SMK Fridays: Against All Odds, Sølvgade 48-50, 1307 Copenhagen, Denmark, Copenhagen , 30 August 2024 (2024)

SMK Fridays: Against All Odds, Sølvgade 48-50, 1307 Copenhagen, Denmark, Copenhagen , 30 August 2024 (1)


For English see below!

Kvindefællesskaber, grænsebrydninger, succes og genopdagelse. 30. august slår vi dørene op til SMK Fridays – og til efterårets store hovedudstilling: 'Against All Odds – Historiske kvinder og nye algoritmer'. En udstilling, der præsenterer 24 nordiske kvindelige kunstnere, der i deres samtid brød med normerne, rejste ud, skabte og opnåede stor succes, inden flere gled ud af historien.

Vær med, når vi denne aften inviterer til udstillingsåbning med talks, lydperformances, oplæsninger, kreative værksteder – og naturligvis masser af kunst! Oplev også det organiske og elektroniske smelte sammen, når vi byder på koncerter i samarbejde med HUN SOLO, der netop arbejder med at skabe synlighed og værdi omkring kvinder og kønsminoriteter i musiklivet. Hele aftenen kan du også gå på opdagelse i den nye udstilling, der fortæller historien om 24 af de mest markante nordiske kvindelige kunstnere fra 1870-1910 i selskab med et altomslu*ttende digitalt værk, skabt af en af tidens største digitale kunstnere Ix Shells.

Glæd dig til en storslået udstillingsåbning, der byder på en god blanding af koncerter, kreative workshops og art talks – alt sammen omgivet af kunsten og gratis.


Live dj-set: Udstillingen omsat til lyd
Aftenens soundtrack er sammensat af dj Sakena Ali fra Future Female Sounds – et globalt community, der arbejder for at skabe rum og plads til kvinder og kønsminoriteter i dj-miljøet.
I Skulpturgaden

Fernisering: Velkomsttale
Sæt dig til rette ved Scenen, når SMK’s direktør, Astrid la Cour, og udstil-lingens kurator, Emilie Boe Bierlich, byder velkommen og åbner efterårets store udstilling Against All Odds – Historiske kvinder og nye algoritmer.
På Scenen

Wiki Labs Kultur: Genopdagelse, genindskrivning – og kaffe
Udstyret med computere, kunsthistorisk viden og kildemateriale arbejder en gruppe frivillige på artikler til Wikipedia om udvalgte kunstnere fra efterårets store udstilling. Slå vejen forbi, og hør om deres arbejde.
I Skulpturgaden Øst

Kreativt værksted: Gipser, akvareller og ler
Inspireret af værker i efterårets store udstilling tegner og maler vi efter gipsfigurer fra Den Kongelige Afstøbningssamling og modellerer slanger, kalve og kentaurer.
I Børnenes Værksted

16.30-16.45 (På engelsk)
18.45-19.00 / 20.30-20.45 (På dansk)
Art talk: Et anderledes møde med kunsthistorien
Kunstformidler Jessica Yong Jensen dykker ned i gamle breve, historiske dokumenter og fascinerende chatbots – og udfolder fortællingen om billedhuggeren Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen.
Vi mødes i Forhallen

16.45-17.00 / 18.15-18.30 / 19.30-19.45
Oplæsning: Frigørelse, kunst og fællesskab
Tag med på en rejse til Paris i slu*tningen af 1800-tallet, når forfatter Sara Alfort læser op af sin tekst skabt til udstillingen. En fortælling om tiden, kvinderne og deres rejser.
Vi mødes i Forhallen

17.00-17.10 / 18.30-18.50
Lydperformance: Vokalensemblet Vigdis x Jacob Kirkegaard
Oplev Forhallen blive svøbt i eksperimenterende toner, når 22 sangere fylder rummet med mikrotonale værker af den danske foregangskvinde inden for elektronisk musik, Else Marie Pade.
I Forhallen

Live-interview: Kuratorens blik
Kunst, køn, genfortællinger og digitale prismer. Lyt med, når kurator Emilie Boe Bierlich i samtale med journalist og forfatter Johanne Mygind tager os med ind bag kulisserne i efterårets store udstilling.
I Auditoriet. Bemærk: begrænset antal pladser

