Taking matters into my own hands [MURDER DRONES DEMON HUNTER AU] - Chapter 3 - elmw00dian (2024)

Chapter Text

Uzi sat at the bottom step of the porch of her home. Just a few days ago, she had her first true encounter with a Demon.

It was a total bust.

Uzi wasn’t a good fighter. She wasn’t physically strong, and her reflexes were shabby at best. She wasn’t cut out for hurting people, or even intimidating them – So why was she so dedicated to trying? Maybe she had something to prove to herself – maybe she wanted to make her old man proud.

Or maybe she just thought it was the right thing to do. No one else was going to clean the streets, so to speak. She was the last resort.

…At least that’s what she said to prepare for another day of menial danger.

“God…” Uzi rubbed her face, attempting to snap herself back to reality. “What am I doing out here, anyway?” She mumbled to herself.

Her father was still at church, he came home maybe once since what happened. He barely noticed her limp.

The Taylors were out of the house. That wasn’t anything new, either, but it was an observation.

Uzi had no reason to be on her porch, but she was sitting out there anyway.

Maybe she was waiting for something interesting to happen. Maybe she was waiting for someone, anyone to get home. As much as she’d hate to admit it, she despised being alone. But, like every other day, no one came around when she needed them. Her dad was a total workaholic, what she considered her acquaintances always had something better to do, and she had no other family to talk to. No mom, no siblings – nada.

“This is stupid.” Uzi finally stood up. Just as she turned and went to open her door, a small voice piped up from behind her.

“Heading in so soon?”

“AH–” Uzi whipped around. “You MOTHERF–– uuuuhhh…” Uzi trailed off as she met the gaze of that little girl she saw not too long ago. “...little girl?”

“Head tilt.” She did just that.

“How’d you get there so fast? How do you keep doing that?” Uzi furrowed her eyebrows.

“Shh…” She put a finger up to her mouth.

“...Okay, do you have a name, little girl?”

“...I’m your friend.” She gestured at Uzi, beckoning her to follow. “That is what you can call me.” She didn’t answer the question properly.

“...Okay, then. Can I help you with something?” Uzi wasn’t going to press her about her name. It didn’t really matter, anyway.

“No, but I can help you.” She hopped down each step one at a time before pointing upwards. “Point.”

Uzi didn’t look up like she did last time. This kid was flighty at best, she wasn’t gonna let her out of her sight if she could help it.

“You do not fight well.” She piped up. “Anything could take you if it wanted.”

“I know that.”

“You need a weapon.” She added.

“I figured that much, but– Wait. How do you know I’ve been fighting?”


“You’re really creepy, you know that?” Uzi spoke bluntly. The girl didn’t seem to mind. “Do you have parents?”

“Thinking…” She paused. “I have a Father.”

“I have one, too,” Uzi spoke quietly. “He’s a bit of a tool. Hard to work with.”

“Things have changed.” The little girl gestured at the surrounding area, though her arms were eerily limp. “Changing for a world like this when you were born into a fully different one is a monumental task.”

“I guess that’s true. You use a lot of big words for a little kid, is your dad a teacher or something?”

“Giggle. Something like that.”

“Hm… Well, do you need someone to take you home?”


Point. Look.” She pointed at the mailbox a few feet from the house. “I left something for you.”

“Huh–” Uzi looked away for just a second, and just like that, she was gone again.

“Oh. So you’re just gonna keep doing that. What else was I going to expect, that’s completely normal, that’s just what kids do, sure–” Uzi stomped off to the mailbox, slamming it open exasperatingly to see if the little girl was telling the truth.

Inside the mailbox was a silver dagger, a small loop ingrained into the bottom of the handle with a cross dangling from it. The sight was enough for her to stop muttering nonsense under her breath.

“Creepy ass kid…” Uzi mumbled to herself as she reached into the mailbox, pulling it out by the handle.

The blade was clean, and the way it gleamed in the sun made it seem almost heavenly. It was a fine work of silver, and Uzi had to admit it was sick as hell.

It’s kind of weird that this has happened twice, though. She’s starting to wonder if that kid is some kind of plant. She’s not sure what for, but she has to be pushing some kind of agenda, right?

Uzi admired the blade a moment longer.


“AHH–” Uzi swung backward and pointed the blade ahead. It took a bit of effort due to how heavy it was.

“Jesus, Uzi, it’s just us–” Liz held her hands up in a surrendering motion. “Where’d you even get that, weirdo?”

