Iola Register 2-26 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Iola Register 2-26 - [PDF Document] (1)

BASKETBALL Iolan goes to hoop shoots

See B1

Locally owned since 1867 www.iolaregister.comTuesday, February 26, 2013


Vol. 115, No.85 75 Cents Iola, KS


Above left, Brad Yoder, plows snow from the sidewalk in front of Great Southern Bank this morning. Above right a squirrel is perched on the side of snowy tree. Below, Iola street crews clear the snowy Iola Public Library parking lot. Schools and several businesses, including Herff-Jones, were closed today.

Register/Allison Tinn

Snow removalorderly

By BOB [emailprotected]

Iola will depend on Mother Nature, and local traffic, to clear residential streets of snow that came to the area early today.

“We have limited equip-ment and priorities to deal with,” said Cory Schinstock, assistant city administrator. Also, “if we did try to clear neighborhood streets, we’d have a lot of upset people after their cars and driveways got buried,” by snow thrown aside by plows.

Iola has a snow and ice pri-ority list that gives first atten-tion to U.S. 54, State Street and the square. Next up are bet-ter than a dozen well-traveled streets, such as Kentucky and Cottonwood north-south and Lincoln and Miller Road east-west.

“We have third and fourth priorities,” Schinstock contin-ued, “but by the time we deal with the first and second, the weather usually has warmed enough that the others have taken care of themselves.”

When snow blankets the city, Street and Alley Depart-

By ALLISON [emailprotected]

Monday night’s school board meeting was predomi-nately somber.

Superintendent Brian Pe-karek gave a brief legislative update. A few proposed bills have Kansas school districts concerned, but one stands out among the others: Changing the Kansas Constitution on how to fund education.

Currently, the Kansas Su-preme Court determines how much money is needed to fund an adequate education for Kan-sas children. Legislators want that control, and last Wednes-

day the Kan-sas Senate passed a bill which gives legislators the exclusive right to make spend-ing decisions for Kansas schools. Iola’s representative Caryn Tyson voted in favor of the constitu-tional amendment. Jeff King,

Independence, and who for-merly represented Allen Coun-ty as its senator, is the bill’s sponsor.

The amendment needs sup-port from two-thirds of the

Legislature and then would need to be approved by Kansas voters.

A second amendment is be-ing pushed. HCR 5002 is the constitutional amendment re-garding judicial selection.

“There is good news because we don’t expect it to pass in the House,” Pekarek said. “We an-ticipate intense lobbying (led by Governor Brownback, to convince House Republicans to support both amendments).”

No action is anticipated this week, but Pekarek said it was critical that school officials maintain regular dialogue with their House members on the amendments.

In addition to legislative concern, Pekarek said the school district should be wor-ried about the possible ban-ning of Common Core, the new curriculum used by schools nationwide.

In 2010, the Kansas State Board of Education approved the Common Core. The House

Legislative action a concern to schools

Register/Steven Schwartz

Customers shop for essential winter supplies Monday after-noon as a winter storm moves to Iola. Walmart saw a large influx of customers, preparing for heavy snow conditions.

Customers flock to Walmart before storm

Susan Raines

By STEVEN [emailprotected]

As the second round of win-ter storms threaten to make roads impassable, people have been flocking to Walmart to stock up on last-minute ne-cessities, and store employees have seen the effects.

“With the two storms being so close together, we are trying to get our stuff on the shelf as soon as possible,” Manager Jeff Livingston said.

He said the store has seen

some shortages in different food items, mainly because of delays from last week’s winter storm. Distribution centers in Ottawa, Harrisonville, Mo., and Nebraska are all about one day behind in food deliv-eries. The store is currently receiving shipments from the distribution center in Bartles-ville, Okla.

Livingston said people tend to flock toward certain “neces-sities” when a winter storm is

The North Community Building will now be known as the Dr. John Silas Bass North Community Building.

Jennifer Bass, Barbara Chalker-Anderson and Donna Houser came before the city council Monday night to pe-tition to name the building after Dr. Bass — a prominent African-American communi-ty leader.

They presented letters from Phyllis Bass, Elliot Bass and Wendell Bass Jr., all rela-tives of the late doctor. They said his efforts were respon-sible for the North Commu-nity Building, which was

constructed after his death. The building was a gathering place for the African-Ameri-can community.

The motion made by Coun-cil Member David Toland was accepted unanimously by the council.

Chalker-Anderson said it is important for the community, especially the younger people, to know their history — which Dr. Bass is an integral part of.

The Register will have a more in-depth report on the history of Dr. Bass, as well as the efforts to have the North Community Building re-named.

Community building receives new name

See USD 257 | Page A6

See WALMART | Page A2

Council nixes construction

There is good news because we don’t ex-pect it to pass in the House. We anticipate in-tense lobbying (led by Governor Brownback, to convince House Republicans to support both amendments.)

— USD 257 superintendent Brian Pekarek

By STEVEN [emailprotected]

There will be no recon-struction on Highway 54 in-side the city limits on the east side of Iola.

City council members vot-ed down a motion made by Don Becker, on a 4-3 decision Monday night. Council mem-ber Beverly Franklin was not present for the meeting.

Darrin Petrowsky, KDOT’s regional engineer, came be-fore the council to explain the proposed project, as well as how the Kansas Department of Transportation would work with the businesses to allow access during construc-tion.

Several business owners had come before the council during the Feb. 11 meeting to express their concerns about access to their businesses. The concerns led to a tabled decision in the previous meeting.

“What assurances are there going to be that there is

going to be adequate access for those businesses there,” Council Member David To-land asked Petrowsky.

Larry Macha, owner of Jump Start Travel Center, and Robert Storrer, owner of Storrer Implements, were

present at the meeting to represent the concerned business owners.

Petrowsky assured the

council that access would be available, despite the fact that a contractor had not been chosen for the project yet.

Jerod Kelley, an engi-neer with KDOT, echoed Petrowsky’s remarks.

“We can work, and will work to get access to the busi-nesses,” Kelley said.

The concerns outweighed See COUNCIL | Page A2

See REMOVAL | Page A6

Register/Steven SchwartzDarrin Petrowsky, left at podium, and Jerod Kelley, right, address concerns regarding U.S. 54 construction Monday night.

Iola Register 2-26 - [PDF Document] (2)

A2Tuesday, February 26, 2013 The Iola Register

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(First published in The IolaRegister, February 26, 2013)


improvements to the wastewa-ter system, including upgrades to lift stations and lining of ex-isting sewer pipes to reduce inflow and infiltration. A pub-lic hearing will be held April 8, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at the regular scheduled city council meet-ing at 510 Park Avenue, Iola to receive public comments. A revolving fund loan through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment will be used to help fund the project along with grant monies from the EPA. Comments are solicited on the scope of the project and alter-native solutions to maintain the wastewater system.

(2) 26

(First published in The IolaRegister, February 19, 2013)IN THE DISTRICT COURT


tional Association sbm to Chase Home Finance LLC,Plaintiff vs.

Case No. 09CV94 Div. No.

K.S.A. 60 Mortgage

ForeclosureJerry Steele, Mary Roe unknown spouse if any Christina Steele aka Christina D. Harvey aka Christina D. Clover aka Chris-tina D. Volk John Doe unknown spouse if any State of Kansas Social & Reha-bilitation Service nkaKansas Department of Children

and Families Defendant(s).

NOTICE OF SALEUnder and by virtue of an

Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of AL-LEN County, Kansas, to me the undersigned Sheriff of ALLEN County, Kansas, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the main lobby of the ALLEN County Courthouse at Iola, Kansas, at 10:00AM on March 13, 2013, the following real estate:

The tract of land is de-scribed as: The West 462.00 feet of the North 187.50 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Fifteen (15), Township Twen-ty-Six (26) South, Range Eigh-teen (18) East, Allen County, Kansas.

more specifically described

as 373 NE 1200th Street, Hum-boldt, KS 66748.

to satisfy the judgment in the above-entitled case. The sale is to be made without ap-praisem*nt and subject to the redemption period as provided by law, and further subject to the approval of the Court. Sheriff of ALLEN County, Kan-sas



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Public notice

the benefits, however.“We are going to be

at the mercy of the con-tractor,” Macha said. “It is such a last-minute idea, that has not been thought out.”

The council mem-bers took time to ex-amine photos that had been taken by Assistant City Administrator Co-rey Schinstock, and Petrowsky referenced core samples that had been taken by KDOT workers in 2010.

He said the road, which was constructed in 1969, is in disrepair and needs to have its core replaced.

“I’m sure it has al-ready met its design life,” he said.

Council Members Joel Wicoff said he was in fa-vor of the construction.

“The road is not in the best condition,” Wicoff said. “I know we can still get some years out of it, but it will still deterio-rate.”

The majority of the

project, 75 percent, would be paid by KDOT and the remaining 25 percent would come from a fund provided by the state.

Macha felt as though the 1,500 vehicles that come in and out of his business daily would not be supported by the impromptu access roads the contractor would provide. He said the businesses along the 800-foot proposed construc-tion area would deal with similar issues.

“That has not been taken into consider-ation, and I don’t think the contractor will take it into consideration,” Macha said.

In the end, four coun-cil members felt there was not enough infor-mation to move forward with the project.

IN OTHER business — Council members approved a tax abate-ment request made by Robert Shaughnessy. The tax abatement will be applied to the res-

taurant he and his son, Toby Shaughnessy, will be constructing in March. Shaughnessy has requested similar abatements from Allen County and USD 257 as an incentive for the con-struction of the restau-rant, Sam and Louie’s.

— Washington Av-enue was approved to be closed for the farmers market during the more temperate months of the year.

— A contract with the Allen County Ani-mal Rescue Facility was approved, after some discussion. The new contract stipulated that a $50 charge will be ap-plied for any kittens or puppies that are born in the shelter.

— Council members approved $3,400 to be used for demolition on 409 S. Third St.

— A bid for a high-water service pump was accepted. The bid, made by Fluid Equipment, to-taled $97,700 for the new pump.

is moving into the area.“It’s funny, people al-

ways go to milk, bread, bananas and butter,” he said.

