The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

CITY NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1946 CITY NEWS GROUP ELECTS SLATE Holyoke Woman Head of King's Daughters Worship and service linked by contacous hich constitute of what he rital for society day. Her. Ralph Wion of South Had. ley told delegates 53th annual contention of the Hainpden and Hampahire County branches of the King's Daughters and Sons last nicht. duriar the Anal of an all-day convention In Park Memorial Church.

Aid Starving Rer. Mr. Wian emphasized the fur alling the starving propies of the world with a true sense of tor. wyng that "tangible and spiritual gifts must be presented to them." He that often there 1s frulty twist between worship an-! service a the Individual more of personal glory than of cullectise help. Loo reation delegates elected Paul Exer of Holyoke prraident for two year term.

during the afternoon Named to sene with her was the following slate: frat rice-prest. dent, Ira. Frank Bellern af Holyoke: second Mrs. Franck of South Hadley: treasurer. His Lonio Heinritz of Holyoke: acretary.

Mrs. J. Shiney Crake of South and Mrs. Howard Carew of Monsa. D.

v. Darling of this city, Mi Susa this Local Notices REMORIAN said for at Sorta Died Main I the a. Harlal Stella I Ace Heart 87 Hats Rosary ta masters the 383 with 391 Headas from Hotels, Wet. 3 horse. Sea a will an John Want funeral Varial Sprachield, the the home Gor River hate Sater.

Bartal to Ladles. Hassan Hubbard 33 Funeral chedist Church. Hubbard St. anar at Burial in Leland may call at the hip gas bome Saturday from In Chiroper. the Mary Panoral Monday morning funeral home.

requiem in "burch Bartal to Stasolass Cemetery. LIVINGSTON this rity. the 19th. O. Foneral late home.

College at 2 lock. BurGraham fucharge. la thin city the Nell Marriott Mr. and Ralph Funeral funeral lock. Park Cemetery.

ham. the 10th. ner 631 Angela of the Macare: (McCarmick) in Chapel. Road. 30.

Nurlal Cemetery. Framiacham. Hospital the 4 Planks. rille, Conn. Fuheld from the Browne 1:1 Thomp.

Men las Service Petsandre at Burial in 3 Dar Are. the Funeral Clinton will funeral saterday afternoon -ill Bertal Farms Cemetery the 9th. Thomas J. St. Funeral from Monday morning hick Churrh mare st of regatem Burial Hospital the Joseph Syper Palmer, from morning at fol.

bich Burial In Miss 169 Kari city, Mime Georgia Houston of Chicopee. and haplain, Sirs. Howard Hammond, also of Chicopee. "There is great need for worship. if this worship is to bo more than for man is made in the image of God.

mere ritual, there must be adequate experience In line of service." urted Rev. Mr. Winn. He sald that unless this realization is forthcoming. the road to a third work condict is certain pathway for the peoples of the slote.

Tiffany, retiring president, preaided at the afternoon session which featured talk by Mrr. Herbert La Trull of Boston, head ur the churetis branch. Mire. Trull gave news of the state organization. Deaths SIRS.

MARY HOPKINS Mrs. Mary Cornella Denison) Hopkine, widow of Charles S. Hopkins, died in her home. 236 Dwight Street Extension Friday night. She waS born tn Jan.

23, 1839. and tired In Springfield for the last 38 yearn. She Iraves two daughters. Sir. Corianna I.

Dunbar and Miss Vernie F. Hopkins, and grandron, Robert Duntar, all of this city. Funeral services will le held Byron's funeral home, Monday at 3.30, with Rev. Jack Dalys officiating. Hurtal will be in tirove C'emetery.

MISS M. BENNETT Jims Stella Bennett. 69. of Main Street, Agawam, at her home Friday morning. She born in Agawam Nov.

37, 13:6. the daughter af Seth and Martha (Noble) and had lived there all her life. Sites Hennett was a descendant of the family, one of the origInal Acawam families, the 11th direct descendant Timuthy Couper who basalt the Art church in He was one of the first selectmen of Springfield. and was killed In the Springfield massacre. was member of the Concrezational Church In Agawam.

She leaves a sister. Mrs. Georke Rred and niece. Willis Shaylor. both of The teral will be held at the of the Dickinson -Streeter Company.