“I don’t know, it was just in here–” Uzi lowered the dagger and sighed. “Sorry, I guess… Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

“If you find out where it came from, I want one.” Thad laughed.

“Same. Anyway–” Lizzy swatted at Uzi and tried to make her pocket her weapon. “I have a friend who’s interested in joining our little squad. What do you think?”

“...” Uzi narrowed her eyes. “You’re telling people about this?”

“Oh, calm down. Just Doll. She’s cool.” Lizzy dismissed her stern look. “You should meet her, she’s a badass. You’ll love her.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Nikan had been wandering the desolate woods on his own for a while, now. Without Jill and Vesper, he had no guidance. His actions had never truly been his own – he was a follower type by nature. All he’d done for himself was try not to starve, and at this point, he was simply hunting to have a purpose.

He started with a few rabbits.

An unlucky passerby.

His own shadow, a few times.

His face had healed since his incident with those humans. It only took a day, but the time was excruciating. He was used to being picked on by his fellow demons, but something about those people felt… different.

All this time he was just doing as he was told. He’d never thought about how humans felt – but when he was at the mercy of someone else, someone who could have killed him, things started feeling wrong. The very moment he realized he was trapped, he started considering never killing again. Maybe some good karma would finally come his way, then.

But he was still so hungry.

He wasn’t sure if he could starve, but he didn’t want to find out. Even if he was suffering here on earth, he couldn’t go back to hell. He could NEVER return to the Elliott sanction with such a humiliating kill count – especially if he died of starvation. What a pathetic, miserable creature. Jill was right.

Nikan began to sulk even more than he was before.

“Maybe I should stop moving for a little while,” Nikan whispered to himself. “That’d be smart I think. Smarter than wasting my energy. No one’s out here, no one ever is.”

Nikan slumped down into the tall grass.

“Maybe if I wait long enough, Vespera will miss me and come back.” His arrow-shaped tail twitched in the grass. “I miss her.”

Nikan saw a light from afar, snapping him out of his sulking for a moment.

“Jill?--” He thought he was seeing Jill’s fire. “Oh.”

It was a flashlight he was seeing. A flashlight that was being held by the girl who stood up against him a few days ago. She was easily recognizable – short, pale – her hair was a unique color… Nikan wasn’t sure how she did that.

Nikan crawled toward the 3, still shrouded in the dark of the forest.

Maybe he’d have better luck this time. He’s going to be more careful – he’s going to wait.

“DOLL–” Lizzy banged on the door of this dingy old house. “We’re here about the hunter thing, let us in, it’s just my brother and that girl I told you about–”

“Are we sure this is a good idea?” Thad gulped. “No offense to your friend, but it’s kinda freaky out here. How is it this dark? It’s only 6–”

“It’s always this dark at 6, Thad.” Uzi sighed. “It’s winter.”

“...OH!” Thad paused for a second. “Awesome.”

The door slowly creaked open.

“There you are, I was starting to think you weren’t home.” Lizzy shoved past the girl inside. “Come on, guys.”

Doll locked eyes with Uzi. She ignored the other two completely and instead zeroed in on her.

“Um…” Uzi stared. Doll was a tall girl, 5’9 or so. Her hair was long and dark. Her bangs hid most of her face, but Uzi could still see her stern expression through them. Uzi thought she was startling.

“Welcome.” Doll stepped out of the way, not averting her eyes from Uzi as she waltzed in through the entrance.

“Yeah, thanks.”

As the trio entered the house, something seemed… off. No lights were on. Instead, candles were blanketing most of the environment and dimly lighting the room. From the looks of it, no one else was home.

“I am grateful you have considered my appeal,” Doll spoke up again. Her accent was extremely thick. “I believe I have what you are looking for.”

“Yeah, of course.” Thad slumped down in a seat at the kitchen table. “I think I can say for all of us that we need some help. Badassery is a busy job after all.” Thad was trying to play it especially cool. Uzi assumed he either was terrified or into Russians. Either way, it wasn’t making their “club” look any more official.

“I’d love to have you, sweetie.” Lizzy sat down and glared at Uzi until she joined them all at the table. “Right, Uzi?”

“Uh, yeah.” Uzi leaned back in her chair, trying to avoid meeting Doll’s eyes again. “But before we decide on anything, you should tell us about yourself, right? Lizzy knows you, but Thad and I don’t.”

Doll stepped toward the kitchen stove, which Uzi now realized was on.

Doll reached for the wooden knife holder and unsheathed a kitchen knife.

