The Shelby Sentinel from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)

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Shelbyville Kentucky Thursday May 12 1960 THE SHELBY SENTINEL' CASSOULET LIVE BETTER IN AN ALL ELECTRIC HOME We Take Pleasure in Announcing the Addition of DONNIE ETHINGTON To our growing sales orginazation at Vi McCarthy Chevrolet LOAN McCarthy Chevrolet co 708 Main Street Phone ME 3 4210 th Wt all livt billet with RURAL ELECTRIC CO ON i 4 SHELBY RURAL ELECTRIC 1 COOPERATIVE CORP Shelbyville Kentucky WHEN YOU BUY AS YOU DRIVE WHEN YOU TRADE 4 COOK RAMBLER SALES ff if JI IVIE PLAN Now a brand new Rambler American 2 Door Deluxe Sedan for as little as beer be with Good cooler all over Kentucky are showing increasing Interest in dishes with an Old World flavor Brimful of Old World goodness is Cassoulet a casserole dish combining pork lamb and duck meat with beans carrots seasoned with garlic bay leaf and thyme Many a famous dish like Cassoulet or Hasenpfeffer is at its best when served with a glass of light refreshing beer Discover it yourself a glass of sparkling beer with your favorite Old World dish US HIGHWAY 60 WEST SHELBYVILLE KENTUCKY 6 Small Acreage Tracts ronting on Long Run Road Several of these tracts contain 16 acres each with good frontage on blacktop Long Run Road RAMBLER CUSTOM CROSS COUNTRY 6 OR 8 Apply Today! Bet Measy Today! 618 MAIN ST Phone MErcury 3 2866 Shelbyville Ky In August 1787 John and ield ing Bradford published at Lexing ton The Kentucky Gazette the first newspaper In Kentucky With the exception of tlie Pittsburgh Gazette it was the first newspaper published west of the Allegheny Mountains on the Daffodil Show Mrs Herman Wliitaker gave the lesson on clean 1 ing and refinishing furniture The next meeting will Tie June 2 Greetings Well hero we are well Into another month It just doesn't scan possible! There's so much activity going on Just take a look No 1 Personality of Week The other night at the Beta Club Banquet a certain blonde senior girl gave a darling tribute to boys rliaps you would remember Iter better as "Purina a country fled hill billy from tne senior playPick a Dilly Annette Clark is a pretty vivac ious and intelligent girl In her eighteen years site's accomplished so many things that we can only touch upon some of them today The daughter of Mr and Mrs Curtis Clark of Cleneyrie she has maintained an A standing having taken such subjects as algebra Latin English physics biology and social studies Tlih year not only was she a bund member Beta Club mranlxT I A inrmlier but she also was the co editor of the school newspaper and reporter of the TA Quite gifted in writing she plan to attend Murray College and major In English taking as much journalism is txisslblc Writing her only creative gift for she draws extremely well ami enjoys dress designing She milker most of her clothes which sliows just how creative she is Annette is always there ready and willing to help out whenever she is needed If the saying "A ye sow so shall ye is true then Annettes harvest will surely be plentiful Senior 1960 that meal utterly fabu lous!" When it's time for a LOANsee In a sincere effort to improve Our Service To YOU OUR CUSTOMER we ask that all of Donnie's friends when in the market for 1 new 1960 Chevrolet car or truck or good clean used automobile Please contact Donnie for the BES1 IN RIENDLY SERVICE and GOOD CUSTOMER RELATIONS WINDY HILL ARM JOE AND ROSE ST CHARLES OWNERS Modern Home Acreage Tracts Cropper Senion' Homemake Um Cropper Senior Homemnlrers met Thursday May 5 at tlm hom*o of Mrs ort Kelly with Mrs Lxmnie Shaw as co hostess Sixteen members were present and Mrs Ada Carter Home Demonstration Agent was also present Mrs Omar Roberts gave tlie de votional and Mrs George Bowles gave the landscape lessen and report Modern 4 Bedroom Home 5 Acres of Blue Grass Land The grounds surrounding the home are beautifully landscaped plus having a sunken flower gar den with a summer house and a stone grill The land containing 5 acres is mostly all in good Blue Grass has 236 feet of very valuable 60 frontage with a depth of over 1000 ft Additional acre age tracts adjoining the home will be available and will sell immediately following die sale of the Home 1 ract 6 Unimproved Acreage Tracts Excellent 60 rontage Beautifully rolling Blue Grass land with long valuable Highway 60 frontage ranging from 2 acres to approximately 4 acres each Most of these tracts have a frontage of approximately 150 ft with a depth of about 1000 ft INVEST THOSE IDLE DOLLARS IN GOOD INVESTMENT ALL Immediate Possession Terms 25 Day of Sale 25 with Deed in 30 Days Ralance in 1 year 6 Interest or all cash with Deed i This property will be conveyed by metes and bounds as shown by survey available to all terested Parties or urther Information Cal or See: OLE MOTHER EARTH THE SAEST ALL TYPES Home Construction NEW OR REMODELING Phone PA 2 5255 You can get $20 TO $300 on Your Signature Only or 4 other Popular Plans VAI I Choose Plan fl II I Select Payments