Sunday afternoon at 1.30 with an organ at 1. Interment will be in Center Cemetery, Agawam. Friends are reaucated to omit flowers. SUITE F. GREEN Samuel 43.

of San Antoonus, Tex. died at Houston. on May He was World 'War I retran, commander of American Legion Fret 420 la San Antonio. He leares his mother. Ira.

Mary Clark, and one brother. George F. Green. both of Funeral services are In charge of the Byron funeral home, an! will be announced later. Burial be In Oak Grove Cemetery.

JOIN If. HONGES tery. VEITER John Hubert Hodger, 78. of 7 Winchester Street. died Frilay morning in Springfield Hospital Horn In Cuth.

bert. he lired here for the past sears He was employed up his retirement several years ago Janitor the Westinghouse Manufacturing Company and was member of the Alden Street Baptist Church. leases three sons. 1'11- ham. Benjamin and Jacob.

all of this cis and three daughters. Ira. Lillian Taylor, also of Springfield, Mrs. erick Macaic. of Brooklyn and S.

La Knighton, of Georgia. The fu. neral wit! be held Monday afternoon at 1.30 from Bryon' funeral home and burial will tee in Oak Grove Cemetery. F. REIJ.

T'Ulliam F. Rally, busband I Elizabeth G. (Fitzpatrick) Reilly, died Friday niebt in home at 57 Fedcral Street. He was born in this city, son of the late William and Margaret (Sweeney) Reilly. and had been emplored as foreman by the Departmeat of Streets and Engineering.

Ile past president of the Street partinent Foreman's Club and a her of Holy Name Society of Latheparish and our Lady of Sorrow Retreat Besides his wife, ho Ira res his mother, Mrs. Margaret Rellly: two brothers. John J. and Thomas two sisters. Miss Margaret W.

Reilly and Miss Anne M. Reilly. all of thie city. Funeral will be held from the Gleason funeral home, Monslay at a time to be announced. A solemn high mass of requiem will be held in St.

Michael's Cathedral and burial will be In St. Michael's Ceme- Mr. Martha Adele (Brazec) Leaver. widow of Joseph O. Veaver.

died in her home, High Street. Friday night. She was born in Enfield. June and lived In this city for the last 29 vears. She leaves a daughtor, Miss Marjorie Louise Vraver, in this city: a brother.

Raymond Ta Brazee and Fister. Miss Maude A. Grazer. both of Westfield. She member of First Congregational Church.

Funeral services will be held at Byron's funeral home, Monday at 11 with Rev. Dr. William F. McCormack officlating. Burial will be in lane Hill Cemetery.

Westfeld. The funeral of Oscar F. Carlson of Longmeadow Street, Longmeadow, wan held at Byron's funeral home Friday with Rev. Dr. John Homer Miller officiating.

Mrr. Ruth likherg was the soloist and honorary bearers were Edward ljrim, br. Fred A. Brags. William Cronin, William France, Myron Stevens, A.

W. Fettle, Duzgan. John Duzgan. Ar. thur S.

Hall. Wilson Olney. Robert King and Oliver Smith. Active bearers were Howard J. Smith.

Hector J. Luster. Howard A. Wheeler, Leon Hutchins, William Rising and Paul Sturte rant. Burial was in Hillcrest Cemetery.

The funeral of Mrs. Julia A. Laurin) of Williams Street was held at Bryon's funeral home Friday. Rev. H.

la Moure officiating. Burial was in Oak (trove Cemetery. The funeral of Eugenio sora of 11 York Avenue was held frown the I. M. Forastiere Son funeral home Friday morning followed by high mass of requiem at Mt.

Carmel Church at which Rev. Turri P'iazzi was brant. Bearers worr Andrew J'arFrank P'asquarella. Danny Sacco. Fitzi Angelo Santaniello and James Fore.

Rev. Leo Sella read tho committal service at the crate in St. Michael's Cemetery. The funeral of Michael Semkiewicz of 39 Church Street was held Friday morning from the funeral home. followed by a requiem high in St.

Peter and St. Paul's Orthales Rev. Joseph v. KIlmonicz offliated. and read the cummittal services In Oak Grove Cometery.