17.15-17.30 / 19.00-19.15 (På dansk)
21.15-21.30 (På engelsk)
Art talk: “Why have there been no great woman artists?”
Tag med på en rejse tilbage til 1700-tallet, når kunstformidler Mette Møller Jørgensen stiller skarpt på et af museets mindste malerier – og en af kunsthistoriens kvindelige pionerer.
Vi mødes i Forhallen

Redaktør-talk: Katalogets tilblivelse
Kunst, kvindehistorier og ny teknologi. Redaktør Cecilie Høgsbro Østergaard fortæller om forskningen og kataloget bag udstillingen.
I SMK Shop

17.30-17.45 / 18.45-19.00 / 20.15-20.30 / 21.00-21.15
Oplæsning: Kunst, kærlighed – og ligestillingskamp
Skuespiller Signe Egholm Olsen læser op af en række personlige breve mellem kunstner Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen og hendes mand, komponist Carl Nielsen, og giver et indblik i livet som kvindelig kunstner anno 1900.
Vi mødes i Forhallen

17.30-17.45 / 21.30-21.45 (På dansk)
19.45-20.00 (På engelsk)
Art talk: Kunst, kvinder og udsyn
Gå med kunstformidler Signe Arnkvist på opdagelse efter kvindelige kunstnere i samlingen, som rejste ud i verden for at realisere deres kunstneriske ambitioner.
Vi mødes i Forhallen

Koncert: Excelsior
Lyt med, når den danske komponist, producer og sanger Anja T. Lahrmann sammenvæver akustisk og syntetisk popmusik på tværs af kunstformer og genreskel. Koncerten præsenteres i samarbejde med HUN SOLO.
På Scenen

17.45-18.00 / 19.45-20.00 (På dansk)
18.45-19.00 /20.45-21.00 (På engelsk)
Art talk: Introduktion til ’Against All Odds’
Historiske kvinder og nye algoritmer. Lyt med, når udstillingsassistent Laura Nørholt giver en introduktion til efterårets store udstilling.
I Biografen

18.00-18.30 (På engelsk)
Samtale: Historiske kvinder og nye algoritmer
Lyt med, når en af tidens største digitale kunstnere, Itzel Yard aka Ix Shells, i samtale med digital kurator Majken Overgaard udfolder tankerne bag sin generative installation skabt til efterårets store udstilling.
I Auditoriet. Begrænset antal pladser

Koncert: døtre
Lad dig opsluge i et dragende univers, når artpop-duoen indtager museets scene med atmosfæriske lydcollager, elektroniske beats og inderlig vokal. Koncerten præsenteres i samarbejde med HUN SOLO.
På Scenen

19.15-19.35 / 20.30-20.50
Ekspert-talk: Når kunst og teknologi bliver ét
Lost pixels, chatbots og generative teknologier. Gå med, når digital
kurator Majken Overgaard udfolder, hvordan nye teknologier kan bidrage til at genskrive kunsthistorien.
Vi mødes i Forhallen

19.30-20.00 (På engelsk)
Samtale: AWARE – Archives of Women Artists Research & Exhibition
I samtale med SMK’s samlings- og forskningschef, Camilla Jalving, udfolder den franske kurator og kunsthistoriker Camille Morineau sit omfattende arbejde med at skabe en international online database over kvindelige og non-binære kunstnere gennem tiden.
I Auditoriet. Begrænset antal pladser

Lydperformance: Vokalensemblet Vigdis x Jacob Kirkegaard
Oplev Forhallen blive svøbt i eksperimenterende toner, når 22 sangere fylder rummet med mikrotonale værker af den danske foregangskvinde inden for elektronisk musik, Else Marie Pade.
I Forhallen

20.30-21.00 (På engelsk)
Samtale: Hvad bliver kunsten med AI, og hvem bliver vi?
Lyt med, når Michael Connor, co-director for Rhizome, NYC, en af verdens førende institutioner for digital kunst, og kurator Emilie Boe Bierlich diskuterer krydsfeltet mellem kunst og teknologi – og hvorfor SMK som nationalgalleri bør undersøge AI som mere end blot et nyt techprodukt.
I Auditoriet. Begrænset antal pladser

Koncert: GRO
Fra synth-eksplosioner til vægtløse toner. Oplev en sammensmeltning mellem menneske og maskine, når den danske multi-instrumentalist giver sit bud på fremtidens posthumane pop. Koncerten præsenteres i samarbejde med HUN SOLO.
På Scenen

Og meget, meget mere… Som altid kan du også opleve SMK’s udstillinger i aftentimerne, tage med på skarpvinklede art talks og slippe kreativiteten løs i værkstedet. Og har du brug for en kunstpause, kan du slå dig ned ved langborde i Skulpturgaden, hvor du hele aftenen kan købe øl, juice og håndholdt mad.