Store shelves were well-stocked on Monday afternoon, as the snow began to fall across Al-len County. The previ-ous day, however, had left many empty shelves.

Livingston said sever-al of the employees had volunteered extra hours to work open registers and assist people look-ing to get last-minute items.

“All of the regis-ters had full lines, you couldn’t even walk through here,” said Cas-sandra Throckmorton, a customer service rep-resentative as she mo-tioned toward the front of the store, near the registers.

While Livingston said the store has brought in 2,000 frozen items in the past 24 hours, nearly a full semi-truck load, his employees are still

stretched thin in some of their inventories.

Frances Catron, an employee who works in the produce section, has seen some of the largest volume of customers.

“Food is flying off the shelves. It’s crazy, I can’t keep up,” she said. “I’m working as fast as I can.”

THROCKMORTON said they have moved many of the winter safe-ty items to the front of the store for customer convenience.

Bags of ice melt, salt, ice scrapers and water bottles lined the front of the store.

Livingston said the storm can be a hassle, but business will most likely even out with the large influx of custom-ers, followed by slow business during the storm.

“Having people want to buy things is never a bad thing,” he said.

Peggy Barrett, a Walmart customer, said she was coming in main-ly to get her medication before the storm hit Iola.

“I don’t drive in the snow, I’ll probably be stuck for a few days,” Barrett said.

As for the shortages, Livingston said they are doing their best to keep up and get things onto the floor. Many items are available, they just have not been put out yet. He said his customers have been doing a good job of talking with his custom-er services representa-tives when they need anything.

“That’s the great thing about this town, people are really great commu-nicators,” he said.

H CouncilContinued from A1

H WalmartContinued from A1

Food is flying off the shelves. It’s crazy, I can’t keep up. I’m working as fast as I can.

— Frances Catron, Walmart


Arrest madeJamie Lynn Slocum was arrested by Allen

County deputies Saturday for outstanding war-rants from Shawnee and Bourbon counties.

Vehicle hits cowA vehicle driven by Sally J. Wallace, Kincaid,

struck a cow on U.S. 59 just south of Mildred shortly before 2 a.m. Friday. Wallace’s vehicle was disabled but she was not injured, officers said.

Police reports

Chance of snowTonight, mostly cloudy

with a 40 percent chance of snow. Lows in the mid 20s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.

Wednesday, cloudy. A slight chance of snow in the morning. Highs in the mid 30s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.

Wednesday night, mostly cloudy. Lows near 20. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.

Sunrise 6:57 a.m. Sunset 6:12 p.m.

TemperatureHigh yesterday 35Low last night 31High a year ago 61Low a year ago 34

Precipitation24 hours ending 7 a.m. .35This month to date 1.50Total year to date 3.65Excess since Jan. 1 .89

Allen Community College will be host-ing its second annual Swing Night on March 8, and will be open for the public.

The event, which will take place at Cor-leone’s (on North State Street, by Walmart) is from 7 to 11 p.m. The ACC orchestra will be playing classic swing tunes for attendees to show off their moves.

The cost per ticket is $10 per person, or $15

for a couple. There is a 15 percent discount for tickets purchased before Thursday. RSVP by contacting ACC Mu-sic Director Ted Clous no later than March 5, by calling 365-5116 ext. 258.

Tickets include din-ner and a raffle to do-nated items.

All proceeds from the event will go to the Allen music depart-ment for future music scholarship recipients.

DISTRICT COURTJudge Daniel Creitz

Civil cases filed:Samantha Legrande-

Hall vs. Sammy Hall, di-vorce. Dawn LeClair vs. Brant LeClair, divorce. State of Kansas vs. Jen-na R. Hargrove, et al, paternity. State of Kan-sas vs. Abel H. Lamons, et al, paternity. State of Kansas vs. Patricia A. Hickman, non-divorce visitation/custody.MAGISTRATE COURTJudge Thomas Saxton

Convicted of speed-ing or other violations with fines assessed:

Michael J. Houk, Iola, driving under the influ-ence, two counts. Perry E. Miller, Oklahoma City, 77/65, $156. Jarred M. Holman, Moran, driving under the influ-ence. Valerie A. Bone-brake, Olathe, 80/65, $173. Tonya L. Hoffman-Higgins, Uniontown, giving a worthless check, $270. Ronald C.

Caler, Iola, posses-sion of hallucinogenic drugs, fleeing or elud-ing a law enforcement officer. Ryan O. Brooks, Iola, theft. Bradley D. Ogle, Fort Scott, 85/65, $284. Zsalynn M. Jones, Oklahoma City, child restraint laws, 77/65, $215. Faron W. Miller, Inola, Okla., unlawful acts with a vehicle, $218. Clinton M. Weldin, Col-ony, 77/65, $155. Samuel T. Stump, Blue Mound, 75/65, $143. Charles W. Wells, Tulsa, 75/65, $143. Maurice A. Anderson, Tulsa, following a ve-hicle too closely, $173. Teresa S. Miller, Wichi-ta, 77/65, $155. Addie N. Bruyr, Emporia, 80/65, $173. Howard L. Hanson Jr., Iola, disorderly con-duct, $385. Montinez A. Smith, Tulsa, child safe-ty restraint laws, $158. Tina A. Cady-Friend, Savonburg, 77/55, $221. Nicholas G. Henry, Iola,

failure to yield at a stop sign, $158.Convicted of no seat belt and fined $10:

Shandien R. Ladd, Moran. Cathleen D. Lehnherr, Kinkaid. Zeph N. Larney, Gas.Diversion agreements with fines assessed:

Corey J. McCool, Bro-ken Arrow, Okla., 84/65, $198. John T. Klaasmey-er, Paola, 83/65, $191. Joseph Gagney, Iola, do-mestic battery, $360.

Failing to appear:Jordan W. Heflin,

Pleasant Valley, Mo., 93/65.Criminal cases filed:

Paul A. Stokes, Iola, possession of halluci-nogenic drugs. Darrell R. Parker, Gas, battery, disorderly conduct. Civil contract cases filed:

Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC vs. Chrystal Brown, debt collection. Portfolio Recovery Associates

LLC vs. Kathy Miller, debt collection. LVNV Funding LLC vs. Dana L. Wille, debt collec-tion.Small claims filed:

D&D Propane Inc. vs. Brandon Wolverton. Kids Kingdom of Iola vs. Lisa Clawson.


Judge Thomas SaxtonDeborah K. Haen,

Parsons, transport-ing an open container, 39/30, $260. William R. Haen, Parsons, trans-porting an open con-tainer, $180. Jason Lee Outlan, Moran, driving with a suspended li-cense, 90 days jail sus-pended for 12 months probation, must serve five days jail, $380. Jimmy D. Pergeson, Iola, violation of a pro-tection order, 30 days jail suspended for six months probation, $180. Travis Walters, Iola, 45/35, $140.

Court report

ACC to host swing night at Corleone’s

See us online at w w w C ontact the Iola Register staff at

new s@

CHANUTE — More than 16,000 meals were served at Operation Soupline Feb. 7, raising $22,000 to help needy families.

According to the

Chanute Tribune, $16,500 will be used for utility bills and $5,500 will go the Alliance of Churches for Chris-tian Living emergency fund.

Chanute soupline success

Iola Register 2-26 - [PDF Document] (3)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013The Iola A3


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Wednesday - Re-scheduled Chamber of Commerce Board meet-ing, 5:30 p.m., library community room; Vir-ginia Circle meeting at First Baptist Church, 1:30 p.m.

Thursday - PRIDE meeting, 5:30 p.m., library community room; Mary Martha Circle meeting at First Baptist Church, 7 p.m.

March 6 - Hotel fea-sibility community conversation, 5:30 p.m., library community room.

Garden ClubMary McCullough,

club president, served as hostess for the Feb-ruary Hoe and Hope Garden Club meet-ing in the community room of the library.

Ten members and one guest, Sheryl Palm-er, attended. The club voted to make a $50 do-nation to the Neosho River Park dedication and voted to move the club checking account to Community Nation-al Bank.

June Stipp reported the research Westar conducted to deter-mine cost of installing electricity at the Hum-boldt sign on K-224 was cost prohibitive. Solar options will be examined.

The group traveled to SEK Landscape and Hardscape green-houses on Harper Road, near Chanute, where Chris Wehlage gave a tour of hanging baskets being planted for retail markets and gave a demonstration on starting seeds.


entine’s Day meeting Feb. 18 was hosted by Carol Bauer in the community room of the Humboldt Public Library. In keeping with the program giv-en by Judy Arbeiter

on history of the club, members answered

roll call with the name of the person who in-vited them to join.

Reports included treasurer Roxane Orr stating the checking account move was complete. Council rep-resentative Glenna Wulf reported the club would be responsible for a booth at the Allen County Fair and Lin-da Leonard reminded the group about the upcoming Spring Tea April 11 and the state conference in Parsons.

Wulf encouraged teams of walkers to sign up for Walk Kan-sas and she, along with Leonard, were selected as the club’s Volunteer of the Year recipients. GALS will co-host with the Humboldt Chamber of Commerce a Holi-day gift market in December and donate $50 to the high school After-Prom Commit-tee. Sheree Scarrow will take over upkeep of the club’s Facebook page.

GALS will continue a membership with the Humboldt Cham-ber of Commerce and make donations to the food pantry milk fund. A total of 30 volunteer hours were recorded. Facts, re-cords and pictures of meetings and activi-ties were presented by Arbeiter, lesson leader, recalling the history of the club originally chartered as Rose Buds EHU, which conjured up numerous memories for many of the long-time members.


correspondentHUMBOLDT — Wei-

de’s Cemetery Service and Memorials, in the old City Hall building, 701 Bridge St., has been open about three weeks. Bryan Weide and fiance Shelia Bolling are help-ing clients select a suit-able, economical and meaningful monument to mark a loved one’s final resting place. Bol-ling, originally from Osawatomie, is excited for the opportunity to be in Humboldt.

“When Larry (Tucker) told us about this build-ing, we thought it would be a good fit,” she said. “There is not another business like this in town, and it’s a pretty building. We’ll see how the location works.”

As an incentive, the city offered use of the building rent-free for a year to a start-up busi-ness. The first such busi-ness, a resale store, occu-pied the building several months in 2012 before closing.