Uzi recoiled, though before she could comment on it, Doll began chopping carrots that didn’t look all that fresh or appetizing. She was doing it rather roughly, practically grating them at the speed she was going. Maybe that was the intention..?

“I am happy to introduce myself accordingly over dinner. Please allow me one moment, I am almost ready.”

“Oh, dinner? What are you making? It smells bitter–”

Doll snapped her head around.

“BETTER, better than anything Lizzy makes at home, haha. Yep.”

“A family recipe.” Doll eased herself and pulled a lid off of a large pot. A waft of steam dissipated into the air, releasing the smell of onion and meat. Doll slid what was formerly carrots into the pot with her knife and put the lid back on.

“What is it? Soup?”

“Borscht.” Doll wasn’t met with any reply.

“It’s soup.” Lizzy rolled her eyes. “It’s in a pot. It’s soup.”

“Sick!” Thad seemed more than pleased at the thought of free dinner.

Uzi, however, felt her stomach twist. She didn’t dislike what she thought was in that pot, but something didn’t feel right about it. Nothing about any of this situation felt right.

“Anyway,” Lizzy started back up. “Dolly here is good with knives. She’s also buff as hell, flex for us–”

“Another time, maybe.” Doll dismissed.

“BOO.” Lizzy frowned. “Anyway, she’s a better fighter than you and me.” She looked at Uzi. “I mean…” Lizzy gestured at Uz.


“Plus, traveling in numbers makes us intimidating, why do you think the Demons do it–” Thad chimed in.

“That’s true.” Uzi paused for a moment. Maybe she was being too dismissive, this may actually be a good idea. Doll was far homier than most, maybe Uzi was too quick to judge.


A few minutes passed by as Lizzy and Thad ranted about the advantages of taking in Doll, and as their host presented them with their meals, Uzi was starting to agree with the idea. On top of it, she was growing somewhat fond of Doll’s quiet nature. That was until she got a good look at the soup.

“Wow, this is… Really red.” Uzi spoke, clearly unsettled.

“It’s the beets. I assure you it’s delicious.” Doll dismissed, sitting herself at the table with everyone else. She crossed her hands in front of her.

“Oh, beets… I guess that makes sense.” Uzi scooped up a mouthful in her spoon and blew on it. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to take a bite, but with everyone expectantly staring at her, she had no other choice. Thad wasn’t pressuring, however. He started eating as soon as the bowl was sat in front of him.

“Come on, it’s good,” Lizzy whined. “Be more open-minded, meanie.”

“I am, I am. I’m just, not used to eating in the dark–”

“My home does not have electricity, only gas,” Doll noted.

“...Okay, then.” Uzi finally took a bite, attempting to not look ungrateful. She was raised better than that, she thought.

The Borscht was bitter, with an aftertaste that she just barely recognized but couldn’t pinpoint. No amount of onion could cover whatever happened to this soup, and Uzi barely choked down her bite before making a weird expression.

“Are you, um, sure that its just beets–”

“There’s also carrots. Is something wrong?”

“Uh… No.” Uzi lied through her teeth. She’d rather not upset this girl. She WAS being nice, after all.

“Tell us about yourself, Dolly.” Lizzy leaned on her hand.

“I have lived in this home my whole life, and I have seen many demons throughout my childhood. I have studied them from afar, and I have learned their ways. I have learned all that there is about their kind.” She began.

Uzi took another bite as she spoke, and tried to put on a poker face through the bitterness. Something had to be wrong. If it was poison, Thad would have fallen out of his chair by now. It couldn’t be that. She assumed the meat in the dish was pork, and she didn’t like pork. Maybe that was the problem.

“I am what you need,” Doll added, leaning forward. “You think you know all that is necessary, but you only know words on pages.”

Uzi narrowed her eyes.

“Their hands bare 10-inch claws. Their blood boils so hot that just injuring them could kill YOU.” Doll furrowed her eyebrows. “Every one of them soars in the sky like birds. They can swoop on you, they can pounce from the darkness – some will live amongst you if it’s convenient to them. Some kill you so slowly, so methodically, that you beg the lord for something you can use to kill yourself just to make it end.”

That got intense quickly.

“Do you know how to kill them?” Uzi’s tone was sheepish and was only growing softer the more nauseous she got.

“prayer alone is enough.”

“That’s true.” Uzi averted her eyes. “But do you know anything that works physically? In case something happens and we can’t do that?”

“There are endless ways. I know their weaknesses. I can improvise a kill from any angle, with any tool at my disposal.”