Beurers were Kanstantine Alexander Korol. Ignat Stepchuck. John and Paul Kabakowicz and Russell G. Streeter. The funeral of Dr.

Joseph B. Powers of 26 Suntelair Street was held Friday morning from the Tylunas funeral home with solemn high mass of requiem following in Our Lady of lope Church. Rev. John Me Donahl was I celebrant of the mass, Rev. Francis O' Pourke, deacon and Rev.

R. Cashman who also read prayers at the stare In St. Patrick's Cemetery In Chicopee Falls, was subleacon. Bearers were all members of the Kennedy Post of the American Legion and included Ambrose Whalen, WIItam Blais, Roger Whitey. Ledger IP.

beau. Frank York and Bernard J'attancall. Fr. Cashman was assisted at the grave by Rev. Thomas Dunn of Rosary Church In Clinton.

The funeral of Mira Stella MI. Ben- Board of Appeals Hearings June 4 Will Air Pleas for Code Variations The Board of Appeals announced yesterday that on June 4 it will give public hearings at City Hall on a petiof the zoning ordinance to use a tion of Edras Benoit for a A variation building the rear of 42-44 Berkshire Street 10 manufacture toys and children's furniture, and to a petition of Adrienne and Hilda Bissonnette for 1 variation the building code to permit the conversion of a 1 w0- family house at 46-48 Quebec Street, Indian Orchard into a three-family residence. On June 6 the board will give public hearings on a petition of Stella I. Harris 'for a variation of the zoning ordinance to permit the use of a fivestall garage Union Street for automobile repairs, and a petition of John D. Techan for a variation of the zoning ordinance to make alterations to his dairy building at 125 King Street.

On June 11 the board will give hearings on a petition of Eugene LaClair for variation the zoning ordinance to permit the construction of an open front porch at 53 Seymour Avenue and a petition of Walter and Stanley, Tarka for a variation of the zoning ordinance to permit the construction of an automobile repair shop at 1514 Boston Road. Ministerial Exams Will Be Conducted Will Be Part of Methodist Conference Examinations in conference courses of which will be given dates the ministry on the openstudyr ing day of the 150th New England Conference of the Methodist Church which starts Wednesday in Wesley Church, and continues through May 19. Bishop Lewis O. Hartman will conduct first service of the convention the same day at 7.45 p. m.

in the sanctuary of the host church, assisted by Dr. Maurice Bullock, superintendent of the Springfield District and Dr. John Hoon, Wesley pastor. Mayor to Speak Mayor Daniel B. Brunton will offer an address of welcome to the city the second day of the convention, at the morning session at 8.30.

The morning will be given over to business sessions and at 12.43 p. m. the luncheon meeting of the Veterans of the Cross will be held at the Bay Street Methodist Church. An anniversary service for the board of evangelism with Dr. John W.

Dustin of Mt. Vernon Place Methodist Church in Washington guest speaker is scheduled for 3.46 p. m. that day. the closing day of the conference, the annual love feast will be held in Wesley at 9 a.

led by Dr. C. C. 1'. Hiller, former pastor of Wesley Church and former district superintendent of the Lynn district.

Bishop Hartman will deliver the sermon at the 10.30 Sunday morning service in the sanctuary. Dr. Hoon will preside and the Wesley Church choir and quartet will sing. The closing session will be at 3 p. m.

with Bishop Hartman presiding at the ordination of deacons and elders and the reading of appointments. of. Councils To Have Breakfast lumbus this town, Indian OrLUDLOW. May 10-Knights of Cochard and Wilbraham, will attend the 7 o'clock mass Sunday at St. Jean Baptist Church and receive communion in a body prior to adjournling to the school hall for the annual communion breakfast, William R.

Barry, superintendeht of schools in Northampton, is the speaker at this function, one of several planned in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the local council. Members who live in vicinity of Indian Orchard will meet at the council roms at 6.50 a. m'. and join with Ludlow members in front of the school here. The committee in charge is headed by Selectman Aldie J.

Letourneau, Canice J. Wallace, ticket chairman, and Grand Knight William Ellis. It also includes Eugene Beauregard, Harold Benoit, Elmer Picard, Michael Gigliotti, William Selby, James Coyne. Raymond Nolan, Joseph Cerow, Lionel Gamache, John Shea, Edmund Lepine, Charles Allard, Peter Thompson, Patrick O'Connor and Joseph Coyne. Gun Range Lease Effective May 15 home.

