means to regulate access and information on the Internet, but these methods do not provide a foolproof means of enforcing the School District's Acceptable Use Policy and Regulation. Each Account Holder is responsible for abiding by the rules set forth herein. 4. Nothing herein shall be construed to mitigate the School District’s right to access, inspect and view material on its computers or computer networks and on peripheral devices of any sort.

5. The Student Acceptable Use Policy and Regulation is available on the Arlington website at .


In order to achieve the career development and technical education (occupational) learning standards articulated by the New York State Department of Education, students will be provided access to instructional materials and processes available only through the use of computers. If parents or guardians do not request, in writing,

that their child not use computers, an account will be created to facilitate such access.

Parental requests to deny student use of District computers will be considered in accordance with law and/or regulations. Parents who do not wish their child(ren) to have access to School District computers must

send a written request to the school principal, otherwise an account will be created. Parents or guardians should contact the school principal with any questions regarding the Student Acceptable Use Policy and Regulation.

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Appendix F: Computer/Technology Equipment Inventory

Arlington Central School District 2014 Inventory

AHS 739 Workstations BES 166 Workstations

57 Macintosh 44 Laptop

183 Laptops 45 Printers

317 Printers 5 Scanners

21 Scanners 4 Digital Cameras

6 Digital Cameras 13 LCD Projectors

73 LCD Projectors 59 AlphaSmart Neos

16 AlphaSmart Keyboards 12 Smartboards

2 Plotters 2 Student Response Systems

22 SmartBoards 9 Tablets

9 Document Cameras 5 Interactive Projectors

97 Tablets 3 Document Cameras

38 Interactive Projectors

NOX 111 Workstations

ASM 135 Workstations 31 Laptops

52 Laptops 35 Printers

42 Printers 6 Scanners

9 Digital Cameras 13 Digital Cameras

6 LCD Projectors 5 LCD Projectors

Quickpad Keyboards AlphaSmart Dana Keyboards

6 SmartBoards 5 Smartboards

2 Student Response System 0 Student Response System

6 Document Cameras Quickpad Keyboards

15 Tablets 13 Tablets

9 Interactive Projectors 9 Interactive Projectors

3 Scanners 4 Document Cameras

JDWR 133 Workstations TIS 145 Workstations

35 Laptops 38 Laptops

18 Scanners 42 Printers

3 Digital Cameras 6 Scanners

7 LCD Projectors 7 Digital Cameras

60 Quickpad Keyboards 23 LCD Projectors

5 SmartBoard 8 SmartBoards

4 Student Response Systems 4 Student Response System

3 Tablets 60 Quickpads

8 Interactive Projectors 12 Tablets

6 Document Cameras 7 Interactive Projectors

41 Printers 5 Document Cameras

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Arlington Central School District 2014 Inventory Continued

LMS 233 Workstations VFES 224 Workstations

57 Laptops 27 Laptops

78 Printers 68 Printers

18 Scanners 8 Scanners

6 Digital Cameras 10 LCD Projectors

23 LCD Projectors 88 AlphaSmart Keyboards

30 Science Probes 3 SmartBoards

11 Smartboards 2 Student Response System

2 Student Response System 3 Science Probes

8 Tablets 13 Interactive Projectors

23 Interactive Projectors 14 Document Cameras

17 Document Cameras 7 Digital Cameras

OPS 102 Workstations UVMS 278 Workstations

5 Laptops 97 Laptops

39 Printers 109 Printers

3 Scanners 21 Scanners

7 Digital Cameras 3 Digital Cameras

5 LCD Projectors 30 LCD Projectors

5 SmartBoards 12 AlphaSmart Keyboards

2 Science Probes 28 Science Probes

12 Tablets 13 Smartboards

14 Interactive Projectors 5 Student Response Systems

6 Document Cameras 9 Tablets

1 Student Response Systems 31 Interactive Projectors

17 Document Cameras

TRV 103 Workstations

6 Laptop

41 Printers

4 Scanners

10 Digital Cameras

12 LCD Projectors

2 SmartBoards

1 Science Probes

8 Tablets

17 Interactive Projectors

9 Document Cameras

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Appendix G: Technology Innovation Process and CIA Plan

Technology Innovation Process Technology Innovation Application Process – The Process and an Example: Blending technology

seamlessly into the curriculum requires innovation, thought and planning on the part of a curriculum team. The following development cycle outlines the process to be incorporated:

1. Research an Idea or Concept to use Technology.

2. Plan the Event, Learning Activity or


3. Pilot the Event, Learning Activity or


5. Modify the Event, Learning Activity or

Project to achieve desired Outcomes.

6. When approved by the District Core Team,

replicate District-wide.

4. Test and Assess – Report the Outcomes of the Event, Learning Activity or

Project with respect to Technology effectiveness and expectations to the District

Level Technology Team and the Director for Technology and Library Media Services.

7. Monitor the Event, Learning Activity or Project while in Full Scale – Adjust

where necessary.

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Appendix H: Staff Use and Professional Development Survey

Instructional Technology (iTech) Survey

This Technology User Survey is being conducted to gather information on how technology is being

used in the classroom, and also to provide you with the highest quality Instructional Technology support. 1. I have taken a technology related in-service course in the past year at least: Five or more times One to four times At least once None 2. I have made appointments to meet with a technology facilitator when they are in my building: Five or more times One to four times At least once None 3. I feel that instructional technology support from the district technology facilitators is: Outstanding Very good Needs improvement Unsatisfactory 4. Do you use Edline to create a class page in conjunction with your curriculum? Yes or No 5. What do you consider as important technology equipment? An Epson Interactive WhiteBoard in your classroom An SMARTBoard in your classroom A document camera iPads, Tablets and other mobile devices 6. In my classroom I use some or all of the following technology tools (click on all that apply): Document Camera iPads or Tablets Laptop cart NEO SMARTBoard or Epson Interactive Whiteboard None 7. What software do you commonly use with your class (if any)?

Up to 50 words

8. What are some aspects of technology that you would be interested in taking potential in-service courses on? (List recommended course topics)

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Appendix I: Staff Use and Professional Development Survey

Arlington Central Schools

696 Dutchess Turnpike Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 Jo Ann Kraus Director of Technology & Library Media Services

Instructional Staff can use the following forms to request new software that is not already in

use by Arlington Central School District. In order to create consistency, coordinate technical assistance, training and to increase communication and efficiency, the following process has been established by the Technology Department. Process:

The Technology Department approves software use for particular curricular areas and/or grade levels based on needs, NYS standards, compatibility and cost.

For Approved Software Requests, if a specific software title is already approved for use

throughout the district, a helpdesk request through your building SysOp for software installation is the only action that needs to be taken to have it installed. To find out whether a particular software title is already approved you may contact your building SysOp.