Bolling and Weide moved to Humboldt five months ago from Iola and have worked togeth-er in the cemetery busi-ness for eight year. Bry-an’s experience comes from running D of K Vaults in Iola.

“Bryan’s grandfather started the cemetery business in 1960,” Bol-ling said. “Then Bryan worked with his dad (Phil Weide) at D of K for 25 or 30 years.”

At this time, the cou-ple is not licensed to do full burial service, but the list of services they

do provide is extensive, including crematorial gravesite preparation and completion, ar-ranging setup of tent and chairs for a service and placement of tomb-stones.

They are willing to discuss any idea.

They can cut dates into memorial stones, level a leaning marker, sandblast an aged monu-ment, and counsel with a client at the cemetery to assist in selecting a man-ageable size monument for the area.

They offer granite nameplates, crema-tion urns, granite solar lights, pet stones, step-ping stones, all person-alized and customized to the customers’ speci-fications. “Everyone deserves a marker,” Bol-ling said.

“I am also working on getting set up to have bar codes on the monu-ments. People would be able to view photos of the deceased and see or hear the obituary on their smart phones.”

Not all of the mark-

ers created by Weide and Bolling end up in the cemetery.

“We’ll do name posts, make a bench out of granite or native stone,” Weide said. “We made the ‘Welcome to the Flint Hills’ markers on na-tive rock, if you’ve seen them.”

Business hours for the office and show room are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays and other times by ap-pointment by calling the office at 473-5028.

Shelia Bolling, with Weide’s Cemetery Service and Memorials, stands beside a tombstone in the show room at 701 Bridge St. The monument is liberty gray granite with a three-dimensional special cut.

Register/Terry Broyles

Cemetery service opens Calendar



WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — An Air Force deci-sion is expected soon on who will win a more than $350 million con-tract to build 20 aircraft for use in Afghanistan.

The decision comes at a crucial time for Wichita-based Beech-craft, formerly Hawker Beechcraft, which re-cently emerged from bankruptcy protection. The high-stakes “light air support” contract could ultimately be worth nearly $1 billion, depending on future or-ders.

Beechcraft had ex-pected a decision Fri-day but was told there had been a slight delay, Beechcraft spokeswom-an Nicole Alexander told The Wichita Eagle.

The company has proposed the AT-6 at-tack aircraft, a version of its T-6 trainer, for the project. Sierra Nevada Corp., meanwhile, has partnered with Brazil-based Embraer to offer its Super Tucano.

The planes would give the Afghan Na-tional Army Air Corp. a fixed-wing strike

capability, and would be delivered over five years.

A single-engine tur-boprop, dubbed the AT-6, that Beechcraft pro-poses to build under the LAS contract hasn’t been put into produc-tion, but CEO Bill Boisture said building such a plane is a ma-jor objective this year. Winning a customer to launch production is one of the top goals to get Beechcraft “off on the right foot” in 2013, the company told its employees.

The competition for the award has taken nearly three years and has been plagued by delays and legal chal-lenges.

Sierra Nevada Corp. sued in June 2012 for the reinstatement of the contract after the U.S. Air Force canceled the deal following ob-jections by Beechcraft and under pressure from lawmakers. Si-erra Nevada contended that the revised bid proposal was tilted in favor of then-Hawker Beechcraft.

Air Force contract up for debate with Beechcraft

Iola Register 2-26 - [PDF Document] (4)

The Iola Register Tuesday, February 26, 2013

~ Journalism that makes a difference

For more than two years the Iola Register has out-sourced its printing to the Lawrence Journal-World.

The result is a superi-or product. The Register lacked the resources and talent to produce the full-color product that we now so readily take for granted.

The downside to the ar-rangement is the daily drive to Lawrence and back to retrieve the printed product. That was brought home last week when win-try weather prevented safe travel. Today we waited un-til mid-morning to fetch the paper. Delivery to rural ar-eas will be postponed until the roads are passable.

On such a day I think how nice it would be to have our press back in operation, feeling some semblance of control.

That feeling is fleeting. In reality, we know our lim-itations and gladly yield to progress.

INDUSTRY as a whole is rethinking the outsource and especially the offshore model of business.

A recent article in the London-based Economist noted that when U.S. indus-tries take into account the cost of shipping goods from China to the United States, the savings is shrinking. What was once lost in lo-gistics, was easily recouped in lower overseas wages. Now those savings are be-ing usurped by foreign workers demanding — and receiving — higher pay. In India, salaries for software

engineers are going up rap-idly and inflation is high. The savings by shipping work overseas is now half of what it was in the 1990s when the outsourcing mod-el began in earnest.

Increased automation by robots in U.S. industries is also keeping more business on shore, and in fact is the greater cause for lost jobs than by having the work done overseas.

Doing your work in-house also builds for bet-ter customer relations and allows for better creativ-ity. Having ownership in a product makes a huge difference in the desire to keeping it competitive.

Managers also note the hidden cost for what is lost in translation when dealing with different languages and cultures. Multiple time zones also complicate com-munication.

Economists predict U.S. industries moving jobs off-shore will begin to taper by 2014 and stop altogether by 2022. The main reason is that by then all the eas-ily commutable jobs will have been moved offshore. Today, American and Euro-pean banks and financial-services firms have already moved about 80 percent of what they can reasonably send to India and Malaysia.

WHILE THIS BODES well for the economy, it also reaffirms that U.S. workers must develop skills not eas-ily replicable by a robot and that they can do it best.

— Susan Lynn

Industries seeingdiminished returnsfor offshore work

By JOHN SCHLAGECK Kansas Farm Bureau

During the last couple of decades, some environmental groups have been less than kind to agriculture. They have bombarded the public with figures on soil loss, pesticide-related mishaps and alleged failed attempts at using her-bicides and other crop protec-tors. Their figures are often-times unverifiable.

Technology is often labeled as the No. 1 environmental en-emy by some of these groups. Food producers — farmers and ranchers — view tech-nology as the application of knowledge. As humans, we survive by adapting the envi-ronment to our needs.

Take away technology and humans would be just like other primates — confined to tropical regions and subject to extinction due to environ-mental changes. To survive, mankind has changed his en-vironment while conserving resources and continually cre-ating new ones.

Resources are made not born. Land, ores, petroleum —

the raw materials of our plan-et — do not inherently further human purposes.

Man determines what is useful and how to use it. Top-soil becomes a resource when a farmer prepares the soil and plants wheat seed, for ex-ample. Ores become resources when metals are extracted.

During the past two centu-ries, technology has been cre-ating resources more rapidly than humans have been con-suming them. By every mea-sure of price and availability, resources have become more abundant.

Without science and tech-nology today’s farmers and ranchers would be unable to feed the masses.

Farmers use technology responsibly and adopt new farming methods and practic-es by attending training ses-sions and courses.

But new farm technology is expensive. It is in the best interest of farmers to use it carefully and sparingly. Mis-use would add to the cost of production, which would re-sult in an even lower return

on their investment.Farmers use agricultural

chemicals only when neces-sary. When they use chemi-cals, farmers follow label di-rections designed for public health and safety. When a rancher uses antibiotics and other animal health products for their stock, they follow proper drug use practices. When new advances in bio-technology are discovered, farmers must abide by strin-gent testing and monitoring practices that ensure only safe products in the marketplace.

FOOD PRODUCED in the United States is safe. More than four decades of Food and Drug Administration testing has shown the majority of our fruits and vegetables have no detectable pesticide residues. This underscores that Ameri-can farmers use pesticides properly. Our grain and cereal crops are among the cleanest and most wholesome in the world.

Countless laws help ensure our food is safe. Billions of dollars are spent to support

food and agricultural safety and quality inspection. The private sector, combined with state and local governments, also spends billions on similar activities.

Farmers and ranchers sup-port efforts to evaluate and enhance the current regula-tory and food monitoring sys-tem. Agricultural producers want to work with all parties toward maintaining safe food, but this industry must avoid policy changes that are based solely on fear or false informa-tion.

Decisions affecting the course of agricultural produc-tion remain critically impor-tant and will have far reaching implications on our quality of life. We must be careful in de-termining long-term policies. Farmers and ranchers will continue to maximize their production capacity with an ever-watchful eye on food safe-ty, quality and our environ-ment.

Schlageck is a leading com-mentator on agriculture and rural Kansas.

The Kansas farmer’s motto: waste not and want not


I recently wrote about an attempt to change the method of judicial selection in Kansas and why we have the system we presently do. That effort appears to have stalled, at least for now.

However, another proposal to amend the constitution is gaining traction, and a resolu-tion passed out of the Kansas Senate this week that attempts to clarify that funding of pub-lic education should be solely the responsibility of the legis-lature.

A few days ago I came across some very interesting back-ground on this issue. Article 6b of the constitution says “The legislature shall make suitable provision for finance of the educational interests of the state.” This language was amended into the constitution in 1966. The really interesting thing is what else was going on at that time. In 1964 the U.S. Supreme Court issued a rul-ing that all state legislative bodies must be apportioned based upon population rather than geography or any other means. This doctrine of equal representation, or “one per-son, one vote,” meant that the Kansas House of Representa-tives could no longer be ap-portioned one representative per county with a few extra allocated to the larger cities in the state.

The year 1966 was the last that the Kansas House was apportioned under the old system, and it seems very

likely that the members of that predominantly rural leg-islature understood that “one person, one vote” would for-ever change the character of the Kansas House. They no doubt understood that future legislatures would become increasingly urbanized. And that raised the prospect that at some point an urban-ori-ented legislature might adopt a school funding formula that would disadvantage ru-ral school children relative to their counterparts in the cit-ies of Kansas.

THE SOLUTION those rural legislators apparently devised was to lock language into the constitution that would in-sure suitable funding for the education of ALL Kansas school children. In my opin-ion they met their objective very well. Though the pres-ent school finance formula is not perfect, it has been crafted and refined over a period of decades to balance the needs of diverse student populations throughout the state. But now, thanks to a series of conten-tious court rulings, some folks want to change the constitu-tional language and remove the possibility of future court

challenges regarding school funding. The rural legislators of the 1960s recognized that putting that power strictly in the hands of the legislature would be a very bad thing for rural Kansas. I am thankful for their wisdom and leader-ship of nearly fifty years ago, and I am committed to their objective … equal educational opportunity for all Kansas children.