get Payment Date WE LL HELP PAY THE INSTALLATION COST Inspirational devotional on "Strug 1 Mrs White th turned the pro gram over to Mrs Walter Ixigan I instructor of home economics at Simpsonville who gave a short talk I on home rc its purposes and accorn pllshments She in turn introduced Mademoiselle Betty Ixm Miller who I was the narrator for the home cc I and I1A style show "A Paris Cafe Alxiut thirty girls modeled their clothing whidi was made in their home cc classes To make the scene 1 complete several couples were seat I cd on stage IMis Evelyn Eades and Judy Perry Miss JudyRiester and Kitty Proctor and Miss Alma Crawford and Alice Russell Mary Janet Casey and Alice Russell were the chairmen of the style show Those wlo participated were Barbara Hardin Bonnie Burks Susan Miracle Sue Timmons Janice Wood Wanda Blevins Carole Moore Nancy Young Vickie Hum phrey and Martha Baumgartner freshmen Lillie Hedges sophom*ore Ruth Wayne and Allene Boswell juniors Carolyn Shouse senior Martha Chappell Evelyn Laollette Shirley Davis 'Patsy Phillips and Linda Smith sophom*ores Susan Miracle (2nd time) Barbara Hardin (2nd) lorence Hawkins Nancy Tingle Vickie Humphrey (2nd) and Nancy Young (2nd) freshmen After the style show Bonnie Burks freshman and District 4 Senior Demonstration champion gave her prize winning demonstra tion on making corn cakes She even gave out samples! Hie business meeting followed The new '60 '61 officers were in stalled by Mrs William Stone Proc tor They are as follows: Mrs John Caudill president Mrs Billy Gra vett Mrs A Geiger Mrs James Perkins vice presidents Mrs red White secretary Mrs New port treasurer Mrs Loury of the luncliroom was presented with a gift for she has just completed fifteen years serving on the staff By the way she is going to Shelby County High to manage the cafeteria there The TA also gave Mrs Casey past president a gift in appreciation for her senices as president The room count was won by Mrs second grade Devotional This week's devotional was led by Miss Annette Clark and Miss Betty Miller The subject was Your No 3 Personality of the Week anning is the future of our country That no doubt is a start ling statement however if any country is powerful and hopes to gain supremacy it must have food grain meat to eat and fn trade This field is an open one for many boys are leaving the farm for tlie city every day however some are attending or planning to attend Agriculture colleges to learn more about it One such boy is Bob Walters a very tall dark and handsome senior boy at SHS When asked what like to do in the future Bob modestly replies "Be a good fanner in Shelby And he is plan ning to do just that for he is en rolling at UK during the fall and he plans to major in Agriculture These goals probably originated when he was a tiny boy but es pecially at his enrollment in Mr James agriculture class in '56 did his dream blossom forth! He has been in the A for four years This year he is Chapter president and tlie North Central District reporter Although A and fanning occu py most of his time they occupy all his time for he is an active Beta Club member and car ries four rather difficult physics government English and agriculture Tlie son of Mr and Mrs King Walters Bob has two darling sisters Kitty a junior at Margaret Hall School in Versailles and Betty in the sixth grade at Simpsonville The Walters attend church at tlie Pres byterian Church in Shelbyville The future of our country looks very bright with regards to the future fanners and especially to Bob already an outstanding and well liked boy Congratulations We at Simpsonville School wish to extend our congratulations to Bobby McDowell junior at Simp sonville for his recent election of North Central District A presi dent and to Barry Smith senior for his nomination for a State A office These were announced at the Annual Awards Banquet for A in Shepherdsville May 6 Simpson ville Chapter A won a Gold Award there too No 4 Personality of the Week A big smile a cheerful and a glowing personality: these are the traits of one of our outstanding seniors at Simpsonville High School Betty Lou Miller is very active in many organizations She is presi dent or the HA and TA She is editor of The Bobcat Blab the school paper Also she is co editor of tliis column In HA she recently received her state degree which is the highest degree in HA Betty Lou is very active in her church the Simpsonville Christian Church She is secretary of the district CY and president of the lire seniors look sliarpl" These aro typical remarks of every one Wednesday May 4 Senlor Day al Simpsonville High A tradition nt Simpsonville Senior Day Is when all seniors dressup i suits for Ixiys and heels for mid thu cafeteria or school gives the seniors a special luncheon Certainly there wore never so many well dressed and good looking Imys and girls together under the same roof! The meal too was de licious and the seniors really want to thank Mrs Loury superintendent of the lunch room and her staff of capable workers for their