SMK Fridays er støttet af Bikubenfonden.
Women’s communities, breaking boundaries, success, and rediscovery. On August 30th, we open the doors to SMK Fridays – and to the major autumn exhibition: Against All Odds – Historical Women and New Algorithms. An exhibition that presents 24 Nordic female artists who, in their time, broke with norms, traveled abroad, created, and achieved great success before many faded from history.

Join us this evening as we invite you to the exhibition opening with talks, sound performances, readings, creative workshops – and, of course, plenty of art! Experience the fusion of the organic and electronic when we offer concerts in collaboration with HUN SOLO, who work to create visibility and value around women and gender minorities in the music scene. Throughout the evening, you can also explore the new exhibition that tells the story of 24 of the most prominent Nordic female artists from 1870-1910, accompanied by an all-encompassing digital work created by one of today’s leading digital artists, Ix Shells.

Look forward to a grand exhibition opening featuring a great mix of concerts, creative workshops, and art talks – all surrounded by art and free of charge.


Live DJ Set: The Exhibition Transformed into Sound
The evening’s soundtrack is curated by DJ Sakena Ali from Future Female Sounds – a global community that works to create space and opportunities for women and gender minorities in the DJ scene.
In the Sculpture Street

16.10-16.25 (In Danish)
Opening: Welcome Speech
Settle in at the Stage as SMK’s Director, Astrid la Cour, and the exhibition curator, Emilie Boe Bierlich, welcome you and open the major fall exhibition Against All Odds – Historical Women and New Algorithms.
At the Stage

Wiki Labs Culture: Rediscovery, Rewriting – and Coffee
Armed with computers, art historical knowledge, and source material, a group of volunteers works on Wikipedia articles about selected artists from the major fall exhibition. Stop by and learn about their work.
In Sculpture Street East

Creative Workshop: Plaster Casts, Watercolors, and Clay
Inspired by the works in the major fall exhibition, we draw and paint from plaster figures from the Royal Cast Collection and sculpt snakes, calves, and centaurs.
In the Children’s Workshop

16.30-16.45 (In English)
18.45-19.00 / 20.30-20.45 (In Danish)
Art Talk: A Different Encounter with Art History
Art educator Jessica Yong Jensen dives into old letters, historical documents, and fascinating chatbots – and unfolds the story of sculptor Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen.
We’ll meet in the Lobby

16.45-17.00 / 18.15-18.30 / 19.30-19.45 (In Danish)
Reading: Liberation, Art, and Community
Take a journey to Paris in the late 1800s as author Sara Alfort reads from her text created for the exhibition. A tale of the era, the women, and their journeys.
We’ll meet in the Lobby

17.00-17.10 / 18.30-18.50
Sound Performance: Vocal Ensemble Vigdis x Jacob Kirkegaard
Experience the Entrance Hall bathed in experimental tones as 22 singers fill the space with microtonal works by Danish electronic music pioneer Else Marie Pade.
In the Lobby

17.00-17.30 (In Danish)
Live Interview: The Curator’s Perspective
Art, gender, retellings, and digital prisms. Listen in as curator Emilie Boe Bierlich, in conversation with journalist and author Johanne Mygind, takes us behind the scenes of the major fall exhibition.
In the Auditorium. Note: Limited seating

17.15-17.30 / 19.00-19.15 (In Danish)
21.15-21.30 (In English)
Art Talk: “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?”
Join us on a journey back to the 18th century as art educator Mette Møller Jørgensen focuses on one of the museum’s smallest paintings – and one of art history’s female pioneers.
We’ll meet in the Lobby