It would be very interesting to have a chat with some of the individuals who were in the legislature back then. Rod Bentley of Gove County, my good friend and ardent sup-porter, served in the Kansas House of Representatives dur-ing that era. Rod’s long and interesting life came to an end just last Friday.

This peek into the past is verification of the old phrase “those who cannot learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.” Problem is, if ru-ral Kansans cannot value the foresight of those who went before, it is quite possible that we will never again be able to restore the constitutional pro-tection of equal educational opportunity.

Hineman is a state represen-tative from the 118th District.

Rural KS losing voice in legislature

Though the present school finance formula is not perfect, it has been crafted and refined over a period of decades to balance the needs of di-verse student populations throughout the state.

The Iola RegIsTeR Published Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings except New Year’s day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, by The Iola Register Inc., 302 S. Washington, P.O. Box 767, Iola, Kansas 66749. (620) 365-2111. Periodicals postage paid at Iola, Kansas. Member Associated Press. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to use for publication all the local news printed in this newspaper as well as all AP news dispatches. Subscription rates by carrier in Iola: One year, $107.46; six months, $58.25; three months, $33.65; one month, $11.67. By motor: One year, $129.17; six months, $73.81; three months, $41.66; one month, $17.26. By mail in Kansas: One year, $131.35; six months, $74.90; three months, $44.02; one month, $17.91. By mail out of state: One year, $141.35; six months, $76.02; three months, $44.97; one month, $17.91. Internet: One year, $100; six months, $55; one month, $10 All prices include 8.55% sales taxes. Postal regulations require subscriptions to be paid in advance. USPS 268-460 Postmaster; Send address changes to The Iola Register, P.O. Box 767, Iola, KS 66749.

A look back in time

50 Years AgoFebruary 1963

The “Sultans of South Street” were the guests of honor yesterday afternoon at a birthday party given by the employees of the South Street Auto Parts for Mau-rice Abts, the store’s found-er, who was celebrating his

85th birthday. Ballou Hei-gele opened his harness and leather shop in 1904; Abts started his store next door in 1911; Ross Arbuckle moved his garage to the corner of South and Broadway in 1917. The three have been business neighbors for nearly 50 years and are still friends!

Iola Register 2-26 - [PDF Document] (5)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013The Iola A5

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Consumers are more aware than ever about the quality and safety of food products they pur-chase. Quality Assur-ance programs are the cornerstone of the live-stock industry’s quality and safety efforts. The goal of quality assur-ance in all species is to deliver a healthy, safe and wholesome product to consumers.

In the late 1980s, pork producers developed the Pork Quality Assur-ance (PQA) program to educate and certify their participants on how to reduce risk of volatile animal health product

residues in pork. In 2007, PQA became PQA Plus as consumer interests in management practices increased. It maintains food safety emphasis while also providing information on animal wellbeing, proper medi-

cation techniques, haz-ard analysis, and record-keeping.

If you are interested in becoming PQA Plus certified, visit the Na-tional Pork Board web-site at

In the late 1970s a program was created to confront and discuss real and perceived beef safety issues. Today

that program has devel-oped into Beef Quality Assurance (BQA). It fo-cuses on educating and training cattle produc-ers, farm advisors and veterinarians on issues in beef safety and quali-ty. BQA includes hazard

analysis and planning; proper vaccine hand-ling; administration of vaccines at the proper injection site; manage-ment documentation and recordkeeping; proper cattle handling and cattle care.

Funded by the beef checkoff, BQA increases consumer confidence in beef by teaching produc-ers in every segment of the industry sound man-agement techniques. Producers who have been certified report applying these proven practices also improves efficiency and profitabil-ity.

Until March 15, pro-ducers can register for free BQA and Dairy Ani-mal Care & Quality As-surance (DACQA) online training, thanks to the sponsorship of Boeh-ringer Ingelheim Vet-medica, Inc. (BI).

Now through March 15, BI will pay the $25 cost of a three-year cer-tification. There are customized modules for cow-calf, stocker, feed-lot and dairy person-nel. To take advantage of this special offer, go to and click on “access the BQA modules” or www. and select “trainings offered.” When asked, enter the coupon code BIVIBQA.

Often times when the animal ag industry in shown in a negative light, it comes after an incident involving im-proper animal handling. Just like with any indus-try, there are bad apples and bad judgments and those are stories remem-bered.

Consumers are more likely to select beef, pork, chicken or other animal proteins for their nutrient source if they understand and feel confident that the product was raised, processed and produced following the highest standards of animal welfare. As a producer, consider becoming certified in Quality Assurance and show your consumers that livestock are cared for properly and can provide a wholesome protein choice for their families and yours.

If you are interested in quality assurance programs for additional species, please contact the Extension office for further information.

Quality assurance improves consumer confidenceDeltaGeorge

ExtensionAgent forAgriculture

In the late 1980s, pork producers de-veloped the Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) program to educate and certify their participants on how to reduce the risk of volatile animal health product residues in pork.

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving,” Albert Ein-stein said, and it could be applied to many dif-ferent aspects of life.

It’s difficult — or im-possible — to balance on a bike if the bike is not moving. To balance more easily, the bike needs to be moving for-ward. The same could be said of our bodies and our physical health. Movement is essential to a healthy body.

Last year’s Walk Kansas participants in the Southwind Exten-sion District discovered many benefits to being involved in physical ac-tivity.

For instance, evalu-ations at the end of the eight-week program indicated the following changes were experi-enced:

58 percent had in-creased energy;

45 percent had a better attitude;

39 percent decreased weight;

39 percent increased muscle strength;

35 percent improved sleep.

Regular physical ac-tivity also can be helpful in managing arthritis and has been shown to reduce risk of some can-cer.

Physical activity can improve ability to man-age stress, lower blood pressure, and help main-tain a healthy weight.

We’re an in-the-car and sit-behind-a-desk society. For many people — adults and children — daily life does not re-quire a lot of physical activity. If we want to be active, we have to make an effort.

The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), marks the first time the federal government has issued comprehensive physical activity guidelines for the nation. The guide-lines describe major research findings about health benefits of physi-cal activity:

Some physical activity is better than none.

Episodes of activity that are at least 10 min-utes long count toward meeting the guidelines.

Both aerobic (en-durance) and muscle-

strengthening (resis-tance) physical activity are beneficial.

Regular physical ac-tivity reduces the risk of many adverse health outcomes.

For most health out-comes, additional bene-fits occur as the amount of physical activity in-creases through higher intensity, greater fre-quency, and/or longer duration.

Most health benefits occur with at least 2 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate-in-tensity physical activity, such as brisk walking. Additional benefits oc-cur with more physical activity.

That’s good news for most people. It isn’t nec-essary to join a fitness club or purchase expen-sive equipment. Activi-ties as simple as walk-ing, which only requires a good pair of shoes and

can be done whenever it is most convenient, are beneficial. And, walking has the lowest dropout rate of any physical ac-tivity.

The Walk Kansas pro-gram, which begins in a few weeks, is just such a program that fits most lifestyles. Walk Kansas is a K-State Research and Extension program offered statewide. Here in the Southwind Dis-trict, we are gearing up for another success-ful program with many participants who want to add enjoyable, health-promoting physical ac-tivity to their everyday lives.

For the program, teams of six record their physical activity during the eight-week program. Any 15 minutes of mod-erate intensity activity counts as a mile. Week-ly newsletters, group events and programs help team members es-tablish healthy lifetime habits.

There is still time to register a team for the program. Information is available in local South-wind Extension District offices in courthouses in Fort Scott, Erie and Iola and at the Southeast Area Extension office, 308 W. 14th Street, Cha-nute. Program materials also may be downloaded at

For more information about the Walk Kansas program or other health and wellness topics, con-tact Ann Ludlum in the Fort Scott office at 620-223-3720 or [emailprotected].

Movement key to healthy bodyAnneLudlum

ExtensionAgent forFamily andConsumer Sciences

Regular physi-cal activity also can be helpful in managing ar-thritis and has been shown to reduce the risk of some can-cer. Physical activity can im-prove ability to manage stress, lower blood pressure, and help maintain a healthy weight.

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Prairie DellThe Prairie Dell 4-H

club meeting was Feb. 4. Chyanne Vaughn led the flag salute and 4-H pledge. Kahlan Roloff led the song, “Will You Be My Valentine?” Roll call was answered by, “If you could be any animal, what would you be?”

The secretary’s re-port was given by Clara Wicoff. The treasurer’s report was given by Chyanne Vaughn. Re-porter’s report was given by Olivia Bannis-ter. Council member’s report was given by Al-lyson Hobbs. Leaders’ report also was given concerning upcoming dates. The conserva-tion report was given by Alexis Hobbs. The service report was giv-en by Clara Wicoff. The health report was given by Olivia Bannister. The money making re-port was given by Chy-anne Vaughn. It was moved and seconded to

give Beth Griffeth a $30 gift certificate for cho-reographing line danc-es for 4-H day.

Alexis Hobbs played “It is Well With My Soul” on her tenor saxo-phone along with Ally-son Hobbs on her clari-net. Brandon McKarnin gave a talk on the rock-et he built. Chyanne Vaughn gave a talk on how to make brownies in a cup in the micro-wave. Trey Wilson gave a talk on how to make valentine trail mix. An-nika Hobbs gave a talk on making paper or-naments. Lane Roloff led the club in playing “pretzel relay.”

Next meeting will be Monday at 7 p.m. at the New Community Build-ing in Riverside Park. Talks will be given by Jenna Wilks, Shana Moore, Ethan Weide, Katana Smith, Emily McKarnin, Carter Hut-ton and Eve Ard.

Olivia Bannister, reporter

4-H club news

Emily McKarnin watches Chyanne Vaughn make brownies in a cup.

Annika Hobbs and Audrey Powe play "pretzel relay."