“That’s pretty metal.” Thad smiled.

Uzi nodded and went in for another bite. She decided she was just going to let the others do the rest of the talking.

“I told you,” Lizzy added.

“Have you killed one before?” Thad questioned in between bites.

“Yes.” Doll blinked. “A few.”

“What was it like?”

“I suppose it was gratifying, knowing that I’ve done the world good.”

Uzi felt a crunch in her bite.

“Where’d you find them?”

“They have wandered close to my home many times. I have defended myself accordingly.”

Uzi discreetly spat the culprit into her hand.

“Survival is my priority, as it must be yours.”

“We are hunters, what’s survivier than that.” Thad joked.

Uzi glanced into her palm. A solid white mass, pointed at the end. Uzi’s chest tightened. That’s not a poorly cooked carrot or even a pebble like Uzi prayed.

That is a tooth. That is an entire human tooth, and it was in Uzi’s mouth.

“Are you alright?” Doll snapped her out of her train of thought.

“What?” Uzi slammed her hand down, fist clenched around the tooth so no one could witness her findings.

“Your hand. Did something happen?” Doll added.

“Oh yeah, I’m a writer. I get some bad cramps. I just need to use the bathroom real quick, is that okay?” Uzi stood up from her chair swiftly. “You’re basically accepted, by the way, so don’t worry about telling me any more stuff–”

“Alright,” Doll gave a slightly investigative look. Uzi tried to smile back at her, hoping that’d get Doll to calm down.

“Down the hall, to the left.”

Uzi ran into the bathroom, ignoring the cramped dingy hallway and oddly saddening family photos littering the walls. As soon as she got inside, she closed and locked the door behind her.

“Jesus Christ,” Uzi turned on the sink. She cupped the water in her hands, though she quickly opened them and let the water dissipate when she noticed it was just as dirty as that soup had to be.

Uzi slammed her hands against the one hung-up towel in the bathroom, desperately wiping them as much as she could. No amount of uncomfortable gagging could solve her situation, but she couldn’t stop. That was human meat. It had to be.

Not only was it human, but she found that out and then ran away instead of telling Lizzy and Thad at the table. Thad ate so much of it. Lizzy’s probably had it before. Uzi was panicking.

The towel knocked onto the floor.

Just as Uzi bent over to pick it up, she looked over at a gross stain peeking from behind the bathtub’s privacy curtain. Uzi stood back up with the towel and sloppily hung it back up, stepping toward the bathtub.

It reeked like corpses. Like the corpse that Demon was eating a few days ago.

Uzi knew what was behind the curtain. She didn’t have anything to prove. Yet, she couldn’t turn away and leave it there unacknowledged.

Uzi grabbed the curtain with shaky hands.

Just as she pulled it back, she was met with the exact sight she was envisioning. Uzi gagged, holding her hand over her mouth to try and force whatever wanted out to stay in.

There were at least two whole bodies, fresh, in the tub. While bloody and disfigured, they were in a pool of ice to preserve their current state. The water was red, and the bodies were so grossly cut into that they were as well. It seemed Doll worked that knife on them, the way she did those carrots.

Uzi slowly stepped away from the tub. She wasn’t sure what to do. If she walks out of this bathroom and pretends she never saw it, Doll becomes one of them. If she walks out and confronts her, they’ll probably have to fight Doll. And that’s if they believe her. If she runs, Doll will know that she knows, and she might even attack the Taylors.

Uzi stumbled with shaky hands over to the bathroom window and opened it as quietly as she could. It creaked louder than the windows at home. God, it was loud. She was screwed, wasn’t she?

Uzi hoisted herself up and fell out of the window. As soon as she hit the ground, she began crawling. She made it only a few strides before the gagging set in again. Her panic state was getting worse, and she felt her hands grasp the soggy grass uncontrollably.

Her crawling was followed soon after by obnoxious vomiting. Of course. Vomiting was one of the best actions to be carried out within 2 feet of a serial killer cannibal’s home. If Uzi wasn’t busy letting her guts metaphorically spill out of her mouth, she’d be hitting herself over her actions. She could barely catch her breath in between heaves, and within a minute she’d tapped herself out.

If anything, she was grateful she got it out of her system. She didn’t want to digest what was in her – it used to have a family for god’s sake. It was a living, breathing person. One she could have talked to up to maybe a few days ago. Uzi wiped her teary eyes with her sleeve and looked around for someone, anyone to help her. She knew it was a pointless act, but she did it anyway.

Just as she hung her head, she heard a voice emerge from the distance.