For New Software Requests, please fill out the attached Software Preview Request Form

(pages 1-2). Once the form is completed, reviewed and approved, the requested software will be installed as a pilot for further testing/evaluation by the technology department. If approved after evaluation of the pilot it will be installed as approved by the Director of Technology. Forms Instructions:

Instructional staff requesting new software must complete the first two pages of the Software Preview Request Form and submit to your building SysOp for approval by your Principal and Building Level Technology Team. Once it has been reviewed and approved at the building level (signed off by your Principal) the entire document including any necessary attachments or information should be forwarded to Danielle Pitcher in the Technology Department at the Central Administration Office. Once all of these steps are followed, you will receive an email from Jo Ann Kraus or Danielle Pitcher regarding the decision.

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Computer Software Preview Request Form NOTE: This form is a request to order ONE preview copy. Please complete and submit to your Building Sysop. The Sysop will

review with your BLTT and then forward to Danielle Pitcher at CAO.

Requester Information

Teacher/Team Name: Building: Email Address: Dept/Grade Level: Subject:

Software Information

Software Title: Publisher: Version: Website: No. of Licenses Requested: Site License: Yes No Unknown Please check all that apply:

New Software Request


Online Subscription


1. Indicate main purpose: Who will use it?

2. Please indicate why you are requesting this software:

3. What recommendations or reviews have you obtained for the requested software?

4. Did you consider other applications? And if so, what?

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5. What do you see as the advantages/disadvantages for the requested software?

6. How do you plan to incorporate this software within your curriculum?

7. How does this software meet the Common Core standards?

8. Who will need training to use the requested software if approved?


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Software Title:

Technician Use Only

1. Is there a network/server installation option? Yes or No (circle one)

a. If yes, is there a client install as well? Yes or No (circle one)

2. Can this software be deployed/maintained remotely within the District’s Infrastructure? Yes or No

(circle one)

3. Does this software involve the use of a shared database? Yes or No (circle one)

a. If yes, where is it located? ________________________________________________

4. Does this software/technology require a username and password? Yes or No (circle one)

a. If yes, what are they? Username: _______________________

Password: ________________________

5. Is there any building, grade level or desktop specifics relative to the deployment of this software or

technology? Yes or No (circle one)

a. If yes, please specify?



6. Describe the steps for installing this software (location, software installation):

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

7. Is there additional hardware, software or components such as drivers, media players, etc. required for the

operation of this software or technology? Yes No (circle one)

a. If yes, please specify what is needed and/or the steps that need to be taken:


____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

8. Additional Comments, Notes or Observations:

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

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Software Title:

Technology Office Use Only


Phone: ( )

Fax: ( )



Street Address Suite #

City State ZIP


1. Does this software need to be renewed annually? Yes No (circle one)

2. Is there a software assurance option? Yes No (circle one)

a. If yes, what is the cost? _____________

b. If yes, what is the length of SA? _____________

3. What Licensing Options are available?

Site License

Volume License

Single User License


Proposed Purchasing Plan:







No Users:


No Users:


No Users:


No Users:

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Software Title:


SYSOP OR BLTT REP: Approved? Yes or No (circle one) If “No” please give explanation:

Signature Date Please forward to your Principal approval and then route to the Software Application Specialist in the Technology Department

BUILDING PRINCIPAL: Approved? Yes or No (circle one) If “No” please give explanation:

Signature Date Please forward to the Software Application Specialist in the Technology Department

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY OR CURRICULUM SUPERVISOR: Approved? Yes or No (circle one) If “No” please give explanation:

Signature Date Please return to the Software Application Specialist in the Technology Department

NETWORK SUPPORT (TECHNICIAN): Approved? Yes or No (circle one) If “No” please give explanation:

Signature Date Please return to the Software Application Specialist in the Technology Department

DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY: Approved? Yes or No (circle one) If “No” please give explanation:

Signature Date Please return to the Software Application Specialist in the Technology Department

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Appendix J: Course Catalog

ACSD Technology In-Service Course Catalog

Course Title Course Description

Computer Bootcamp: Tips and Tricks Tired of having trouble with your computers? Need to figure out ways to better use computers and the Internet for differentiated instruction? If the answer is “yes,” this class is for you. In this class, you will learn new tips and tricks for using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and the Internet that will allow you to improve your classroom instruction. In addition, you will learn to troubleshoot basic computer problems. In this hands-on workshop, participants will explore creative opportunities for classroom and professional use of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint in their lessons, projects and classroom activities. This class is the perfect fit for teachers who need guidance and support on how to successfully incorporate technology in the classroom and want new ideas on how to proceed.

Using Tools for Data Collection and Presentation Twenty first century instruction requires careful analysis of student data. Data driven instruction is a proven model for success in the classroom. We have tools available that will allow us to create and analyze student data in a way that is meaningful. In this class, you will learn the basics of Excel and how this powerful spreadsheet software can be used to collect and analyze student data. Excel is a significant tool for item analysis and creating graphs. In addition, we will discover how to create dramatic, multimedia PowerPoint presentations that incorporate videos, sound and animations. Furthermore, we will discover how to add buttons to construct an interactive PowerPoint activity for students.

Using Web 2.0 Tools The modern version of the Internet is referred to as Web 2.0 due to the wide variety of teaching tools and activities available online on any PC or mobile device. There are a multitude of web-based sites available that allow teachers to create collaborative class projects and share information with others through Cloud based websites such as blogs, online teacher created assessments and virtual field trips. These tools positively impact teaching and learning and address the Common Core. This course is designed to provide teachers with hands on instruction on several new and collaborative online and Cloud based technology tools. The Web 2.0 tools in this course support differentiated instruction and can be applied to all grade levels and content areas in elementary, middle, and high schools.

Digital Story Telling If you want your students engaged in the learning process and writing with a purpose, this course will kick start your classroom. Digital storytelling is a student centered activity that uses technology tools to create multimedia stories. Digital storytelling incorporates a mixture of images, text, sound, audio narration, video and/or music. The process involves extensive interviewing, writing, research, and production methods. This course will employ the key skills needed to create a digital story including the following: Storyboard writing, narrative script writing, transferring/downloading images, Windows Movie Maker editing and audio recording. The end result is a vibrant, creative project that students will be able to present to the entire class.

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Edline 6 hr Course This course is a comprehensive, all day session of everything you need to know about Edline. This class is Edline Basics and Edline Intermediate combined. This course is designed for individuals who have not yet had any Edline training. If you have taken Edline Basics, your next step should be taking Edline Intermediate. Edline Basics will be taught in the AM session, and Edline Intermediate will be taught in the PM session. Please see the individual course listings for more detailed descriptions.

RM Easiteach Would you like to learn how to create interactive lessons that can

be projected onto your Epson IWVB? If so, this is the course for you. In this class, you will learn how to use the program RMEasiTeach to create lessons that are interactive and engaging. You will learn how to create lessons that will change based on the student response, provide feedback, and track the development of the lesson. You can even make your own interactive games and web quests!

Google Apps This course will provide teachers with the training they need to maximize the ability to collaborate both with their students and colleagues. We will utilize Google Apps to create interactive assignments as well as take advantage of significant Cloud storage to keep your files safe and accessible on any computer or device.