Mrs. Bertha St. John are cochairman. were filed yesterday at the office of City Clerk Clifford W. Smith: Edmund Devens Payne, 100 Quincy Street, elevator operator.

and Edith Mary Brown, 100 Quincy Street, hosework. Lee Goodrich. 837 Main Street. foreman, and Elizabeth Hartmann, 18 Wheeler Avenue, inspector. William Francis Douglas, 73 Bradford Street, machine operator, and Louise Marie Franklin, 26 Plymouth Street, machine operator.

Joseph Walter Niziolek, 143 East Street. Chicopee Falls. armed forces. and Ethel Eleanor Bordeaux, 33 Florence Street, at home. Chester Joseph Zenone, 40 Foster Street, wood worker.

and Thelma Louise Penna, 40 Foster Strept, personnel supervisor. Kenneth Arthur Zemla. 56 Gold Strect, printer, and Mary Rita Shea. 33 Gold Street, clerk typist. Carl William Nordstrom.

62 Temple Street, student, and Rhea Anita Bolsvert. 23 Walton Street, Chicopee, stenographer. Hervey Lewis Smith. 235 Queens Lane. Palm Beach.

physician, and Nellie D'Ette Holmes, 127 Sumner Avenue, at home. Donald Brown Webber, 97 Belvidere Street. student, and Katherine Carroll Bradford, 19 Brittany Road, Longmeadow, at home. Morris Leon Stoeckland, 2112 Main Street. laborer, and Shirley Mary Thomas, 5 Crystal Avenue, at home.

MARRIAGE INTENTIONS The following marriage intentions Favor Romanticism In Public's Voting Art Exhibit Visitors Cast Ballots for Choices Tabulation of votes cast so far at the Spring Purchase Exhibition in the Museum of Fine Arts shows that Romanticism is regaining public favor. The visitors to the exhibit are asked to vote for their favorite painting and the painting receiving the most votes will be purchased by the museum and placed in its permanent collection. Leading Thais Far Leading in popularity is Ruth Ray's "Pied Pipe Hunting Ridge." It is a striking work with miniature-like perfection in detail. It shows a young piper racing on horseback through the hills, playing the pipes and being followed by other racing horses all standing out with cameo-like sharpness. The painting has a beautiful sheen texture, the lighting and colour are surrealistic in nature and one horse, startling blue black is balanced by a brilliant red drape in the center of the painting.

It is mythical in subject and belongs to the new romantic trend which is being called new Also romantic in treatment is Adolf has second place in popularity. It Dehn's "Love, Labor, a Leisure" which show's a mythical but realistically portrayed farm scene where everyone is either fishing, going hunting or making love, except for the artist in the center busily painting. In Third Place In third place is John Wilson's "Youth." It is the work of a Negro artist showing a young couple of his race in a nocturnal scene holding hands and evidently dreaming. The fourth in the hit parade is "Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn" by Richard Bergere and tied for fifth place are Peter Hurd's "The Anvil Clouds" and Victor Tischler's "Hunter." The voting shows that the public still wants its paintings naturalistic. but it is turning from illustrational realism to the escapism of another world of romanticism in subject matter.

If this is An indication of the trend of -war art it is a hopeful sign and speaks well for the future of our culture which it will considerably effect. The show will be open until June 2 when the final count will be taken. East Longmeadow Church Elects, Hears Reports EAST LONGMEADOW. May 10- The annual business meeting of the Congregational Church was held Thursday evening, preceded by a supper served the church committee. Edmund R.

Sawyer was moderator of the business meeting. Reports of officers and committee chairmen were read and approved, all showing a year of activity and progress. The treasurer's report showed a substantial sum in the treasury as did the report of the Ladies' Aid Society. The budget presented by the finance committee was adopted and the following officers elected: moderator for year, Edmund R. Sawyer; Clerk, Mrs.