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A6Tuesday, February 26, 2013 The Iola Register

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ment workers are de-ployed in two dump trucks with blades at-tached to the fronts and a motor grader. Com-ing on their heels is a spreader truck that dishes out traction-pro-moting salt and chat.

“We also have a front-end loader to clear intersections,” Schin-stock added.

Along part of U.S. 54 (Madison Avenue through downtown), around the courthouse square and on several streets radiating from the square, snow is piled in windrows, then removed, often while plowing continues.

“Snow removal is done by employees from the Electric and Gas and Water departments, to free Street and Alley to continue clearing streets,” Schinstock noted.

Snow is removed so that when it melts dur-ing the day water isn’t left to freeze overnight and create sheets of ice on streets.

“That would only compound driving problems,” Schinstock said.

Iola has 55 miles of streets, with about a third falling into first- and second-priority snow removal.

Schinstock said he doubted manpower would be a problem if snow removal were ex-panded, but equipment

would be.“You can afford to

have only so much snow removal equipment, be-cause there are winters it isn’t used at all,” he said. “Two years ago (February 2011) we had to deal with snow, but didn’t have any last winter.”

In 2011, a foot of snow fell on Feb. 2 and 11 inch-es on Feb. 9, with tem-peratures cold enough — minus-12 on Feb. 3 and minus-8 the next night — that little melted be-tween the two snows.

BILL KING, director of Public Works for Al-len County, has a differ-ent philosophy.

Whenever snow of consequence falls, his intention is to have all of the county’s 1,000 miles of roads — 180 hard-surfaced and 820 rock — open to traffic as quickly as possible.

King has five motor graders and four plow/spreader trucks at his disposal.

“We concentrate on the hard-surfaced roads and move as quickly

as we can to the rock roads,” he said, with the expectation of hav-ing all roads open to traffic within a couple of days.

“But, you have to re-member that while a grader operator’s dis-trict contains 150 miles of (rock) roads, that means to clear both lanes is 300 miles,” King observed.

The spreaders don’t apply salt and chat on all 180 miles of hard-surfaced roads, he added, rather in most cases treat hills, inter-sections, bridges and viaducts.

King met with op-erators Monday to plan how the county would approach snow left by this storm, although he allowed they “have to be given some leeway. They know their dis-tricts and they know how best to deal with whatever we get.”

“It’s a lot of hard work for them and there are some tough and tense times before we get all the roads in passable condition,” he said.

H Removal Continued from A1

Education Committee in-troduced a bill to ban the new standards, saying they were pressured to adopt it through federal funding or No Child Left Behind waivers.

State Board of Educa-tion chairwoman Jana Shaver said Kansas was not pressured to adopt the Common Core.

“It was an initiative of the National Gover-nors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers, who saw a need for some consis-tency between states,” Shaver said in an inter-view with The Capitol-Journal.

If the bill passes then all the work school dis-tricts have done to write or begin implementing the Common Core stan-dards will have been a waste.

“The bill has nothing to do with the Common Core but everything to do with politics,” Pekarek said. “They want to throw the baby out with the bath water.”

BOARD MEMBER Darrell Catron had two pieces of information to share from the ANW Co-operative.

At the beginning of the school year there was great concern about how much funding the co-op would receive. Catron said Gov. Brownback has chosen, through his bud-get, to give state co-ops the “bare minimum.”

This will ultimately mean $500 per student. There are roughly 200 special education stu-dents in the district. Ca-tron said if this is the case then the co-op will either have to cut staff-

ing or ask the district for more money.

Catron did have a lit-tle piece of good news for the board. Though it will soon have to start providing health insur-ance for all parapro-fessionals or choose to take the fine, Blue Cross Blue Shield is working with the cooperative to find a comparable pack-age for the paras that would cost less than taking the fine.

By law, the co-op would only be required to pro-vide health insurance nine months out of the year since paras do not work three months of the year.

BOWLUS Fine Arts Center Director Susan Raines gave board mem-bers the Bowlus’ biannu-al trustees update.

Raines was pleased to inform the board that usage of the Bowlus has increased this year. The first semester there were 412 students enrolled in classes at the Bowlus and 418 in the second semes-ter.

There will be two addi-tional dance recital com-panies coming to use the Bowlus and the city and Emergency Management are using the venue for meetings and informa-

tional sessions. “We are happy to have

them there,” Raines said.

Raines said she is al-most finished with pro-gramming for next year and in the fall she will compare dollars to see what the Bowlus could afford.

The fountain has been installed at the front of the Bowlus and TLC greenhouse staff, along with volunteers, will be building the landscape. Dan Foster, landscape architect, will return to turn the fountain on in the spring.

An irrigation system is being installed, which will keep the plants alive, Raines said.

“The fountain is a real stunner in front of the building. It looks like it really belongs there,” she said.

IN OTHER news, due

to a grandparent’s con-cern there will be an additional handicapped accessible parking spot installed near Jefferson Elementary.

The board approved a bid from Kansas Truck of $65,543 for purchase of a new Blue Bird school bus.

School principals re-ported a surprisingly low turnout at parent-teacher conferences ear-lier in the month.

McKinley reported a 70 percent turnout and Iola Middle School re-ported 61 percent. Both are lower than last year’s turnout.

The principals satu-rated the community with notifications and said they didn’t know what caused the down-turn.

H USD 257Continued from A1

You can afford to have only so much snow removal equipment, because there are winters it isn’t used at all. Two years ago (February 2011) we had to deal with snow, but didn’t have any last winter.

— Corey Schinstock, assistant city administrator

The fountain is a real stun-ner in front of the building. It looks like it really belongs there.

— Susan Raines, Bowlus director

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Iola Register 2-26 - [PDF Document] (7)

Sports BThe Iola Register Tuesday, February 26, 2013

ACC women fall at Cowley (left) —B3Royals blast Arizona in exhibition — B2


Courtesy photoIola Middle School eighth-grader Ben Cooper will travel to Salina Saturday to take part in the Knights of Columbus state free throw shooting competition.

Register/Richard LukenYates Center High’s Caleb DeNoon (13) and Myles Dice (32) reach for the ball in a game earlier this season. The Wildcats fell to Oswego Monday to end their season in the Class 2A substate tournament.

OSWEGO — Oswego High’s hot start put Yates Center’s boys in a hole they could not escape Monday.

Oswego started its Class 2A substate contest with a 17-6 run. Yates Center stayed within shouting distance after that, but could not pull out the victory in a 51-39 loss.

The defeat ends Yates Cen-ter’s record at 4-16 on the sea-son.

Oswego turned its early advan-

tage into a 30-18 halftime lead.Cameron Brown led Yates

Center with 15 points, while Austin McNett followed with six and Caleb DeNoon with five.

Kel Yeoman scored 11 to pace Oswego. Weston Ecker-man and Tag Oldham chipped in with 10 apiece.

Oswego will face either Uniontown or Sedan in its semifinal matchup. The Uniontown-Sedan game was postponed until Wednesday

because of wintry weather.Yates Center (6-12-7-14—39)Oswego (17-13-8-13—51)Yates Center (FG-FT-F-TP): Chism

0-0-3-0, Cooper 1-1-4-3, DeNoon 2-1-4-5, Schemper 2-0-1-4, Brown 7-1-2-15, McNett 3-0-5-6, Dice 1-0-1-2, Ros-sillon 0-0-1-0, Arnold 1-2-0-4. TOTALS: 17-5-21-39.

Oswego (FG/3pt-FT-F-TP): Ecker-man 2/1-3-2-10, Oldham 3-4-3-10, B. Yeoman 2-0-2-4, K. Yeoman 5-1-2-11, Kirkpatrick 2-0-1-4, Sheddinck 0-0-1-0, Schenker 0-4-0-4, Dickerson 3-2-1-8, Williamson 0-0-1-0. TOTALS: 17/1-14-13-51.

Ben Cooper, an eighth-grader at Iola Middle School, has advanced to the State of Kansas Knights of Colum-bus Free Throw Competi-tion, scheduled for Saturday in Salina.

Cooper advanced to the state level by winning local-ly in Iola, the district level in St. Paul and at a regional competition Feb. 17 in Cha-

nute by draining 22 of 25 free throws.

Cooper, 14, is the son of Mark and Lori Cooper of Iola.

In addition, Madisyn Hol-loway, a sixth-grader at IMS, won the local and district competitions, but did not advance past regionals. She is the daughter of Chris and Lisa Holloway of Gas.

Iolan heads to state

Wildcat boys fall at Oswego

By BARRY WILNERAP Pro Football Writer

Tom Brady will be a Patriot until he is 40 years old.

Brady agreed to a three-year contract extension with New England on Monday, a person familiar with the contract told The Associated Press. The extension is worth about $27 million and will free up nearly $15 million in salary

cap room for the team, which has several younger players it needs to re-sign or negotiate new deals with.

The person spoke on con-dition of anonymity because the extension has not been an-nounced.

Sports Illustrated first re-ported the extension.

The 35-year-old two-time league MVP was signed

through 2014, and has said he wants to play at least five more years.

A three-time Super Bowl champion, Brady will make far less in those three seasons than the going rate for star quarterbacks. Brady current-ly has a four-year, $72 million deal with $48 million guaran-teed.

Brady, Pats agree to extension


AMES, Iowa (AP) — Kan-sas coach Bill Self has 500 wins because Elijah Johnson “blacked out.”

That’s the only way John-son could describe one of the great performances by a Kan-sas player under Self.

Johnson scored a career-high 39 points — including eight in the final 29 seconds of regulation and 12 in over-time — and No. 6 Kansas ral-lied to beat Iowa State 108-96 on Monday night for Self ’s milestone victory.

Travis Releford added 19 points for the Jayhawks (24-4, 12-3 Big 12), who snapped Iowa State’s 22-game home winning streak and kept pace with No. 13 Kansas State atop the Big 12.

“He was unbelievable. He was the best player in the country (Monday night),” Self said. “That will go down as one of the better games that any guard has ever played at Kansas.”

It’s hard to remember a more clutch 5 minutes of basketball by anyone on any team this season.