Edline Basics This course will provide you with the training to get started with Edline. Do you currently use TeacherWeb and need to transfer over your content before January 2015? Do you currently not utilize any online resources to support your curriculum? Are you curious how to get started with Edline, set up class pages, and organize your class materials so that they are easily accessible to students and parents? Then take this course and learn these Edline skills: How to create folders, upload files, insert pictures, and how to utilize the calendar.

Edline Intermediate Now that you have learned the basics of setting up and beginning to build your page and populate it with content, let’s get more creative! In this course, you will learn how to create blogs, discussion topics, embed various aspects of multimedia, as well as link items from Google Drive. Also, if you feel as if your Edline page is visually lacking and you would like to inject it with some of your own personality and creativity, this course will provide you with the proper skills to edit the page design and add your favorite colors, pictures, and banners.

Introduction to Epson IWB This course will teach you to use the Interactive White Board (IWB) and the Easy Interactive Tools. You will learn a variety of methods to utilize your IWB in the classroom. You will receive hands-on experience with the remote and interactive pens.

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Appendix K: Projected Purchase Plan

Computers or mobile devices--R (Replacement with VDI Endpoints -existing equipment) N (Replace with New equipment) Z (Replace with Zero Client)





















or iPads




































AHS R R 64 33


LMS Z N 30 1

UVMS Z or N Z 30








VFES Z or N Z 12

AHS 64 20 2


LMS Z or N 30







TIS Z or N Z 5



AHS Z 64







OPS Z or N

TRV Z or N





AHS Z or N N 64




ASM Z or N

BES Z or N

NOX Z or N







Arlington Central School District Projected Equipment Purchase Plan

Wireless Computers or mobile devices Servers Other

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- 63 -

Appendix L: Permission to Publish

Permission to Publish Opt-Out Form

Complete only if you DO NOT want your child’s image/work used Arlington Central School District

School Year – 2014-2015

The Arlington Central School District is committed to sharing good news regarding student, team and group accomplishments and events throughout the community. The District and schools publish newsletters, photographs/digital images, videos, presentations, press releases, and other documents and materials, both in print and digital form, on District, school, and teacher websites and District sponsored social media.

Arlington students may occasionally have the opportunity to have their image or work published on these Arlington

websites and/or in written publications. All public events, including meetings, athletics and performances are newsworthy, and students who participate, both as participants or spectators, may be photographed or filmed. Local media publishes student images/photos and work provided by the District or taken by their own representatives at public activities. In accordance with FERPA and only when relevant, a student’s name, awards/recognitions, and participation in officially recognized activities and sports may be included with the student’s image and/or work.

If you DO NOT want your child’s image/photo and work to appear in any District/school publications and

communications, please sign below and return the Opt-Out Form to your child’s school by September 12, 2014 (or within two weeks of receiving this notice). If you do not return this form, you are granting the District permission to feature your child’s image/photo and work in Arlington publications and on District sponsored websites/social media.


Image/Photo/Video/Work Opt-Out Form My signature below notifies the Arlington Central School District that I DO NOT give permission for either my child’s

image/photo or work to be published on District sponsored websites/social media and/or in Arlington written publications. This applies only to students under the age of 18.

Any student 18 years of age or older must sign and file a form with the District if he/she does not wish disclosure of his/her image or work.

This notice shall remain in effect for the 2014-2015 school year only. Student’s Name (Please Print): ___________________________________________________ School (Please Print): __________________________________________________________ Name of parent/guardian (Please Print): ____________________________________________ Signature of parent/guardian: Date:

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Appendix M: National Education Technology Standards – Teachers and Administrators

National Education Technology Standards (NETS)

Teachers and Administrators

Arlington School District acknowledges the following National Education Technology Standards for Teachers and Administrators. The District will provide professional development opportunities to assist teachers and administrators achieve these standards.

National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Teachers

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences

that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers: a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness

b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources

c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning and creative processes

d. model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers:

a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity

b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress

c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources

d. provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching

3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:

a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations

b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation

c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats

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d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning

4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices. Teachers:

a. advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources

b. address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies and providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources

c. promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information

d. develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools

5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. a. participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications

of technology to improve student learning b. exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making

and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others c. evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of

existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning d. contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and


National Educational Technology Standards for Students, Second Edition, ©2007, ISTE® (International

Society for Technology in Education), All rights reserved.

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National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Administrators

1. Visionary Leadership Educational Administrators inspire and lead development and implementation of a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology to promote excellence and support transformation throughout the organization.

Educational Administrators: a. inspire and facilitate among all stakeholders a shared vision of purposeful change that maximizes use of

digital-age resources to meet and exceed learning goals, support effective instructional practice, and maximize performance of district and

school leaders b. engage in an ongoing process to develop, implement, and communicate technology-infused strategic plans

aligned with a shared vision c. advocate on local, state, and national levels for policies, programs, and funding to support implementation

of a technology-infused vision and strategic plan

2. Digital-Age Learning Culture. Educational Administrators create, promote, and sustain a dynamic, digital-age learning culture that provides a rigorous, relevant, and engaging education for all students. Educational Administrators:

a. ensure instructional innovation focused on continuous improvement of digital-age learning b. model and promote the frequent and effective use of technology for learning c. provide learner-centered environments equipped with technology and learning resources to meet the

individual, diverse needs of all learners d. ensure effective practice in the study of technology and its infusion across the curriculum e. promote and participate in local, national, and global learning communities that stimulate innovation,

creativity, and digital-age collaboration

3. Excellence in Professional Practice. Educational Administrators promote an environment of professional learning and innovation that empowers educators to enhance student learning through the infusion of contemporary technologies and

digital resources. Educational Administrators: a. allocate time, resources, and access to ensure ongoing professional growth in technology fluency and

integration b. facilitate and participate in learning communities that stimulate, nurture, and support administrators,

faculty, and staff in the study and use of technology c. promote and model effective communication and collaboration among stakeholders using digital-age tools d. stay abreast of educational research and emerging trends regarding effective use of technology and

encourage evaluation of new technologies for their potential to improve student learning 4. Systemic Improvement. Educational Administrators provide digital-age leadership and management to

continuously improve the organization through the effective use of information and technology resources. Educational Administrators:

a. lead purposeful change to maximize the achievement of learning goals through the appropriate use of technology and media-rich resources

b. collaborate to establish metrics, collect and analyze data, interpret results, and share findings to improve staff performance and student learning

c. recruit and retain highly competent personnel who use technology creatively and proficiently to advance academic and operational goals

d. establish and leverage strategic partnerships to support systemic improvement e. establish and maintain a robust infrastructure for technology including integrated, interoperable technology

systems to support management, operations, teaching, and learning

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- 67 -

5. Digital Citizenship. Educational Administrators model and facilitate understanding of social, ethical, and

legal issues and responsibilities related to an evolving digital culture. Educational Administrators: a. ensure equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources to meet the needs of all learners b. promote, model, and establish policies for safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology c. promote and model responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information d. model and facilitate the development of a shared cultural understanding and involvement in global issues

through the use of contemporary communication and collaboration tools

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- 68 -

Appendix N: Internet Filtering Process


Any professional staff member can request to have a website blocked. The reporting of inappropriate websites to administration should be done immediately upon discovery of the site (s) so that prompt blocking can be initiated.