“Jeez, how hard did you fall?” His tone had a slight mischief to it.

Uzi’s eyes went wide as she scooted back against the house. She didn't move fast or impressively, but she sure did crawl backward.

“Don’t get any closer.” She coughed. “I have a weapon.”

“Easy now, buddy.” Lo and behold, it was Nikan. He crawled out from the darkness. Uzi was trying desperately not to tear up again, but she was certain Nikan could recognize her obsessive blinking for what it was.

“This might just be a me thing, but I wouldn’t attack someone who was sick. Even if YOU definitely snuck up on me while I was eating, that was kinda sucky of you–”

“SHH.” Uzi silenced him. “H-Hold on, there’s a girl in this house who wants your kind dead."

"And that's newwww... how?

"Um. She's a far better hunter than I am.”

Nikan went quiet.

“I’m telling you this because she’s killing humans, too. I don’t know why.”

Nikan didn't say anything in reply to that, either. Instead, he rose from the ground.

“There’s tons of food for you in that house, but there’s also two living people that I care about that she might also eat. You have no reason to help me, but you’re at a disadvantage if she gets out of that cabin alive.”


“She has long, black hair. She says she’s killed demons out here. If we almost did you in, that means she’s capable of actually killing you.”

Nikan stepped toward Uzi.

“Even if your squad mates aren’t here now, they could be at risk later – how could they save you if they’re getting banished by a power-hungry maniac who’s ALSO taking your food?” Uzi was beginning to panic, her words leaving at faster speeds the longer she went on.

Uzi had essentially cornered herself by not moving away from the house. Instead, she pushed herself right up where she'd have no luck getting away. As Nikan got closer, she just sat there and prayed. She prayed that she'd get lucky one more time. One more time was all that she needed.

Nikan grabbed Uzi by her sides and propped her up to the window.

“Crawl back in and pretend nothing happened, okay?” Nikan spoke in a whisper, and he did so before Uzi could scream or punch in the name of stranger danger. She was weak from vomiting anyway.


Nikan wasn’t sure why he hesitated to kill her when she was hunched over vomiting like a dying animal, now that he thought about it. killing her was his plan the moment he saw her.

“Trust me.”

Maybe he just wanted a change of pace. The endless mauling of anything in sight was kind of horrible, in his honest opinion. The wild animals took a good chunk of his dignity, and it's not like he had much of it, to begin with.

This girl had reasons for her choices, anyway.

She pointed N in the way of a target, and she had a motive to back it up.

Nikan understood why she was scared. He imagined Vespera being locked in a room with a maniac and how he’d feel if he were in that situation. Sure, Vespera was a powerhouse AND the maniac simultaneously, but he made the point to himself anyway.

Thinking about it, Jillian never had reasons. Just repercussions for N to suffer through any time he defied orders. Intentionally or not.

This hunter wanted him dead, but so did Jill. What was the difference?

Nikan pushed Uzi back in through the window.

“Do you think your friend is alright?” Doll gathered the Taylors’ dishes, putting them away as they finished eating.

“Uzi’s fine, maybe she got food poisoning eating something her dad made.” Lizzy shrugged. “She’ll probably be back in a minute. It’s not like she could have left, the door’s that way.”

“That is true.” Doll paused for a moment. “I will go check on her. You may both stay here, I will be back shortly.”

Lizzy and Thad looked at each other in mild concern.

As Doll walked through the halls, she slowly lifted her dress and wrapped her hand around a knife strapped to her leg. Surely, Uzi had seen something. Doll knew from the moment she laid eyes on her, that she’d be the one to give her trouble. Doll was hoping she’d be able to infiltrate the group and sabotage Uzi if push came to shove, but it seemed something else would need to happen if Doll wanted to get her way.

But before Doll could make it to the door, Uzi slammed through the other side and put on a big, wide smile.

“Oh, hey, Doll–” Uzi awkwardly laughed. “Sorry I took so long, don’t ask, you don’t wanna know ahahahaha–”

Doll’s hand retracted from her knife.

“Super cool shower curtain, by the way, it was so great I didn’t even touch it, that’s how great it was! Super cool, never ask me about it though, I’d love to ask you about your soup though, great soup–”

“Excuse me?” Doll gave a slightly disturbed look.

“Phew, nice talking to you!” Uzi giggled nervously, passing the stronger girl and wandering back out to the Taylors.

“Heeey, uh,” Uzi cleared her throat. “Did you guys like your food?” Uzi gave a strained smile, her eyes shifting to the door a few times.