Johnson hit two 3s and made two free throws with

4.9 seconds left in regulation to tie the game at 90-all. He and Releford buried 3s to put Kansas ahead 100-92 with 2:03 left, and Johnson drilled a 30-footer with 54 seconds left

that deflated a sellout crowd.Johnson said that a person-

al conversation with Self on the bench put him in a zone

Jayhawks, Wildcats stay tied atop Big 12 standings

MANHATTAN, Kan. (AP) — With three games remaining in the regular season, Kansas State continued to close in on an elusive conference title.

The 13th-ranked Wildcats last won a regular season league title in 1977, but thanks to unprecedented success un-der first-year coach Bruce Weber and an uncharacteris-tic three-game losing streak by rival Kansas, Kansas State is tied with the sixth-ranked Jayhawks for first place in the Big 12.

Monday night’s 75-55 vic-tory over Texas Tech kept the Wildcats’ hopes alive.

Now Kansas State has to keep its foot on the gas pedal.

“March is here,” Weber said. “Next game is in March, and you want to be playing your best basketball. I hope they stay humble and they stay hungry. We’ve got to keep improving because in a couple weeks from now, you lose, it’s over.”

Thomas Gipson scored 20

See BRADY | Page B3

Johnson stars in comebackthriller, 108-96

Rich Sugg/Kansas City Star/MCTKansas’ Elijah Johnson drives hard between a pair of Texas Christian defenders, includ-ing Kyan Anderson (5), Saturday. On Monday, Johnson scored 39 points in the Jay-hawks’ win at Iowa State.

See JAYHAWKS | Page B3

K-State thumps TTU

See KSU | Page B2

Iola Register 2-26 - [PDF Document] (8)

B2Tuesday, February 26, 2013 The Iola Register

By The Associated Press

The top 25 teams in The Associated Press’ college basketball poll, with first-place votes in parentheses, records through Feb. 24, total points based on 25 points for a first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote and last week’s ranking: Record Pts Prv1. Indiana (64) 24-3 1,624 12. Gonzaga (1) 27-2 1,530 33. Duke 24-3 1,461 64. Michigan 23-4 1,411 75. Miami 22-4 1,317 26. Kansas 23-4 1,272 97. Georgetown 21-4 1,236 118. Florida 22-4 1,164 59. Michigan St. 22-6 1,105 410. Louisville 22-5 1,047 1011. Arizona 23-4 998 1212. Syracuse 22-5 915 813. Kansas St. 22-5 875 1314. New Mexico 23-4 764 1615. Okla. St. 20-6 692 1416. Ohio St. 20-7 675 1817. Wisconsin 19-8 558 1918. Saint Louis 21-5 495 —19. Memphis 24-3 453 2120. Butler 22-6 351 1521. Notre Dame 22-6 328 2522. Marquette 19-7 317 1723. Pittsburgh 21-7 158 2024. Oregon 22-6 61 2325. La. Tech 24-3 54 —Others receiving votes: Colo-rado St. 49, VCU 45, Akron 43, Wichita St. 35, Saint Mary’s (Cal) 24, Illinois 19, UConn 18, UNLV 13, North Carolina 8, California 5, Middle Tennessee 2, Belmont 16, Missouri 1, Ste-phen F. Austin 1.

The Associated PressThe top 25 teams in the

The Associated Press’ women’s college basket-ball poll, with first-place votes in parentheses, records through Feb. 24, total points based on 25 points for a first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote and last week’s ranking: Record Pts Prv1. Baylor (40) 26-1 1,000 12. Notre Dame 25-1 957 23. UConn 25-2 909 34. Stanford 26-2 875 45. Duke 26-1 850 56. California 25-2 804 67. Penn St. 23-3 755 78. Tennessee 22-5 676 119. Maryland 22-5 665 810. Kentucky 23-4 634 811. Georgia 23-4 607 1312. Dayton 24-1 492 1413. Texas A&M 21-7 486 1014. So. Carolina 22-5 455 1515. No. Carolina 25-4 443 1616. Louisville 22-6 426 1217. UCLA 21-6 417 1718. Delaware 24-3 319 1819. Colorado 22-5 288 2020. Nebraska 21-6 215 2421. Green Bay 22-2 139 2522. Syracuse 22-4 131 2123. Iowa St. 19-6 122 —24. Florida St. 20-7 90 1925. Purdue 20-7 74 22Others receiving votes: Okla-homa St. 58, Toledo 34, South Florida 21, Vanderbilt 13, LSU 10, SMU 7, Gonzaga 6, San Di-ego St. 6, Texas Tech 6, West Virginia 4, Chattanooga 3, Mich-igan St. 2, Florida Gulf Coast 1.

Women’s Top 25

Men’s Top 25

Royals sluggers slam D-BacksSURPRISE, Ariz. (AP)

— Billy Butler want-ed to talk more about Adam Moore’s feat than his own stellar perfor-mance.

Butler had two hits, drove in three runs and scored twice as the Kan-sas City Royals beat the Arizona Diamondbacks 16-4 Monday.

But he was most im-pressed with Moore’s at-bat in the fifth. Moore pinch-hit for Butler af-ter Max Ramirez had a pinch-hit grand slam and sent a drive soaring over the left field wall.

“He’s definitely got the most power I’ve seen after hitting that one,” Butler said. “That ball was killed. I think that ball hit a car in the park-ing lot in left as far as that one was.

“It literally might be one of the furthest balls I’ve seen hit,” Butler added. “I didn’t see it land, so I don’t even have an estimated distance on this one. If you were any-where in the stadium, you knew that one was gone from the sound.”

It was Moore’s second home run in his fifth spring at-bat.

“I knew it was gone,” Moore said. “I didn’t pay attention to where it landed. I just got a good pitch, inner half, 2-1 count and put a good swing on it. The rest took care of itself.

“It’s only four games, but at the same time you’ve got to make them all count. I feel confident. I feel good at the plate, getting pitches I can

hit, seeing the ball up in the zone and just letting it take care of itself,” Moore said. “I know I’ve got to keep this going the rest of the spring.”

Moore is competing with George Kottaras and Brett Hayes for the backup catcher job.

“I’ve hit some long balls before, but I don’t think I can hit a ball that far,” said Royals right fielder Jeff Francoeur, who went 2 for 3 with a double and RBI. “I don’t have that in my arsenal.”

Diamondbacks starter Randall Delgado, who was acquired from At-lanta in the Justin Upton trade on Jan. 24, gave up five runs on six hits in

the first inning. There is only one vacancy in the Arizona rotation.

“It’s going to be hard for me to get that fifth starter’s spot,” Delgado said. “Everybody has to compete for something. I felt physically great, but obviously a little out of control, but it’s the first day. I missed my loca-tion. My command was not good.

“I just forget it. This is my first game. I just try to keep focus for the next one,” he said. “It’s not like on the first day you’re going to be comfortable with every-thing.”

Butler, a career .300 hitter, contributed a RBI

single in the Royals’ five-run first and a two-run double in the fourth in-ning.

“I’m happy to be in there feeling comfort-able,” Butler said. “I saw the ball good. It took me a couple of games. Camp is a little longer this year. I’m just kind of eas-ing into it.”

The Royals stroked 19 hits and went 10 for 16 with runners in scoring position.

NOTES: Royals LF Alex Gordon was scratched with stiff-ness in his lower back. Manager Ned Yost said he has a “1 percent con-cern” Gordon’s sore back is serious.

John Sleezer/Kansas City Star/MCTThe Kansas City Royals’ Max Ramirez (63) is congratulated at the plate by teammates Brett Hayes (12), Luis Durango (68) and Elliot Johnson (80), after hitting a grand slam in the fifth inning of a spring training game against the Arizona Diamondbacks in Surprise, Ariz., Monday. The Royals beat the Diamondbacks, 16-4.

points, Angel Rodri-guez added 16, and the Wildcats (23-5, 12-3 Big 12) got their 12th con-ference win for the first time in 40 years.

Dusty Hannahs scored 14 points for the Red Raiders (9-17, 2-13) and Jaye Crockett add-ed 13.

The Wildcats did not take control until the second half, when re-serve Nino Williams jump-started the of-fense with 11 straight points.

“That’s been one of our keys to our team,” Weber said. “Every day, it seems like it’s some-body else that steps up. It’s hard to stop every guy that we have.

“I’ve said since the beginning, we have eight starters, and all of them can be very, very productive.”

With Texas Tech lead-ing 44-42, Williams got the lead with a three-point play. He scored again after the Wild-cats forced a shot-clock violation. He cashed in under the basket af-ter a turnover. The Red Raiders tried to cool off Williams by using a 30-second timeout, but he promptly drained a jumper, giving Kansas State a 51-44 lead — the Wildcats’ largest of the half to that point — with 11:50 to play.

Moments later, he snagged an offensive rebound, scored again, and then grabbed a de-fensive rebound.

Williams’ scoring burst started the rest of his team, which contin-ued the one-sidedness with a scalding 24-6 run. Kansas State led 66-50 with less than 4 minutes to play.

“Sometimes you miss shots, sometimes

you make them, and I just looked to crash the boards,” Williams said.

Kansas State opened the game with a 12-4 run that was capped by consecutive dunks by Rodney McGruder.

After that solid start, the Wildcats got sloppy, and the Red Raiders took advantage.

“I thought we had a chance to play well against them,” Texas Tech interim coach Chris Walker said. “If we made a couple la-yups . we make a couple free throws, I think we go up five in the first half, and it may be a dif-ferent game.”

The Red Raiders climbed within 15-12 as four Kansas State play-ers committed a turn-over each in a 4-minute spurt.

“One of the worst

things that happened, we went up 12-4, and then we were a little giddy, we lost a little bit of focus, and to their credit they came right at us,” Weber said.

A 3-pointer by Ty Nurse gave the Red Raiders their first lead of the game with 1:53 to play in the half but a buzzer-beater from the baseline by McGruder gave the Wildcats a 31-30 lead.

Kansas State forward Jordan Henriquez, usu-ally a starter, did not at-tend the game because he was traveling to New York for his grandmoth-er’s funeral. Gipson started in his place.

“We needed some-body to step up since JO’s not here, and I just made the effort to step up and play harder than I normally play, just

made an effort to do it on offense and defense,” Gipson said.

The seniors — of whom Henriquez is one — lead all classes in Kansas State history with 97 victories.