NOTE: If a site is to be blocked and blocking the site will have no adverse educational effect on the District network, the request will be granted. Blocking the site will be accomplished through the office of the Director of Technology and Library Media Services.

Procedure at Arlington High School

Contact the House Principal in charge of technology, Richard Carroll

The House Principal will discuss blocking the site with the building principal.

The House Principal will email the information to the Technology Department at the CAO.

Procedure at Middle School Level

Contact the building Principal;

The Principal will review the request and email the information to the Director of Technology and Library Media Services;

The Director of Technology will initiate the immediate blocking of the site.

Procedure at Elementary Level

Contact the building Principal;

The Principal will review the request and email the information to Director of Technology and Library Media Services;

The Director of Technology will initiate the immediate blocking of the site.

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (69)

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Appendix O: ACSD Technology Skills Crosswalk

Arlington Technology Skills Crosswalk with Common Core Technology Skills

This document is intended as a guide for assessing student technology skills. It was revised and edited by the District Level Technology Team in collaboration with the Director of ELA and Social Studies. It is linked to the Common Core Technology

Skills and the Arlington ELA curriculum. Please review the following pages for different skills and proficiencies for the appropriate grade levels. These skills are

listed in the Atlas ELA curriculum for each grade level.

Revised: June 2014

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Kindergarten Skills Common Core Standards:

● With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

● Read digital texts and demonstrate understanding by asking and answering questions.

Technology Operations and Concepts

ISTE NETS ● 6A-Understand and use technology systems ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively ● 6C-Troubleshoot systems and applications

Students will be able to:

Identify the main parts of a device.

Independently power up, login/logout and shutdown.

Launch and close programs.

Use a mouse and clicking features.

Access and save documents in folders with teacher support.

Word Processing & Keyboarding

ISTE NETS ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively

Students will be able to:

Type words and sentences with spacing.

Locate and use letters, numbers, etc.

Identify and locate special keys such as enter, spacebar, caps lock and shift.

Use online keyboard practice activities.

Point, click and move mouse/touchpad.

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- 71 -

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship

ISTE NETS ● 5A- Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and

technology ● 5B- Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,

learning, and productivity ● 5D- Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship

Students will be able to: Demonstrate appropriate use of technology.

Demonstrate appropriate computer etiquette.

Grade 1 Skills Common Core Standards:

● With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including collaboration with peers.

● Read digital texts and demonstrate understanding by asking and answering questions.

Technology Operations and Concepts

ISTE NETS ● 6A-Understand and use technology systems ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively ● 6C-Troubleshoot systems and applications

Students will be able to: Identify the main parts of a device.

Independently power up, login/logout and shutdown.

Use mouse and clicking features.

Access and print files under the teacher’s direction.

Access and save documents in folders with teacher support.

Word Processing & Keyboarding

ISTE NETS ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively

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- 72 -

Students will be able to: Type short writing pieces with spacing.

Locate and use letters, numbers, etc.

Identify and locate special keys such as enter, spacebar, caps lock and shift.

Use online keyboarding practice activities.

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship

ISTE NETS ● 5A- Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and

technology. ● 5B- Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,

learning, and productivity. ● 5D- Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.

Students will be able to: Demonstrate appropriate use of technologies.

Maintain appropriate computer etiquette

Develop an awareness of privacy of all users.

Practice online safety when visiting Internet sites.

Understand basic concepts of citation

21st Century Skills: Information Literacy

ISTE NETS ● 3B-Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from

a variety of sources and media ● 3C-Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the

appropriateness to specific tasks ● 4C-Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions ● 4D-Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions

Students will be able to:

Access and retrieve information from a variety of sources, databases, webpages and online catalogs.

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Grade 2 Skills Common Core Standards:

● Use information gained from illustrations and words in a digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, plot, or setting.

● Know and use various text features (e.g. electronic menus, icons, etc.) to locate key facts or information in a digital text efficiently.

● With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

● Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text presented through media. ● Use digital glossaries and beginning dictionaries to determine or clarify the meaning of

words and phrases.

Technology Operations and Concepts

ISTE NETS ● 6A-Understand and use technology systems ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively ● 6C-Troubleshoot systems and applications

Students will be able to: Demonstrate knowledge of the main parts of a device.

Independently power up, login/logout and shutdown.

Use mouse and clicking features.

Access and print files under teacher direction.

Toggle between programs.

Access, save, and delete documents in folders.

Word Processing & Keyboarding

ISTE NETS ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively

Students will be able to: Format text. (font, color, italics, bold, underline)

Insert clip art and graphics from outside resources.

Copy and paste information from the Internet into a Word document.

Type short writing pieces with spaces.

Locate and use letters, numbers, etc.

Use online keyboarding and practice activities.

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Multimedia/Presentation Skills

ISTE NETS ● 1B-Create original works as a means of personal or group expression ● 4B-Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project ● 6B- Select and use applications effectively and positively

Students will be able to:

Open and save a presentation.

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship

ISTE NETS ● 5A- Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and

technology ● 5B- Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,

learning, and productivity ● 5D- Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship

Students will be able to: Demonstrate appropriate use of technologies.

Demonstrate appropriate computer etiquette.

Respect privacy of all users.

Practice online safety when visiting Internet sites.

Understand basic concepts of citation/plagiarism.

21st Century Skills: Information Literacy

ISTE NETS ● 3B-Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from

a variety of sources and media ● 3C-Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the

appropriateness to specific tasks ● 4C-Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions ● 4D-Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions

Students will be able to:

Access and retrieve information from a variety of sources, databases, webpages and online


Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (75)

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Grade 3 Skills

Common Core Standards:

● Use text features and search tools (e.g. key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.

● With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

● Gather information from digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories.

● Determine the main idea and supporting details of information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively.

Technology Operations and Concepts

ISTE NETS ● 6A-Understand and use technology systems ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively ● 6C-Troubleshoot systems and applications

Students will be able to: Identify the parts of a device.

Independently power up, login/logout and shutdown.

Use a mouse and clicking features.

Access and print files under teacher direction.

Use printer functions, select pages, and select printer.

Continue to properly toggle between programs.

Use shortcuts to perform functions in applications.

Access, save and delete documents in folders.

Identify and solve routine problems that occur during everyday use.

Word Processing & Keyboarding

ISTE NETS ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively .

Students will be able to: Format text (font, color, italic, bold, underline)

Insert clip art and graphics from outside sources

Copy and paste information from the Internet into a Word document.

Type short writing pieces with spaces.

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- 76 -

Use spell check and thesaurus

Begin to cut, copy, paste within a document.

Use online keyboarding practice games.

(Proposed formalized 6 week touch typing instruction, 15 minutes per day)

Multimedia/Presentation Skills

ISTE NETS ● 1B-Create original works as a means of personal or group expression ● 4B-Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project ● 6B- Select and use applications effectively and positively

Students will be able to: Open/save a presentation.

Create a slide independently with specific layout.