“Woah, Zi, did you do a line in that bathroom or something?”

“Something like that!” Uzi put her hands on her hips. “By the way, Doll, I think there’s something outside. It passed by the window. Haha. Ha…”

“You are confusing me.” Doll walked over and looked at the door. “What do you mean you saw something?”

“Well, um…” Uzi cleared her throat. “I heard something which is why I ran off to the bathroom, and then I saw it pass by the bathroom window. I think it’s a demon. You should check it out as your first Demon hunt, like for your recruitment–” Uzi ranted.

“Are you sure about that?” Doll narrowed her eyes.

“Very sure. Positive. I think it’s rowdy, so it might get in if you don’t go out after it. We can follow after if you need us.”

Doll glared for a moment, trying to read Uzi. She knew this distrusting little brat was lying, but couldn’t dismiss what she was suggesting when she heard the sound of snapping outside.

“Very well.” Doll pushed past Uzi. On her way to the door, she picked up a kitchen knife off of the counter. With one small push of the front door, and a few sneaky steps out into the open…

Doll was tackled into the dirt by a large force. Uzi sure wasn’t exaggerating.

“DOLL–” Lizzy screamed. If she had the opportunity she would have run out to save her friend, but Uzi beat her to the front door and slammed it shut.

“What are you doing, we can’t just ditch her out there–” Thad gave Uzi a disturbed look.

“HOLD ON.” Uzi tried to clear her throat, her tone raspy from vomiting. “Doll was feeding us human meat, I found a tooth in my food a-and there are bodies in the bathroom, they’re cut up, and, and–” Uzi gagged again.

“What do you mean?” Thad’s voice dropped into an uncharacteristically serious tone.

“And you didn’t f*cking tell us IMMEDIATELY? You’re lying, you’re a liar–”

“What was that meat, then?! And what was that blood taste?” Uzi reciprocated Lizzy’s agitated tone. She pulled the tooth out of her pocket as evidence and tossed it onto the kitchen table.

Thad and Lizzy looked at the table, and then back up at Uzi.

“So, what’s out there? Did you… plan that?”

“...We need to get out of here,” Uzi ignored the question. “We can sneak out the back while Doll’s distracted, I can show you what I saw on our way through the window–” Uzi ran back through the hall and the Taylors followed her.

Not like they had other options.

It was either believing her or walking out into the dark and fighting a Demon blind for an offputting girl they barely knew.

As the trio walked into the bathroom, Uzi gestured at the tub. “Ta-da…”

Lizzy covered her nose to try and block out the smell of human remains.

“...Let’s make it clear this was like, the first time I’d ever been here. I only knew Doll in school.” She gagged.

Thad only leered ahead at the iced human remains an unreadable look on his face.

“I’m sorry for not warning you guys sooner, but I was in an awkward position, okay–”

“I ate. So much.” Thad’s voice slightly cracked.

“I know you did,” Uzi pat him on the back. “You can throw up when we get out of here.”

“The damage has already been done, Uz,” Thad whined. “I already ate it. I ate human soup.”

“We all did, dude.”

“I asked for seconds.”

“Shut the f*ck up, will you?” Lizzy snapped as she dragged herself up to the window. “We need to leave right now.”

“HEY. That’s what I said, I know that–” Uzi immediately dove through the window after her.

“This is like, the absolute worst, this must be what that girl felt like when I put dirt in her food – girl, if you’re still out there, that was totally uncool and I take it back–”

“Not now, Liz, can either one of you help me–” Thad was having a difficult time pushing himself through the window, at least compared to the girls. That wasn’t a big surprise, but it was an inconvenience.

“Oh, yeah, here–” Uzi grabbed onto his arm and yanked on him until he fell flat on his face. Despite the fact he was getting his ass kicked by gravity, he was grateful. Grateful he got out of that room.

Despite having no flashlight to guide them, the trio began moving. Their only goal was to get away from the sound of Doll fighting and to not lose each other in the meantime.

And so, they did just that.

“Would you guys be mad–”

“I’m mad.” Lizzy interrupted.

“Okay, then.”

Uzi was going to ask if they’d be mad that she conspired with a demon to save the three of them – the same demon they tried to destroy before – but she figured that could wait. Especially when she knew they wouldn’t want to hear that.

Maybe they should get the vomiting out of their systems first.

That seemed like a good idea.


Taking matters into my own hands [MURDER DRONES DEMON HUNTER AU] - Chapter 3 - elmw00dian (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.