time and effort to make this day a success Wc might utter thanks also to the first sixth and eleventh grades for their posters honoring the seniors uture Teachers Meet Briefly The TA had a very short business meeting Thursday May 5 The pur pose was to discuss the yearly ac a hayride to Mr John house It will be held on Saturday night May 21 at 6:30 Kitty Proctor gave us a devotional and lead us in prayer No 2 Personality of Week golden throated boy over there surely plays a mean trumpet" the musician rather surprisingly said to the band director Mr Walters "Yes he is good Practices every day! Talented And we agree Guy Vernon Jones is a good trumpet player but more than he's a good too! Cute and folly arc good adjectives to describe Guy He has a sharp sense of humor especially during trig class He was also nominated for King of the scliool or best look ing boy Ho is president and drum major of the band and has done some student conducting Altliough music Is more or less a hobby wo feel sure bo will continue it in college and throughout bis life Speaking of college he plans to attend the Uni versity of Kentucky and major in medicine Besides being active in Beta Club and various other school activities Guy the son of Nir and Mrs Ver non Jones is an active member of the Simpsonville Christian Church having been a counselor of a youth group He served as a counselor at fast Chi Rlx Camp (Guy has one brother Carl a freshman at SHS) really proud of Guy and we surely hope he continues in music for we feel he has a very unusual great and rich gift PTA Meeting and ashions rom The members of the Parent Teach ers Association of Simpsonville met Thursday afternoon May 5 for their fast monthly meeting of the school year Mrs James Casey called to order the meeting which was immediately turned over to tlie program diair nian Mrs red Wliite After the salute to the flag and singing of Mrs White gave a most local CY She is also assistant organist Her bobby is music In addition to her piano and organ playing she is a member of tlie Simpsonville band Betty Lou Kaye Smith and Judy Perry compose the Bclllones which is a very nice trio The Bell tones sound very similar to the McGuire Sisters Our very busy senior plans to attend Western College where she will study to Ixi a teacher Betty Lou we all wish you good luck and success in college and throughout your life Tlie Junior Prom Tlie junior class is very busy these days preparing for their prom which is to be riday May 13 at tlie school gym The prom king and queen are elected on a penny a vote basis A contest is now underway Each homeroom sponsors a junior boy and girl The candidates are as fol lows: freshman boys Kitty Proctor and Bobby McDowell sophom*ore boys Norma Shouse and Sonny Clark sopliomore girls Garland Harper and Woody ields juniors (Drake) Jo Stallard and Jimmy May field juniors (Adams) Jean Stallard mid Johnny White and seniors Judy Riester and Mike Williams The king and queen will be crowned at the intermission of the prom Jean Stallard and Johnny Wliite are now ahead in the contest with $927 Honor Roll Additions The following names were omitted from the third grade honor roll last week: Mike Kays Patsy Drury Kathy Jackson and Peggy Reed (Contributed by Waller Scott) BARNER REALTY COMPANY 410 6th Street "REALTORS" Shelbyville Kentucky Kingsolver Assoc Phone ME 3 1465 Col Hayden Igleheart Auct Along The Bobcat Beat SIMPSONVILLE HICH SCHOOL rfW KENTUCKY DIVISION US BREWERS OUNDATION VQ 1S23 Haybum Building Louisville 2 Kentucky frou Mi mnnth Monthly payments based on 1 manufacturer's suggested fac HI tory delivered price with down 36 month contract at 6 Interest with ederal taxes paid Optional equipment transportation state and local taxes if any extra Discover the ease and joya of all electric living and when you do your Rural Electric Co op will help ey the bill If you are a Rural Electric Co op mem your Rural Electric Co op will pay you '00 when you let electricity do the work in your home Contact your Rural Electric Coop Representative for details today RAMBLER Compare and see model for model Rambler wagons are priced well below competitive wagons and in many cases below the small sedans That's why Rambler outsells all 6 cylinder station out produces the two largest manufacturers combined! Model above is just one of 17 new Rambler wagons plenty of hat room leg room entrance and exit room See Economy the Rambler American that topped all cars in MPG in the Mobilgas Economy Run Save on price upkeep resale SEE YOUR RAMBLER DEALER Saturday May (DST) Located on 60 only 13 miles East of Louisville Ky about 1 Vi miles East of Eastwood Ky: and 10 miles West of oheibyviile Ky HUH hhhimi JL 4 511 7 1 i 111 1 I I wfiivi bitttrnn Rk a 4 A A 1 Vi 4dBP A '7 ZXSwSi rt 'sj 4 7 OIBH8anKMn I I I Amount Wwkfy Amount WMkJy Loun Piymtnt Lour Puywnt 75 $123 $200 $323 100 162 250 400 150 245 300 474 iiinniiiii IMS.

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The Shelby Sentinel from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.