Choose/change background and color schemes.

Create a 3-5 slide presentation with pictures.

Change order of slides.

Cut, copy, paste within a presentation.

Delete slides.

Add slide transitions.

Add special effects.

Present a presentation to an audience.

Insert position and delete images.

Use audio and video tools for presentation.

Use digital devices to record/manipulate images and sound files.

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship

ISTE NETS ● 5A- Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and

technology. ● 5B- Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,

learning, and productivity. ● 5D- Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.

Students will be able to: Demonstrate appropriate use of technologies.

Demonstrate appropriate computer etiquette

Respect privacy of all users.

Understand and obey copyright laws.

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- 77 -

Participate in academic and social networks responsibly and safely.

Practice online safety when visiting Internet sites.

Understand basic concepts of citation/plagiarism.

21st Century Skills: Information Literacy

ISTE NETS ● 3B-Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from

a variety of sources and media ● 3C-Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the

appropriateness to specific tasks ● 4C-Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions ● 4D-Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions

Students will be able to:

Access and retrieve information from a variety of sources, databases, webpages and online catalogs.

Grade 4 Skills Common Core Standards

● Interpret information presented (e.g. in animations, interactive elements on webpages) and explain how the information presented contributes to an understanding of the digital text in which it appears.

● Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information in paragraphs and sections: include multimedia when useful in aiding comprehension with some guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one page in a single sitting.

● Recall relevant information/gather relevant information from digital sources. ● Take notes, categorize information, and provide a list of sources. ● Consult digital reference materials to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify

the exact meaning of key words and phrases.

Technology Operations and Concepts

ISTE NETS ● 6A-Understand and use technology systems ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively ● 6C-Troubleshoot systems and applications

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (78)

- 78 -

Students will be able to: Power up, login/out and shut down computers and devices.

Access and print files under teacher direction.

Use printer functions, select pages, and select printer.

Properly toggle between programs.

Use shortcuts to perform functions in applications.

Access, save and delete documents in folders.

Apply strategies for identifying and solving routine problems that occur during

every day use.

Word Processing & Keyboarding

ISTE NETS ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively

Students will be able to: Format text (font, color, italic, bold, underline)

Insert clip art and graphics from outside sources

Copy and paste information from the Internet into a Word document.

Use spell check and thesaurus.

Cut, copy, paste within a document.

Use online keyboarding practice games.

Multimedia/Presentation Skills

ISTE NETS ● 1B-Create original works as a means of personal or group expression ● 4B-Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project ● 6B- Select and use applications effectively and positively

Students will be able to: Open/save a presentation

Create a slide independently with specific layout.

Choose/change background and color schemes.

Create a 3-5 slide presentation with pictures.

Delete or change order of slides.

Cut, copy, paste within a presentation.

Add slide transitions and special effects.

Present a presentation to an audience.

Insert, position and delete images.

Use audio and video tools for presentation.

Use digital devices to record/manipulate images and sound files.

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (79)

- 79 -

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship

ISTE NETS ● 5A- Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and

technology ● 5B- Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,

learning, and productivity ● 5D- Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship

Students will be able to: Demonstrate appropriate use of technologies.

Demonstrate appropriate computer etiquette

Respect privacy of all users.

Recognize and obey copyright laws.

Practice online safety when visiting Internet sites.

Understand basic concepts of citation/plagiarism.

21st Century Skills: Information Literacy

ISTE NETS ● 3B-Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from

a variety of sources and media. ● 3C-Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the

appropriateness to specific tasks. ● 4C-Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions. ● 4D-Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.

Students will be able to:

Access and retrieve information from a variety of sources, databases, webpages and online catalogs.

Search the Internet utilizing search strategies, keywords, concepts, subjects, and

Boolean operators.

Utilize alternative search engines to locate information for research.

Bookmark resources.

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- 80 -

Grade 5 Skills Common Core Standards:

● Analyze how multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone or beauty of a text (e.g. multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, or poem).

● Interpret information presented in animations, or interactive elements on webpages and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears.

● Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. Introduce a topic clearly, provide a general observation and focus, and group related information logically; include formatting, illustrations, and multimedia when useful in aiding in comprehension.

● With some guidance and support from adults, use technology including the Internet to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting.

● Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from digital sources; summarize or paraphrase information in notes and finished work, and provide a list of sources.

● Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) in presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.

● Consult digital reference materials (e.g. dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses) to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.

Technology Operations and Concepts

ISTE NETS ● 6A-Understand and use technology systems ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively ● 6C-Troubleshoot systems and applications

Students will be able to: Use printer functions, select pages, and select printer.

Properly toggle between programs.

Use shortcuts to perform functions in applications.

Access, save and delete documents in folders.

Apply strategies for identifying and solving routine problems that occur during everyday use.

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (81)

- 81 -

Word Processing & Keyboarding

ISTE NETS ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively

Students will be able to: Format text (font, color, italic, bold, underline).

Insert clip art and graphics from outside sources.

Copy and paste information from the Internet into a Word document.

Use spell check and thesaurus.

Cut, copy, paste within a document.

Use of online keyboarding practice games.

Multimedia/Presentation Skills

ISTE NETS ● 1B-Create original works as a means of personal or group expression ● 4B-Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and positively

Students will be able to: Open/save a presentation.

Create a slide independently with specific layout.

Choose/change background and color schemes.

Create a 3-5 slide presentation with pictures.

Delete or change order of slides.

Cut, copy, paste within a presentation.

Add slide transitions and special effects.

Present a presentation to an audience.

Insert, position and delete images.

Use audio and video tools for presentation.

Use digital devices to record/manipulate images and sound files.

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Spreadsheets and Data Analysis

ISTE NETS ● 3B-Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from

a variety of sources and media ● 3D-Process data and report results ● 4A-Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation ● 4B-Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project ● 6B- Select and use applications effectively and positively

Students will be able to

Create a spreadsheet and interpret data.

Create and interpret a bar, pie, and line graph using collected data.

Use a title, axis, label, and data labels in graphs.

Sort data in ascending and descending order.

Insert and delete rows and columns.

Use spreadsheet functions.

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship

ISTE NETS ● 5A- Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and

technology. ● 5B- Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,

learning, and productivity. ● 5D- Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.

Students will be able to: Demonstrate appropriate use of technologies.

Demonstrate appropriate computer etiquette

Respect privacy of all users.

Recognize and obey copyright laws.

Participate in academic and social networks responsibly and safely.

Understand issues of plagiarism and cite sources using grade appropriate format.

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21st Century Skills: Information Literacy

ISTE NETS ● 3B-Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from

a variety of sources and media. ● 3C-Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the

appropriateness to specific tasks. ● 4C-Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions. ● 4D-Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative


Students will be able to:

Access and retrieve information from a variety of sources, databases, webpages and online


Search the Internet utilizing search strategies: keywords, concepts, subjects, and Boolean


Utilize alternative search engines to locate information for research.

Bookmark resources.

Identify and differentiate between primary and secondary sources.

Produce research projects incorporating information retrieved from three or more types of


Collaborate with others using online tools.