Kenneth Gurney; urer, Carl Hofman; assistant treasurer, Miss Mabel Ellis; School superintendent, Mrs. Fred Samble; assistant superintendent, Mrs. Stewart McClenaghan; auditor, Sanford Belden; deacon for four years, Julian Hockenberry; deacon emeritus, Frederick A. Wheeler; junior deacon for two years, years, Charles Linder, trustee for year, Charles Spencer; in trustee a for three Arthur Frey; finance committee for three years, Deane Clark; property committee for three years, Lincoln Cruikshank; missionary committee, Mrs. Laurence Davis; church committee for year, Mrs.

Charles Poole, Bruce Bonner, Lloyd Corbett; church school committee for one year. Mrs. L. A. Dibble, Mrs.

Gurney, and Philip Monte: music committee, Mrs. Irene Barker, Mrs. Lloyd Corbett, and Mrs. Stewart Robinson. The ating committee were: Sherwood Cronk, Robert Allen, and Sanford Belden.

Resignation of Carl Hofman as a trustee was. accepted. It was voted to as the wreck the Robinson wooden block on building the known church a property, which was recently damaged by fire. The four tenants the building will be given ample time to vacate. It was also voted to install an automatic gas or oil burner in the parsonage to replace the presburner which has proved unsatisfactory.

Ludlow Center glory of motherhood" is the topic of LUDIOW I CENTER, May Rev. Arthur Kermaris sermon for Sunday morning in First Congregational Church In observance of Mother's Day, Floral tributes will be given to the oldest and youngest mothers present at the worship service at 10.45. The Young People's Group will meet at 7.30 in Rood Hall. The Ludlow Lions Club will hold a regular supper-meeting at I Rood Hall Monday evening at 6.45. David Bartlett, district governor, will pay an official visit this meeting and will 'speak on "What Lionism means." A musical program has been arranged by Clarence Fuller.

Mrs. Robert Munsing is in charge of the supper arrangements and the dining room activities are under the direction of Mrs. Fred Melberg. Hampden ALASKA PICTURES WILL BE SHOWN HAMPDEN, May 10-Sunday ing devotional service at the l'ederated Community Church will begin at 10.30. "The faith that is In the subject of the sermon by Rev.

Arthur Sanders. Church school will for tional held service. concurrently Sunday with the evening devo- at 7.30, Rev. Vernon Ta. Booker.

will give an illustrated talk on Alaska, Rev. Mr. Booker spent two years as Church. The slides Nomen u80 with minister of the Moderated his talk are in natural color and many show the beauty that is Alaska. This meeting will be open to the eral public.

There will be no meeting of either the Hampden Youth ship or the FSF group as they will attend the evening meeting. Rev. Arthur Sanders will Attend the meeting of the Congregational Conference, which will be held In Holyoke on the first three days of next week. He will also attend the Methodist conference, which will he held in Springfield on Wednesday, Thursday. Friday, And Saturday.

BANKERS ELECT Springfield Union Photo TRINITY BANQUET--Mothers and daughters at Trinity Church donned party best last night for. their annual banquet. Guest: at the head table included the sextet pictured. above. They are, left 10 right: Mrs.

Gerald Cassady and daughter, Carole: Mrs. A. Ashley Carroll and daughter, Patsy Ann, and Mrs. Walter Anderson and her daughter, Karen, Odd Collection At Hobby Show Antique Bells, Minerals and Stamps Exhibited A collections of antique bells, minerals, stamps. razora.

dulls and buttons comprised a hobby show held last night at St. James Methodist Church by members of the Women's Society it Christian Service. Entertainment featured the dances of Barbara Raynex and Rarbara LoMarcolo, by Joyce Fortune and Dorothy Russell and a comedy act by Warren Three Men Taken To Hospitals Here Athol Softball Player May Have Fracture Three men were taken to local hos. pitals by the police yesterday after. noon and evening.

Thomas Golden. 39. of 137 Riv. erhead Strret. Athol, suffered a sible fracture of his right ankle at p.

m. when he slid into second base during A softball game at the West Street Playground. de way removed to Springfield Hospital by l'atrolmen J. Albert Murphy and Michiel Sayers. Glenn Wyatt, 25, of 17 Oak Strect Was unable to breathe In his home At 5.63 p.

m. and was removed to Wesson Memorial Hospital. It was reported that he suffered a possible beart attack. Frank Halstead of 166 Union Street injured his head when he collapsed and fell against a building at 984 Main Street in the afternoon. 11e was removed 80 Memorial Hospital.