“I hope we keep add-ing onto that to where they get great distance and maybe no one ever catches them,” Weber said. “They’ve done well. They’ve stayed fo-cused. We can’t look too far ahead. It’s one at a time.”

H KSUContinued from B1

Travis Heying/Wichita Eagle/MCTKansas State’s Thomas Gipson looks for a shot against Baylor’s Cory Jef-ferson during the second half at Bramlage Coliseum in Manhattan Satur-day. On Monday, Gipson scored 20 points as the Wildcats defeated Texas Tech, 75-55.

DENVER (AP) — Wil-son Chandler scored 23 points in place of an in-jured Danilo Gallinari, and Ty Lawson added 22 in the Denver Nuggets’ 119-108 victory over the Los Angeles Lakers on Monday night.

Gallinari, the Nug-gets’ leading scorer, sat out with a bruised left thigh. He wasn’t needed as the Nuggets won their ninth straight game at home, snapped the Lak-ers’ four-game winning

streak and took the sea-son series from their long-time nemesis 3-1.

The Lakers, who were shut out on the offensive glass in the first half, wanted to slow down the Nuggets but Denver out-scored Los Angeles 33-3 in fast-break points.

Gallinari, who got hurt Friday night, was an unexpected late scratch.

Chandler started in his place and Corey Brewer got extended minutes, too, finishing with 16 points.

By JEAN H. LEEAssociated Press

PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) — For-mer NBA star Dennis Rodman brought his basketball skills and flamboyant style — neon-bleached hair, tattoos, nose studs and all — today to the iso-lated Communist coun-try with possibly the world’s drabbest dress code: North Korea.

Arriving in Pyong-yang, the American athlete and showman known as “The Worm” became an unlikely ambassador for sports diplomacy at a time of heightened tensions between the U.S. and North Korea. Or maybe not so unlikely: Young leader Kim Jong Un is said to have been a fan of the Chicago Bulls in the 1990s, when Rod-man won three champi-onships with the club.

Rodman is joining three members of the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team for a Vice Media produc-tion to air on HBO in early April, Vice founder Shane Smith told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview before the group’s departure from Beijing.

Smith said the Amer-icans hope to engage in a little “basketball diplomacy” by running a basketball camp for children and playing

p i c k u p g a m e s w i t h l o c a l s , and by c o m -p e t i n g a l o n g -side top athletes of North Korea — for-mally known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

“Is sending the Har-lem Globetrotters and Dennis Rodman to the DPRK strange? In a word, yes,” said Smith, who is host of the upcoming series. “But finding common ground on the basket-ball court is a beautiful thing.”

Rodman might seem an odd fit for an impov-erished country where male fashion rarely ventures beyond mili-tary khaki and growing facial hair is forbidden. During his heyday in the 1990s, Rodman was a poster boy for excess. He called his 1996 au-tobiography “Bad as I Wanna Be” — and showed up wearing a wedding dress to pro-mote it.

Shown a photo of a snarling Rodman, piercings dangling from his lower lip and two massive tattoos em-blazoned on his chest, one North Korean in Pyongyang recoiled and said: “He looks like a monster!”

Rodman worms way into N. Korea

Denver downs L.A.


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Today, boys vs. JAY-HAWK-LINN, 7 p.m.

Humboldt girls at Jay-hawk-Linn, TBD


High School BasketballClass 1A Div. I Substate

at OlpeThursday, girls vs. Hart-

ford, 7 p.m.Thursday, boys vs. Lebo,

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Marmaton Valley

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ley or Altoona-Midway (at ACC in Iola), 7:30 p.m.


High School BasketballClass 1A Div. II Substate

Thursday, girls vs. Crest or Altoona Midway (at ACC in Iola), 7:30 p.m.

Friday, boys vs. Chetopa, 7:30 p.m.

Southern Coffey Co.

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6 p.m.TV: ESPNU


BasketballSaturday, at Baylor, 6

p.m.TV: ESPN2


BasketballClass 2A Substate

Today, girls at Madison/Hamilton, 7 p.m.

Yates Center

SportscalendarThe final score of Sat-

urday’s Allen Commu-nity College women’s game at Cowley Com-munity College was incorrectly reported in Monday’s Register.

The Tigers defeated Allen 63-52, dropping the Red Devils to 14-15 overall and 7-10 in Re-gion VI and Jayhawk East play.

DaNara Day scored 22 points to lead Allen, followed by Brittney Redmond with 11 and Leslie Ware with 10.

Cowley led 29-19 at halftime.

The game featured 46 personal fouls, in-

cluding 28 on Cowley, resulting in 39 Allen free throws. The Red Devils cashed in on 27 attempts.

Miracle Davis had eight rebounds, five as-sists and three steals. Day added seven boards and two steals.

The Red Devils wrap up the regular season Wednesday at Johnson County.

Allen (19-33—52)Cowley (39-34—63)Allen (FG/3pt-FT-F-TP):

Jones 0-0-3-0, Saulsberry 0-0-2-0, Stithem 0-2-2-2, Davis 0-3-2-3, Day 3/3-7-2-22, Fla-nigan 0-0-1-0, Redmond 0/3-2-0-11, Taiclet 0/1-0-0-3, Ware 1/1-5-1-10, Blackwell 2-2-3-6. TOTALS: 6/8-26-18-52.

Cowley defeats Allen women

Register/Richard LukenAllen Community College’s Jamie Peel (20) brings the ball upcourt in a home game earlier this sea-son. On Saturday, the Red Devils dropped a 63-52 decision at Cowley.

Editor’s note: The overnight winter storm may affect some sched-ules.

Drew Brees and Peyton Manning are the NFL’s highest-paid quarter-backs, at an average of $20 million and $18 mil-lion a year, respectively.

Brady has made it clear he wants to finish his career with the Patri-ots, whom he led to Super Bowl wins for the 2001, 2003 and 2004 seasons, and losses in the big game after the 2007 and 2011 seasons. By taking less money in the exten-sion and redoing his cur-rent contract, he’s hope-ful New England can surround him with the parts to win more titles.

H BradyContinued from B1

that doomed the Cy-clones.

“It was a locker room type of conversation. It just happened to happen during a game. I feel like that kind of set some fire through my body,” John-son said. “My teammates saw me responding.”

Korie Lucious scored 23 points and Tyrus Mc-Gee had 22 for the Cy-clones (19-9, 9-6), who dropped their third overtime game in Big 12 play — and their second straight at the hands of the Jayhawks.

After the game a handful of those in the student section hurled small plastic mega-phones at the Jayhawks as they ran back to their locker room.

The anger seemed to be directed at Johnson’s dunk with 2 seconds left and the game well in hand. Johnson opened the post-game news con-ference by apologizing to Iowa State coach Fred Hoiberg, saying he sim-ply got caught up in the moment.

“I shouldn’t have dunked that ball,” John-son said.

For all the talk con-cerning Self ’s quest for win No. 500, this game seemed destined to hinge upon whether Iowa State, one of the nation’s best offenses, could score enough on the stingy Jayhawks, the nation’s leader in field

goal percentage defense entering play.

As it turned out, both teams had little trouble making shots until over-time.

That’s when the Cy-clones lost their touch.

Freshman Georges Niang beat the shot clock with a 3, Iowa State’s 17th of the game, to give the Cyclones an 87-82 lead with 44.5 sec-onds left. But Johnson answered, and the Jay-hawks went 6 of 7 from the field in overtime while Iowa State went 1 of 9.

“We just couldn’t get stops at the end of the game,” Lucious said. “It’s hard. We feel like we had the game won.”

For Iowa State, this loss was painfully simi-lar to the one in Law-rence on Jan. 9.

Ben McLemore banked in a late 3 to force overtime of a game the Cyclones had con-trolled throughout. The Jayhawks prevailed, and though the Cyclones bounced back, they cer-tainly didn’t forget their lost night in Lawrence.

But with March just around the corner, Iowa State and the rest of the league is chasing the Jayhawks — again.

“Our guys battled. I’ve been saying that all year. Hopefully we have a lot of season left,” Hoiberg said. “I love our guys. They’re going to contin-ue to fight back.”

H JayhawksContinued from B1

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B4Tuesday, February 26, 2013 The Iola Register

Quarry/Mobile Equipment Manager Position Quarry/Mobile Equipment Manager Position The Monarch Cem ent Company, a million plus tons per year producing cement plant that has been operating for over 100 years, located in Southeast Kansas, is seeking a Quarry/Mobile Equipment Manager to join our team in Humboldt, Kansas. Primary responsibilities for this position is to ensure the safety of the 16 employees in the two departments; manage and lead the two departments efficiently and effectively; ensure the most economic means of producing the required quantity and quality of the raw materials for producing cement; develops and manages the mining plans to provide quality limestone while optimizing the use of limestone reserves for short and long term operating periods; analyze quarry operations and set plans for improvement in areas of quarry, safe equipment operations, overburden removal, drilling, blasting, loading and hauling raw materials, crushing and water management; analyze mobile equipment operations, repair work done timely, preventive maintenance skills for mobile equipment, mechanical knowledge of mobile equipment. Education requirements for this job would be a Bachelors of Science degree or an Associates degree in Mining, Geological, Materials Engineering, or Chemistry is preferred. At least 5 years experience of quarry operations as a Supervisor, preferably in the cement industry, is a plus. Also experience working with Caterpillar or other heavy equipment and have the ability to troubleshoot quarry and heavy mobile equipment problems. Strong leadership skills (able to lead), able to manage and motivate individuals, self-starter with exceptional organizational skills, excell ent

verbal and written communication skills, good problem solving and analytical skills and proficient computer skills. Ability to work in a fast pace environment, multi-task, manage cost and planning of daily quarry and mobile equipment jobs. We offer competitive salaries and an excellent benefits package. Qualified candidates may submit their resume including salary history to [emailprotected] or fax to 620-473-3112 or mail to: The Monarch Cement Company, Attn: John R. Bilby, Manager Human Resources, P.O. Box 1000, Humboldt, KS 66748-0900. EOE

Mowing Bids The City of Iola will be taking bids for the 2013 mowing season. Anyone interested in bidding on

this project may pick up a copy of the bid packet at the Code Services Office,

2 E. Jackson, Iola.

Bids will be taken until noon on March 21, 2013

Bids will be opened March 21, 2013 at 2 p.m.