Differentiate among fact, opinion, propaganda, point of view, and bias of Internet site.

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (84)

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Grades 6-8 Skills

Common Core Standards for Technology

Grade 6

● Integrate information presented in different media as well as in words to develop a

coherent understanding of a topic or issue.

● Integrate visual information (e.g. in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with

other information in digital texts.

● Compare and contrast the information gained from multimedia sources with that

gained from reading a text on the same topic.

● Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events,

scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes. Introduce a topic clearly,

previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader

categories as appropriate to achieving purpose; including formatting, graphics, and

multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

● Use technology including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the

relationship between information and ideas clearly and efficiently.

● Gather relevant information from multiple digital sources, using search terms

effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; quote or paraphrase

the date and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard

format for citation.

● Include multimedia components (e.g. graphics, images, music, and sound) and visual

displays in presentations to clarify information.

● Consult digital reference materials (e.g. dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses) to find

the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of


Grade 7

● Compare and contrast a text to a multimedia version of the text analyzing each

medium’s portrayal of the subject (e.g. how the delivery of a speech affects the

impact of the words).

● Consult general and specialized digital reference materials (e.g. dictionaries,

glossaries, thesauruses), to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its

precise meaning or its part of speech.

● Include multimedia components in presentations to clarify claims and findings and

emphasize salient points.

● Use technology including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and link to and

cite sources as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

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Grade 8

● Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g. print or

digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea.

● Consult general and specialized digital reference materials (e.g. dictionaries,

glossaries, thesauruses), to find the pronunciation of a word or determine and clarify

its precise meaning or its part of speech.

● Integrate multimedia components to clarify information, strengthen claims and

evidence, and add interest.

● Gather relevant information from print and digital sources, using search terms

effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or

paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following

a standard format for citation.

● Use technology including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the

relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and

collaborate with others.

Technology Operations and Concepts

ISTE NETS ● 6A-Understand and use technology systems ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively ● 6C-Troubleshoot systems and applications.

Students will be able to: Use printer functions, select pages and select printer.

Toggle between programs

Use shortcuts to perform functions in applications.

Apply strategies for identifying and solving routine problems that occur during everyday use.

Word Processing & Keyboarding

ISTE NETS ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively

Students will be able to: Format text (font, color, italic, bold, underline)

Copy and paste information from the Internet into a Word document.

Use spell check and thesaurus

Cut, copy, and paste within a document.

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Multimedia/Presentation Skills

ISTE NETS ● 1B-Create original works as a means of personal or group expression ● 4B-Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. ● 6B- Select and use applications effectively and positively.

Students will be able to: Create a slide independently with specific layout.

Choose/change background and color schemes.

Create a 3-5 slide presentation with pictures.

Change order of slides.

Cut, copy, paste within a presentation.

Delete slides.

Add slide transitions

Add special effects.

Present a presentation to an audience.

Insert, position or delete images.

Use audio and video tools for presentation.

Use digital devices to record/ manipulate images and sound files.

Spreadsheets and Data Analysis

ISTE NETS ● 3B-Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from

a variety of sources and media. ● 3D-Process data and report results. ● 4A-Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation. ● 4B-Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. ● 6B- Select and use applications effectively and positively.

Students will be able to: Open a spreadsheet

Understand simple data.

Create and interpret a simple spreadsheet.

Create and interpret a bar, pie, and line graph using collected data.

Use a title, axis and data labels in graphs.

Sort data in ascending and descending order.

Insert and delete rows.

Insert and delete columns.

Use spreadsheet functions.

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (87)

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Online Safety and Digital Citizenship

ISTE NETS ● 5A- Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and

technology. ● 5B- Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,

learning, and productivity. ● 5D- Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.

Students will be able to: Demonstrate appropriate use of technologies.

Demonstrate appropriate computer etiquette

Respect privacy of all users.

Maintain good judgment upon entering Internet sites.

Recognize and obey copyright laws.

Participate in academic and social networks responsibly and safely.

Understand issues of plagiarism and cite sources using grade appropriate format.

21st Century Skills: Information Literacy

ISTE NETS ● 3B-Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from

a variety of sources and media. ● 3C-Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the

appropriateness to specific tasks. ● 4C-Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions. ● 4D-Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative ● solutions.

Students will be able to:

Access and retrieve information from a variety of sources, databases, webpages and online


Search the Internet utilizing search strategies, keywords, concepts, subjects, and Boolean


Utilize alternative search engines to locate information for research.

Bookmark resources.

Identify and differentiate between primary and secondary sources.

Produce research projects incorporating information retrieved from three or more types of


Collaborate with others using online tools.

Differentiate among fact, opinion, propaganda, point of view, and bias of Internet sites.

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (88)

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Grades 9-12 Skills

Common Core Standards for Technology

Grade 9-10

● Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important

connections and distinctions; including formatting, graphics, and multimedia when useful in

aiding comprehension.

● Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g. a person’s life story in

both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account.

● Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared

writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and

to display information flexibly and dynamically.

● Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using

advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the

research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of

ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.

● Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats evaluating

the credibility and accuracy of each source.

● Make strategic use of digital media (e.g. textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive

elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, evidence, and

to add interest.

● Integrate quantitative or technical analysis with qualitative analysis in digital texts.

Grade 11-12

● Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared

writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.

● Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and

media in order to address a question or solve a problem.

● Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media evaluating the

credibility and accuracy of each source.

● Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative digital sources, use advanced

searches effectively; assess strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the task,

purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow

of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard

format for citation.

● Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts and

information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and

analysis of content. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information

so that each element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole; include

formatting, graphics, and multimedia when useful for aiding in comprehension.

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (89)

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Technology Operations and Concepts

ISTE NETS ● 6A-Understand and use technology systems ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively ● 6C-Troubleshoot systems and applications

Students will be able to: Use shortcuts to perform functions in applications.

Apply strategies for identifying and solving routine problems that occur during everyday use.

Word Processing & Keyboarding

ISTE NETS ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and productively

Students will be able to:

Copy and paste information from the Internet into a Word document.

Multimedia/Presentation Skills

ISTE NETS ● 1B-Create original works as a means of personal or group expression ● 4B-Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and positively

Students will be able to:

Present a presentation to an audience.

Spreadsheets and Data Analysis

ISTE NETS ● 3B-Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from

a variety of sources and media ● 3D-Process data and report results ● 4A-Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation ● 4B-Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project ● 6B-Select and use applications effectively and positively

Students will be able to: Create and interpret a bar, pie, and line graphs using collected data.

Use spreadsheet functions.

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (90)

- 90 -

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship

ISTE NETS ● 5A-Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and

technology ● 5B-Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,

learning, and productivity ● 5D-Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship

Students will be able to: Demonstrate appropriate use of technologies.

Demonstrate appropriate computer etiquette.

Respect privacy of all users.

Participate in academic and social networks responsibly and safely.

Understand issues of plagiarism and cite sources using grade appropriate format.

21st Century Skills: Information Literacy

ISTE NETS ● 3B-Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from

a variety of sources and media ● 3C-Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the

appropriateness to specific tasks ● 4C-Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions ● 4D-Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative


Students will be able to: Search the Internet utilizing search strategies, keywords, concepts, subjects, and Boolean operators.