Giblin Would Give Full Time In the first statement issued in his campaign for the Republican nomination for register of deeds in Hampden County. Faward F. Giblin of 76 Cambridge Street announced yesterday that it is his intention. if nominated ami elerted. to give full time to the duties of that office.

Giblin said that it is his settled opinion county officials should relinquish all outside activities it elected and he promises that if given the nomination and election he will live up to that promise. There are several changes which should be made in the recording of records to simplify the task of title searching. he beand he says ho will treat with those suggestions in later statements. Educated in Springfield schools, Giblin learned the printing trade in The Union's composing room, and later joined The Union editorial staff and the last 20 years has been assigned to the Superior Court and the Hall of Records where he daily examines the varlous instruments which are entered. This experience is believed by his friends to give him a first hand working knowledge of the office, which is largely administrative.

City Valuation Is Up $6,556,930 The summary sheet at the Board of Assessors today showed a total valuation of 191G taxable property as being $238.399.315 of which $232.141,813 is real estate and the tangible personal property amounts to $25,637,410. The total figure represents a gain of $6.536.930 over 1945 when the sum amounted to $251,812.385, it was learned yesterday, following the announcement Thursday that the Springfeld tax rate for 1946 would be $35 per thousand. The total valuation still stands a long way from tops of the boom scars. However the inerrase is welcomed by the city officials AN the Arst halt In a downward trend of some years. Court Records Superior Court, Friday Judge William C.

Giles, criminal jury session, heard evidence case of Martin O' Meara, 73. of North Granby, charged with operating auto while under influence of liquor, jury convicted defendant, cite continued to Monday. Judge Felix Forte. civil Jury segsion, trial completed and jury to l'eturn sealed verdict Monday in suits of A. C.

Transportation Co. against Horace B. Sornberger. and suits of Blanche Swiattouaki and city of Springfield against George A. LaBombard and A.

C. F. Transportation Co. auto accident, Milton J. Donovan and Furl H.

Wright for transportation company, Louis Ilenin and City Solicitor Stephen A. Moynahan for city and Blanche attouski. Probate Court Judge Thomas H. Stapleton, grantel two divorces and heard probate petitions. nett.

69. of 179 Main Street. Agawam, be held at the parlors of the Dick-Streeter Company funeral home Sunday at 1.30. Interment will be in Center Cemetery, ArAwam. Friends are requested to omit flowers, CHICAGO, May 10 (Al') The American Industrial Bankers Associa.

tion today elected C. C. Dutton, Parkersburg, W. president; and George M. McClure, Chicago, chair.

man of the hoard. Mother's Day Parties Are Held Daughters and Parents At- tend Church Events The tradition of Mother': Day was carried out in party style al two churches last night as mothers and daughters of all ages sat down to festive banquets at Trinity Methodist Church and Enunanuel Congregational Church. Approximatoly 260 persons attended the 201h annual event' at Trinity Church of which Mrs. J. Allan Hunter was general chairman.

Entertainment included Mrs. Betty Bacon Blunt who drew series of sketches for the nudience, and Mrs. Walter Anderson who presented a group of songs. Tostmistress for the Trinity party Mrs. A.

Ashley Carroll. A toast. to the mothers WAS given by Carole Cassady, with the response offered by Mrs. C. Nelson Butler.

Jr. Mrs. I. Huches Wagner gave the blessing. Following a similar pattern, mothers and daughters at Emmanuel Congregational Church enjoyed an evening of fetivity which included a play.

"Let's Give Mother a Rest," and al program by pupils from the Springfield servatory of Music. Toast to dauchters was delivered by Mrs. Robert Murdick and a response was given by her daughter, Miss Ruth Murdick. No Dimout Is In Sight Here The Western Massachusetts Electric Company reported yesterday there is no immediate prospects of a dimout in this area. They said that the electric utility companies in New England are interconnected for the exchange of power and are closely watching the situation in order that there will be no acute shortage in any one area.