(Published in The Iola Register Feb. 25 & 26, 2013)

Transfer/Career Advisor (Full-time – TRIO Grant Transfer/Career Advisor Funded) Neosho County Community College seeks a person to provide individual and group advising about college transfer options, requirements and course equivalencies, career exploration, and major selection for Student Support Services program. Bachelor’s degree (Masters preferred) in psychology, counseling, human resources development or related field pre - ferred; experience working with disadvantaged popu - lations, college admissions, school counseling, and academic advising. $28,500 to $34,200 with excellent benefits including health insurance and KPERS. Please send a letter of application, resume, unofficial transcripts, employment application, and five ref - erences with phone numbers to Transfer/Career Advi - sor Search, Neosho County Community College, 800 West 14 th Street, Chanute, KS 66720. This position will remain open until filled. Review of applications will begin March 1, 2013. Visit for application and position announcement.

NCCC is an AA/EEO employer NCCC is an AA/EEO employer


Your Local Purina Dealer

Invites You To


Cattle Seminar & Dinner Thursday, February 28 Thursday, February 28

Community Building - Riverside Park Chili Served at 6:30 p.m. - Program at 7 p.m. Chili Served at 6:30 p.m. - Program at 7 p.m.

Guest Speakers Include: Br ian Revard - Pfizer Animal Health Br ian Revard

Dr. Doug Hi lb ig - Cattle Specialist - Veterinarian Dr . Doug Hi lb ig Bryan Wol fe - B&W Farm & Ranch Equipment Bryan Wol fe Bud Mareth - Cattle Specialist - Purina Mills Bud Mareth

Promot ions & Discounts Promot ions & Discounts Offered For Meeting Guests

Drawing For Free Gi f ts Free Gi f ts

Bring Neighbors & Other Cattle Producers! Admiss ion & Dinner Are Free Admiss ion & Dinner Are Free

Please RSVP Number Attending By Noon, February 26 Noon, February 26 to Steve or Frances at the Feedlot

620-365-7253 Ext . 23 620-365-7253 Ext . 23

You can contact any of the Iola Register staff at new s@ new s@

Iola Register 2-26 - [PDF Document] (11)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013The Iola B5


ZITS by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

HI AND LOIS by Chance Browne

BABY BLUES by Kirkman & Scott

BEETLE BAILEY by Mort Walker


BLONDIE by Young and Drake

DAILY CRYPTOQUOTES - Here’s how to work it:

Sudoku is like a crossword puzzle, but uses numbers instead of words. The puzzle is a box of 81 squares, subdivided into 3x3 cubes of 9 squares each. Some squares are filled in with numbers. The rest should be filled in by the puzzler. Fill in the blank squares allowing the numbers 1-9 to appear only once in every row, once in every column and once in every 3x3 box. One-star puzzles are for beginners, and the difficulty gradually increases through the week to a very challenging five-star puzzle.

Help Wanted

Merchandise for Sale

Pets and Supplies

CREATIVE CLIPS BOARD-ING & GROOMING Clean, Affordable. Shots required. 620-363-8272

Wanted to Buy

WANTED: OLD CARS/TRUCKS (1960s models & old-er), not running, 620-431-0134.

Apartments for Rent APPLICATIONS are currently being accepted for apart-ments at Townhouse East, 217 North St., Iola. Mainte-nance free homes, appliances furnished and affordable rent for elderly, handicapped and disabled. For more information call 620-365-5143 or hearing/speech impairment 1-800-766-3777. Equal Housing Opportu-nity.

Mobile Homes for Sale 1998 MODEL, 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, on 3 lots, 810 S. Har-rison, LaHarpe, $35,000, 620-380-1159.

Real Estate for Rent

2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH APART-MENT. 3 bedroom house, all appliances in both, 620-228-8200.

QUALITY AND AFFORDABLE HOMES available for rent now,

NEW DUPLEX, 2 BEDROOM, CH/CA, appliances, garage. Ready now, taking applications, 620-228-2231.

302 N. SYCAMORE, 3 BED-ROOM, 2 bath, fenced back-yard, no pets, $600 monthly plus deposit, 620-363-2529.

Gates Corporation is a worldwide leader in the production of hydraulic hose.

We are a growing company and are looking for only the finest employees for our

manufacturing operation.

Please apply in person. Applications will be taken Weekdays 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Applications must be completed in the facility. GED or high school diploma required.

Pre-employment background checks & drug screen required.

Gates Corporation 1450 Montana Road

Iola, Kansas

Equal Opportunity Employer

Now Now Hiring Hiring

For For

12 Hour Nights 12 Hour Nights 8 Hour Nights 8 Hour Nights Evening Shifts Evening Shifts

Desktop Support Technician: NCCC seeks a per - Desktop Support Technician: son to provide complex technical support at the Ottawa campus. Duties will include coordination of HELP desk, hardware and software troubleshooting and software installation and security. Go to for a complete position announce - ment. To apply send online application, resume, 5 references with phone numbers and unofficial tran - scripts to Desktop Support Technician Search, HR Director, NCCC, 800 W. 14th Street, Chanute, KS 66720. NCCC is an AA/EEO employer NCCC is an AA/EEO employer

A NDERSON C OUNTY S HERIFF ’ S O FFICE A NDERSON C OUNTY S HERIFF ’ S O FFICE will be accepting applications until 03-04-2013 at 1700 hrs for 2 part time jailer positions and 1 part time dispatcher position. Persons may pick up applications at the Anderson County Sheriff Office, Monday - Friday, 8 to 5. Must be 18 years of age, have a high school diploma or its equivalent, be able to pass a criminal background check along with other testing and be able to obtain a valid Kansas Drivers License. Starting pay $12.66. The job is subject to a veteran’s preference. Veterans shall be preferred for initial employment and first promotion, based upon experience, and as long as he or she is of good reputation, and can competently perform the duties for the position applied for. A veteran or the spouse of a veteran who wants to be considered for veteran’s preference and qualifies under Kansas Law, K.S.A. 73-201, must provide copy of DD214 at the time the application for employment is turned in to the hiring authority.

MIKE’S GUNS 620-363-0094 Thur.-Sat. 9-2

Price Reduced

Help Wanted

Real Estate for Rent 302 N. SYCAMORE, 3 BED-ROOM, 2 bath, fenced back-yard, no pets, $600 monthly plus deposit, 620-363-2529.

GAS, 1 BEDROOM, no pets, $350 rent, $350 deposit, 620-380-1696.

Help Wanted

Real Estate for Rent

609 S. WASHINGTON, 2 BED-ROOM, 1st story duplex, CH/CA, appliances, single garage w/auto opener, $650 monthly includes all utilities paid, 620-496-6161 or 620-496-2222.

Real Estate for Sale Allen County Realty

Inc. 620-365-3178 John Brocker.......620-365-6892 Carolynn Krohn...620-365-9379 Jim Hinson...........620-365-5609 Jack Franklin.......620-365-5764 Brian Coltrane.....620-496-5424 Dewey Stotler......620-363-2491

ACCEPTING BIDS FOR 73.15 ACRES NOT INCLUDING THE HOUSE, 35.20 acres tillable and 37.95 acres pasture. Loca-tion is 5 miles south of Moran, KS on 59 Highway, Section 24-25-20 S/2 SE/4. Minimum bid $128,000. Please call 620-754-3316 or leave message. Dead-line is March 1, 2013.

Help Wanted

Real Estate for Sale

DREAM HOME FOR SALE. 402 S. Elm, Iola, Grand 3-sto-ry 1897 home on 3 lots. 4,894 sq. ft., Corian countertops, WoodMode cabinets and Sub-Zero fridge/freeezer. $190,000. Call 620-365-9395 for Susan Lynn or Dr. Brian Wolfe [emailprotected]. More info and pictures at

Iola Register 2-26 - [PDF Document] (12)

B6Tuesday, February 26, 2013 The Iola Register


Best Drying Performance2

With Sahara DryTM, there’s no need to towel-dry.

Quietest Dishwasher in Its Class3


Energy Saver Plus Cycle uses less energy without compromising cleaning performance.

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1 Than a traditional lower wash arm.2 In its class. Based on industry drying tests using Sahara DryTM. March 2012.3 Based on published manufacturer specifications or similar MSRP plastic-interior dishwashers.

Exclusive OrbitCleanTM Spray Arm



Exclusive OrbitCleanTM Wash Arm

Visit for more information.

11 N. Jefferson • East side Iola square • (888) 702-9390 or (620) 365-2538 Open Mon.-Thur. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m.-1 p.m.


IHS students qualify for National History Bowl Iola High School students qualified last week-end for the National History Bowl in Washington D.C. at the end of April. Attending the competi-tion will be, front row from left, history teacher Travis Hermstein, Mickey Ingle, Taylor Heslop, Jonathan Tidd and Ankit Gandhi; second row from left, Andrew Waldman, Jason Tidd, Travis Hermstein II, Cody co*kely and sponsor Jeff Fehr. Two hundred teams will compete at various land-marks throughout the capitol. The students need to raise about $6,000 for the trip. Fundraising plans are being made. Donations are welcome. To donate or for more information contact Iola High School or email the teachers at [emailprotected] or [emailprotected].

— NOTICE — O ur carriers’ (under contract) deadline for hom e delivery of The Iola Register is 5:30

p.m . w eekdays and 9:30 a.m . Saturdays for Iola carriers. D E A D LIN E FO R O U T -O F-T O W N C AR R IE R S IS 6:30 P .M . W E E K D A Y S D E A D LIN E FO R O U T -O F-T O W N C A R R IE R S IS 6:30 P .M . W E E K D A Y S

AN D 9:30 SAT U R D A Y . A N D 9:30 SA T U R D A Y . If you have not received your paper by deadline, please call your carrier first. If unable to reach your carrier, call the Register office at 365-2111. Rural C arriers 6:30 p.m .

w eekdays – 10:30 Saturdays

Iola Register 2-26 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Views: 6385

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.