Utilize alternative search engines to locate information for research.

Identify and differentiate between primary and secondary sources.

Produce research projects incorporating information retrieved from three or more types of sources.

Collaborate with others using online tools.

Differentiate among fact, opinion, propaganda, point of view, and bias on Internet sites.

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (91)

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Appendix P: Resource Guide Internet Safety and Ethical Behavior

Resource Guide for Internet Safety and Ethical Behavior

Staff Resources for Student Instruction by Grade Level Grade Level: K-2 Topic: Online Solicitation Venue: Library Suggested Activities: Introduce McGruff Introduce NetSmartz FauxPaw ` "Be Safer Online" Tell People "No" Activity and Lesson Plan & Know the Rules

Take a Friend Activity and Lesson Plan Tell a Trusted Adult Activity and Lesson Plan

Brain Pop Jr. Grade Level: 3-5

Topic: Personal Information Venue: Library Suggested Activities: NetSmartz Internet Safety and Real World Safety pledges Meet the WizzyWigs

Name that WizzyWig Part I Name that WizzyWig Part II Who's Your Friend on the Internet? Which WizzyWig is Which? What 2 Do on the World Wide Web (starring Clicky) The Webville Outlaws Clicky's Challenge: Name that Outlaw Quiz McGruff's Cyber bullying Advice NetSmartz Internet Safety games

Clicky's Comic Book NetSmartz Coloring Book The Webville Roundup NetSmartz Picture Puzzle Clicky's Coloring Book Make-A-Match

Brain Pop iSafe Choosing Screen Names John Walsh Video “Internet Safety” Nickelodeon iCarly

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Grade Level: 6-8

Topic: Social Networking, websites, chat, email, instant messaging, Personal Information Venue: Computer 6 Class Suggested Activities: i-Safe Students Online: How Much Do You Know CyberSmart NetSmartz Teens

ScreenCast 4 minutes to better MySpace security settings

3 minutes to better Facebook security settings

NetSmartz Tips for safe online gaming CyberSmart Private and Personal Information

Protecting Private Identity Information

8/private_and_personal_information/ Topic: Online Solicitations, Online Harassment and Cyberbullying Venue: HACS Suggested Activities:

CyberSmart Savvy Talk

8/Savvy_Online_Talk_And_Messaging.pdf NetSmartz Julie’s Journey

Amy’s Choice Student Assembly Ryan Halligan’s Story (i-Safe)

Tips for Taking Action

NetSmartz Cyberbullying: Feathers in the Wind Cyberbullying: You Can't Take it Back Cyberbullying: Broken Friendship CyberSmart Dealing with Online Bullies

8/Dealing_With_Cyberbullying.pdf NetSmartz Terrible tEXt

i-Safe Predator Student Video

NetSmartz Tracking Teresa Topic: Ethical Use of the Internet, Evaluating Information Online, Copyright

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (93)

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Venue: Library Suggested Activities: Noodle Tools CyberSmart Inspiration What you See is What you Get For Reference

Grade Level: 9-12 Topic: Deceptive Online or Unsolicited Communication, Illegal Online Activities, Copyright laws, Intellectual

Properties, Citing, Plagiarism, Authority on the Web, Images Venue: Library, English, Economics, Other Suggested Activities: IQ Test Bogus Websites Copyright Self-Quiz i-Safe Intellectual Property

Security: Cyber Citizenship Cyber Security: Malicious Code

Tech Tips of the Day Teach-In Assembly School Resource Officer & Staff

Parent Resources

FBI’s Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety

Frontline’s “Growing Up Online”

PBS’s Parent’s Guide

Top 50 Internet Terms, By Erin Jensen

i-Parent access from i-Safe

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Parenting Online Booklet from

National PTA Safety

OnGuard Online – Tips for parents

Net Cetera – Chatting with Kids About Being Online

Administrative, Faculty, & Staff Resources

i-Safe Access

Professional Development Courses:

21st Century Skills – Technology Fluency Internet Safety Computer Skills and Technology Tools

Access to Instructional Technology Specialists during school hours

Access to Internet Safety Curriculum and Instruction via Atlas

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (95)

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Appendix Q: Internet Safety Policy

5350 INTERNET SAFETY POLICY It is the policy of Arlington Central School District to: (a) prevent user access over its computer network to, or

transmission of, inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and (d) comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)].

Access to Inappropriate Material

To the extent practical, an Internet Filtering Gateway shall be used to block or filter Internet, or other forms of electronic communications, and access to inappropriate information.

Specifically, as required by the Children's Internet Protection Act, blocking shall be applied to visual depictions of material deemed obscene or child p*rnography, or to any material deemed harmful to minors.

Subject to staff supervision, technology protection measures may be disabled or, in the case of minors, minimized only for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.

Inappropriate Network Usage

To the extent practical, steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users of the Arlington Central School District online computer network when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, and other forms of direct electronic communications.

Specifically, as required by the Children's Internet Protection Act, prevention of inappropriate network usage includes: (a) unauthorized access, including so-called 'hacking,' and other unlawful activities; and (b) unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.

Education, Supervision and Monitoring

It shall be the responsibility of all members of the Arlington Central School District staff to educate, supervise, and monitor appropriate usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy, the Children's Internet Protection Act, the Neighborhood Children's Internet Protection Act, and the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act.

Procedures for the disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection measures shall be the responsibility of the Director of Technology and Library Media Services or designated representatives.


This Internet Safety Policy was adopted by the Board of Education at a public meeting, following normal public notice, on May 11, 2010.

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Appendix R: Arlington High School BYOD Responsible Use Agreement for Pilot


Arlington Central School District has implemented a Bring Your Own Device pilot initiative at Arlington

High School to increase student motivation and engagement, to support differentiated instruction in the classroom, to increase student access to district-provided online resources, to support online collaborative work in the classroom, and to increase access to technology tools via district-provided computers for students who need them. District BYOD policy will help teachers and administrators proactively manage student-owned technologies that are already in use.

The ever-changing field of technology requires that school districts adopt policies to ensure that not only

are students benefitting from the ubiquitous availability of information but that they are also educated about the responsible use of technology tools. School districts have a responsibility to respond appropriately and proactively to the technology age by facilitating positive 21st century learning experiences and at the same time proper digital citizenship. Our students deserve to be prepared for the challenges ushered in by the age of technology.

The Responsible Use Policy and Agreement is designed to set a framework for responsible and ethical use

of technology, protecting the privacy and ensuring the safety of our students and teachers. It requires that this form be reviewed, signed and returned to your teacher in the BYOD pilot. The BYOD Responsible Use Policy and Agreement applies to all technology resources brought into Arlington High School.

Definitions used BYOD is an acronym for “Bring Your Own Device.” In the second quarter of 2014 students will be allowed to bring in

their own devices to be used in selected classrooms under the direct supervision of their teacher. For BYOD, a "device" is a privately owned laptop, tablet computing device, Chromebook, notebook, e-Reader, iPod touch (or similar), or cell/smart phone. For the purposes of this program, the term "device" also includes any similar product owned by Arlington School District and provided for student use.