Allister R. Tulloch, secretary-treasurer of the Employers' Association of Western Massachusetts. said vesterday the actual denial of coal supplies industries in this locality would in itself not increase the seriousness of their positions for the time being. Most industries in this area, he stated, utilize coul for heating purposes only. Since no curtailment of any great extent had been indicated to date in power for this area, their power situation seems to he OK.

goal numher of firms utilize oll for heating and for some of their processes. therefore the coal restrictions, themselves, would not cause any serious repercussions for the time being. BISHOP'S SILVER JUBILEE SEPT. 8 The 25th anniversary of Bishop Thomas M. O' Leary's consecration as head of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield will be Sept.

S. Thursday the 25th anniversary of the date on which he received notification from the Vatican that he had been made a bishop by the Pope and that he would preside over Springfield diocese. It is probable that suitable commemoration exercises will be held for the erent in the fall. Bishop O'Leary Is now years old. GILBERT RE-ELECTED EMPLOYERS' HEAD Dr.

Edwin C. Gilbert, treasurer of Perking, Machine and Clear Company WAR unanimously elected president of the Employers' Association of Western Massachusetts, at the annual meeting of the Board of Directheld Thursday in lotel Kimball. Dr. Gilbert is serving his third year as president. William T.

Brown, vice-president of and Chicopee, Sidney was W. elected Stevens, vice president of Western Electric Company, an honorary member of the Board of Directors. FORBES WALLACE Charles of the Real and FLOWERS SCHLATTER'S M. MAY ST. 12 INCHON ST.

we Hillcrest Park Cemetery and Mausoleum fat 2.4517 25 Harrises Are. LOTS AND CRIPIS SOLD ON EAST PATMENT PLAN later matisa de Laquest I Rivera Burial Colors As It Covers A few a smooth dash and you even-up your complexion, enriching your own skintone. This creamy base also adds a flattering veil over minor blemishes or freckles, and even covers those dark circles that may underline the eyes. In shades for all skintones. 1.00 and 2.00 Plus Tax Charles Toiletries, Main Hoor LUDLOW.

May 10-Selectmen are in receipt of a letter from Springfield Armory advising 'that the Armory is taking over Poorman Gunnery Range under the present lease to the Government as of May 15. 1946. It is planned to start firing on that date. It will be necessary to close the Reservoir Road or to restrict its 1150 ag may seem possible. Suitable warning signs and obstructions will be placed at each entrance.

Officials at the Armory wish to warn persons around the area and those who have been using the Reservoir Road of the danger involved by using the road through area as of May 15. (Moore) will be held Sunday The funerara of Mrs. Hannah at 2 in St. Paul's Methodist Church. The body may be viewed at the Kapinos funeral home Saturday from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9.

Mrs. Hubbard died Wednesday afternoon at her home, 32 Chestnut Street, after a long illness. Veterans Service Agent George Martin announced tonight that World War II veterans are exempt from paying their 1946 poll tax bills. The veteran must, however, visit the assessor's rooms and obtain form to be Alled out to abate the taxes. Rev.

Leslie L. Fairfield will celebrate holy communion Sunday at 9.30 at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and preach the sermon. Magna Circle, of will observe Mary's Day Saturday at St. Matthew's Church by attending the 7.30 mass and receiving holy communion in a body.

All women are invited to attend this service, to honor Mary, the Mother of Jesus. "Supper in liollywood" will be held Tuesday evening, May 21, in the of rooms by members of Magna Circle, of I. The party will be in the form of a smorgasbord and reservation must be made by Saturday. May 18. "Mrs." Tom Brenneman will preside, and the evening's entertainment will consist of awarding the wishing ring, an orchid to the oldest lady present, the readying of good neighbor letters, A prize for the funniest hat.

Mrs. Isabella Rohan, Mrs. Kathryn Griffin and Mrs. Bertha St. John are cochairman.

WALLACE 1 To Mother With Love On Her Day, Sunday, May, 12th TALC MUGUET COTY MUGUET MUGUET da Bois Muguet des Bols Gift Perfume The sweetest story ever told in fragrance. Tender as a sigh precious as a promise, Muguet des Bois, catches tho essence of romance the heart-turning perfume of liliesof-the-valley. Perfume 1.00 2.50 5.00 Toilet Water 1.00 1.83 Dusting Powder 1.00 Talc All Prices Plus Tax Toiletries, Main Floor 1 4. p..

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.