17.15-17.35 (In Danish)
Editor Talk: The Making of the Catalogue
Art, women’s history, and new technology. Editor Cecilie Høgsbro Østergaard discusses the research and catalogue behind the exhibition.
In the SMK Shop

17.30-17.45 / 18.45-19.00 / 20.15-20.30 / 21.00-21.15 (In Danish)
Reading: Art, Love – and the Fight for Equality
Actress Signe Egholm Olsen reads from a series of personal letters between artist Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen and her husband, composer Carl Nielsen, offering insight into the life of a female artist in 1900.
We’ll meet in the Lobby

17.30-17.45 / 21.30-21.45 (In Danish)
Art Talk: Art, Women, and Horizons
Join art educator Signe Arnkvist in exploring the museum’s collection for female artists who traveled the world to realize their artistic ambitions.
We’ll meet in the Lobby

Concert: Excelsior
Listen in as Danish composer, producer, and singer Anja T. Lahrmann weaves together acoustic and synthetic pop music across art forms and genres. The concert is presented in collaboration with HUN SOLO.
At the Stage

17.45-18.00 / 19.45-20.00 (In Danish)
18.45-19.00 /20.45-21.00 (In English)
Art Talk: Introduction to ‘Against All Odds’
Historical women and new algorithms. Listen in as exhibition assistant Laura Nørholt gives an introduction to the major fall exhibition.
In the Cinema

Discussion: Historical Women and New Algorithms
Listen in as one of today’s leading digital artists, Itzel Yard aka Ix Shells, in conversation with digital curator Majken Overgaard, unfolds the ideas behind her generative installation created for the major fall exhibition.
In the Auditorium. Limited seating

Concert: døtre
Immerse yourself in a captivating universe as the art-pop duo takes the museum stage with atmospheric sound collages, electronic beats, and soulful vocals. The concert is presented in collaboration with HUN SOLO.
At the Stage

19.15-19.35 / 20.30-20.50 (In Danish)
Expert Talk: When Art and Technology Become One
Lost pixels, chatbots, and generative technologies. Join digital curator Majken Overgaard as she unfolds how new technologies can help rewrite art history.
We’ll meet in the Lobby

Discussion: AWARE – Archives of Women Artists Research & Exhibition
Conversation: AWARE – Archives of Women Artists, Research & Exhibitions In conversation with SMK’s Head of Collections and Research, Camilla Jalving, the French curator and art historian Camille Morineau explains her comprehensive work creating an international online database of women and non-binary artists throughout history.
In the Auditorium. Limited seating

Sound Performance: Vocal Ensemble Vigdis x Jacob Kirkegaard
Experience the Entrance Hall bathed in experimental tones as 22 singers fill the space with microtonal works by Danish electronic music pioneer Else Marie Pade.
We’ll meet in the Lobby

Discussion: What Becomes of Art with AI, and Who Do We Become?
Listen in as Michael Connor, co-director of Rhizome, NYC, one of the world’s leading institutions for digital art, and curator Emilie Boe Bierlich discuss the intersection of art and technology – and why SMK as a national gallery should explore AI as more than just a new tech product.
In the Auditorium. Limited seating

Concert: GRO
From synth explosions to weightless tones. Experience a fusion of human and machine as the Danish multi-instrumentalist presents her vision of future post-human pop. The concert is presented in collaboration with HUN SOLO.
At the Stage

And much, much more… As always, you can also experience SMK’s exhibitions in the evening hours, join focused art talks, and unleash your creativity in the workshop. If you need a break, you can sit down at the long tables in the Sculpture Street, where you can buy beer, juice, and handheld food throughout the evening.


Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Sølvgade 48-50, 1307 Copenhagen, Denmark, Sølvgade 48, 1307 København K, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , Denmark

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Art in Copenhagen Exhibitions in Copenhagen Music in Copenhagen Concerts in Copenhagen Entertainment in Copenhagen Workshops in Copenhagen Literary-art in Copenhagen Theatre in Copenhagen Pop in Copenhagen Womens-history-month in Copenhagen English-language in Copenhagen History in Copenhagen

SMK Fridays: Against All Odds, Sølvgade 48-50, 1307 Copenhagen, Denmark, Copenhagen , 30 August 2024 (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.