Access: wireless connection to the Internet using the ACSD-Mobile network. This does not include access to ACSD

network resources, such as file shares or printers. Any and all access through the wireless network may be monitored and/or recorded for the purposes of network security and student safety.

BYOD Rules and Conditions a. In order to utilize Internet access and participate in the BYOD program, students and a parent or legal guardian

must review and sign the BYOD Responsible Use Agreement.

b. The student is fully responsible, at all times, for the personally owned device brought to school. Arlington School District is not liable for any loss/damage/theft of a personally owned device. School administrators are not

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (97)

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responsible for conducting searches for lost/stolen devices. It is recommended that the device locator feature is enabled.

c. The student is responsible for the condition of the device brought to school, including updates, antivirus software, and repair.

d. Personal devices should be charged and recharged outside of school, unless specific permission is granted. Personal devices should be capable of lasting a full day without recharging.

e. School/District staff, including Technology staff, will not configure, troubleshoot, or repair student devices. f. Students may not use any device or service for non-educational purposes during school hours. No device,

personal or otherwise, may be used to record, store, or transmit any type of image, sound, or video from Arlington High School, except for approved projects with the express permission of the teacher.

g. If reasonable belief exists that the student has violated the terms of this agreement, or other school policy, the student's device may be inspected and/or confiscated. Subsequent or additional disciplinary action involving misuse of technology may extend to loss of technology privileges or further action as determined by the school district.

The above agreement and guidelines will apply to the following device(s) : Device___________________________________ Serial #_____________________________ Device___________________________________ Serial #_____________________________ Device___________________________________ Serial #_____________________________ ___ My child will not be bringing a device to school at this time

I, the undersigned, as a student of Arlington Central School District , have reviewed the above policy and guidelines. I understand that any violation of the policy or guidelines may result in revocation of technology privileges, and possible further disciplinary action.

Student Name_________________________________________________ Date___/___/___ Signature____________________________________________________________________ I, the undersigned legal guardian, have reviewed the Arlington High School BYOD Responsible Use Policy. My child

_______________________ is also aware of the terms and conditions, and has reviewed the additional information about digital citizenship.

Parent/Guardian Name__________________________________________ Date___/___/___ Signature____________________________________________________________________

Fostering Student Learning through Digital and ......Secondary Schools BYOD Initiative ring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to a mobile learning initiative that invites students and - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is an example of bring your own device BYOD? ›

One of the clearest examples of BYOD at work is the use that employees can make of their own mobile phones, from which they access corporate information (email, documents…) and also messaging applications or personal social networks. The same applies to tablets or laptops, which are quite common devices in households.

How is BYOD used in the classroom? ›

BYOD policies also make it easy for students to stay organized, especially as they get older and their education becomes more complex. Students can quickly enter due dates into mobile calendars, set alerts for assignments and tests, and much more. Mobile devices lend themselves to natural in-class collaboration.

What is the bring your own device policy for students? ›

BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device, is the practice of allowing students to bring their own mobile technology devices to school. It allows students who already own devices to use them at school for educational purposes with the permission of the classroom teacher.

What does the acronym BYOD stand for bring your own device as it relates to wireless technology? ›

BYOD stands for bring your own device, and the most commonly accepted BYOD meaning is when employees use their own personal devices to connect to the organization's network and access what they need to do their jobs. This includes data and information that could be potentially sensitive or confidential.

What are the advantages of bring your own device BYOD? ›

Advantages of BYOD

increase workforce mobility. increase efficiency and productivity. raise employee satisfaction. allow greater choice in device type.

What is a bring your own device plan? ›

BYOD stands for "bring your own device." It's a term used to describe bringing your own mobile phone, smartwatch, or tablet to a wireless carrier instead of buying a new device from the carrier.

What are the pros and cons of BYOD in schools? ›

3 pros of bringing your own device
  • Students are more likely to use familiar devices.
  • BYOD is cost effective.
  • Learning extends beyond the classroom.
  • Not all students own devices, and some of their technology may be obsolete.
  • Providing network access and preventing breaches can be tricky.
Apr 30, 2019

How do you use mobile devices in the classroom to the teaching learning process? ›

Here are Halla's top tips for using mobile devices effectively in the classroom.
  1. Ensuring it stays academic. ...
  2. Use smartphones to stay organized and assess learning. ...
  3. Apps for the social sciences. ...
  4. Let fun foster productivity.
Jun 19, 2020

Why should students be allowed to bring devices to school? ›

Enhanced learning opportunities

With access to the internet and educational apps, cell phones can provide students with a wealth of information at their fingertips. They can quickly research topics, access ebooks, and use educational apps that promote interactive and engaging learning experiences.

Can I bring my own device to school? ›

Bring your own device (BYOD) schools often ban devices among younger students but allow older students to bring their electronics to class. The BYOD option is typically introduced somewhere between eighth and tenth grade, although some schools only allow upperclassmen to bring personal devices to class.

What is the purpose of BYOD policy? ›

BYOD, or bring your own device, refers to corporate IT policy that determines when and how employees, contractors and other authorized end users can use their own laptops, smartphones and other personal devices on the company network to access corporate data and perform their job duties.

What are the risks of bring your own device policy? ›

Data theft or data leakage

Personal applications that your employees use may have less stringent security protocols, giving cybercriminals an inroad to your sensitive company information. Some employees may also be more reckless with their personal devices, managing them poorly and/or connecting to unsecured Wi-Fi.

What are the three types of BYOD? ›

What level of access does BYOD offer?
  • Level 1. This is the basic access level. ...
  • Level 2. This is also called controlled access. ...
  • Level 3. This is the full access level which grants employees complete access to all corporate resources -- including confidential data and apps -- on their own devices.

What is an example of bring your own device? ›

Smartphones are the most common example, but employees may also bring their own tablets, laptops and USB drives. BYOD is part of the IT consumerization trend—the deployment of consumer software and hardware in enterprises.

What is the BYOD strategy? ›

Bring your Own Device (BYOD) is the set of policies in a business that allows employees to use their own devices – phone, laptop, tablet or whatever – to access business applications and data, rather than forcing employees to use company-provided devices for that purpose.

What is the meaning of bring your own device? ›

Bring your own device (BYOD /ˌbiː waɪ oʊ ˈdiː/)—also called bring your own technology (BYOT), bring your own phone (BYOP), and bring your own personal computer (BYOPC)—refers to being allowed to use one's personally owned device, rather than being required to use an officially provided device.

What is bring your own device BYOD in cyber security? ›

Defining BYOD

BYOD is the concept of employees using their personally owned device(s) for work purposes. With BYOD, an organisation has ownership of the corporate data and resources that may be accessed or stored on a device, but the device itself is the property of the user.

What companies are using BYOD? ›

BYOD Top Companies
  • VMware Inc.
  • Citrix Systems Inc.
  • IBM Corporation.
  • MobileIron Inc. (Ivanti.)
  • SAP SE.


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.